Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 836

"Dare you

Hua Jingtao is shocked and angry, and the strength of dragon fist blows out again, straight through Meng Ran's back!

"Painting tiger like dog, this kind of vulgar boxing, also matches the word" dragon "

Just like the young man in white of the God of war in the fire, he just shakes his head slightly and gives him the same way!

The blue dragon like fist force breaks through the air, and the lifelike roaring dragon actually tears up Hua Jingtao's true spirit dragon with one claw, and attacks the Luomen giant directly!


Meng ran smashed half of his shoulder by Meng Ran's fist, and he drank violently. The whole man, like a bull, rushed to Hua Jingtao's body, roared, and then burst out with just one punch.

Just like a shell coming out of the chamber, the white fist blows out angrily, leaving a white tail gas in the night sky, tearing the air, and banging with Meng Ran's dragon like fist force.

A vast surging force of Qi burst out and turned into a ripple of Dao Dao Qi. It swept out, blowing people's clothes and making hunting noise.

In the blink of an eye, all they heard was "poo Chi". King Kong's body, which can be smashed even by armored vehicles, was pierced by the force of dragon shaped fist!

King Kong's heart has been turned into a piece of meat, leaving a through wound about the size of a bowl on his chest. His eyes are wide and he falls to the ground.

One of the six giants of Luomen, King Kong, the God of war in the Middle East, die!

Everyone was stunned.

Anyone can't imagine that the powerful Roman giant in the Middle East can't even stop this young man!

In front of the fist strength like the real dragon, the invincible body of King Kong Narai, who is famous for his fame, is as crisp as paper paste.

You know, King Kong's body can be hard anti heavy machine gun fire!

This human shaped killing device, that's it So dead!?

In front of this scene, anyone feels too unreal, just a pair of oil ran out of light, the young man turned his hand and killed the Luomen giant!

"Ah! My hand! My hand

Meiji's screams, like a head of cold water splashed on the heads of these experts. I saw this attractive red rose. Her long red hair, which she was proud of, had been burned away by the frost white flame. At the moment, staring at a naked head, she couldn't see a trace of funny, only desolate.

One of her arms was torn off by Meng ransheng. At the wound of her shoulder, she could see the white flames beating and the sound of "zilazla" barbecue.

The sweet and sweaty beauty was really frightened by the strange flame like the maggot of tarsal bones. The knife awned in the palm of her hand, and her red lips were bitten by her teeth.

Then wave the awn of the knife and cut off the burned part of the shoulder!

"Little bastard! I'm going to kill you! I will kill you

The miserable maiden, like a devil, roared madly at Meng ran, no longer half teasing.

"Sith! What are you doing! My Luomen masters have already been injured like this, you hurry

At this point, Hua Jingtao did not care about the noble status of the elder Sith, and directly roared at him.

In a short time, after 12 days of death and two injuries, many experts who were completely in panic could not wait any longer. Except for the elder Sith and the Lord of Roman, the rest of the masters were all thundering!

When Meng ran, who was about to burn her arm into a piece of fly ash, was humming coldly, and the intention of killing rose in her eyes.

"Today, Meng has dyed Lake Tai with the blood of heaven and man."

Language down, Meng ran foot suddenly knot ice crystal, ice and fire with the body of the force, come out again!