Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 831

No one thought that, in the face of the siege of the twelve powerful heaven and man, the first person in the Huaxia tianbang with less than half of the remaining Zhenyuan dare to take the lead!

"Meng ran!"

The elder Sith looked at the shoulder length broken arm of the family master and let out an uncontrollable roar.

Then, the five vampires seemed to be greatly stimulated. They all showed their crazy faces. Not only did they show their sharp fangs covered with white mucus, but the back of their black robes was like an inflatable ball, which inflated infinitely, and then burst open with a loud "pa".

Suddenly I saw a pair of blood red wings, which were born from behind these five people!

The blood wings flash, and the five vampires are filled with blood. The bloody breath on their bodies is no less than the demonized Shen lingcang above the Lake Tai!

At this moment, the vampire who was angered by Meng ran finally showed his true face!

Blood pupil, fangs and claws are the three most obvious characteristics of vampires, and this kind of vampire is the lowest level of existence in the vampire family.

The earth's vampire clan, after landing in the realm of heaven and man, can stimulate some of the vampire clan's unique strength, back born wings, power is infinite!

This level of vampire, is undoubtedly the strongest vampire existence!

These top secret information, even with Ning Feixuan this special department leader's identity, also can't know!

Even the six giants of Luomen, who saw this behind the scenes with their own eyes, also showed a trace of fear. Even if they were on the back of this winged vampire, they were not sure of winning.

But once the flesh is injured by a vampire, even the God of war in the Middle East is absolutely inevitable, and can only face the end of assimilation!

This is the root of the Kate family's domination of Western Europe for thousands of years.

At this time, the whole Lake Tai, presumably there is only that young man in white, so I don't care about it.

"Elegant? How are you? "

Meng ran, who rescued Mu Qingya from the hand of blood palm, injected part of her magic power into Mu Qingya's body, which eased her injury slightly.

Meng ran just a knife, cut wound is to catch Mu Qingya three people's Kate family master!

Although Meng Ran's current mana is only 30% of that of his peak period, even the semi God level strong can't react to it!

"Meng Meng ran? I'm not dead? "

Mu Qingya gradually wakes up, and Zhang Junmei's face in his eyes gradually becomes clear. Hurt by the mental power of Meiji, the blood in her eyes that has not dried up drips with tears, and moistens Meng Ran's white leisure clothes with blood.

"It's OK. You'll be fine with me. " Meng ran wipes blood and tears from the corners of his eyes for mu Qingya. He tries to suppress his killing intention.

Every time for mu Qingya wipes away a tear, Meng Ran's intention to kill Meiji is a high point.

"Meng ran I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I did that to you... " Mu Qingya, with tears in his eyes, hugged Meng ran, afraid that he would leave himself again.

She really regretted, how she hoped that the conflict in Wuyin villa could stand firmly with Meng ran, instead of being confused by family blood.

"It's OK. It's all over."

Meng ran didn't say much. Now that the catastrophe of his life and death has come, he has no time for him to care.

"Cluck cluck, what a pair of crazy men and women. I didn't expect that my brother was so kind and righteous. Elder sister, I really couldn't bear to kill you."

Red dress beautiful woman enchantment Ji, amorous feelings of all kinds of teasing way.

Meng ran turned a blind eye to this, but he handed Mu Qingya to Hua Mingfeng. He appeared in the air with a seven foot sword in his palm. He protected the three people behind him and faced the whole twelve heavenly beings. He said indifferently:

"this matter has nothing to do with you. Take her away."

Meng Ran's temperament has always been a matter of life and death. Even in the battle of shenjiazhuangyuan, Meng ran was confident that he could protect Zhang Tao from danger.

But now, he is to Mu Qingya and others to leave!

Only because this time, too ran Xian Zun is doomed!