Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 824

Long after the company's off-duty time, the entire Fengsheng company is now only left with Su Fangfei. If in the past, song Shuling would often stay to work late into the night.

Now, Meng Jialing has developed all the new models because of her new style.

"It's so late. Who can it be?"

Su Fangfei a little surprised, see the caller ID, doubt deeper.

Wang Zhonghua?

In Su Fangfei's impression, Wang Zhonghua's daily work can be described as meticulous, but after work, it appears mysterious.

On weekdays, company gatherings are rarely attended. Unless song Shuling personally invited her, Wang Zhonghua basically declined even Su Fangfei's invitation.

And recently, Su Fangfei has been investigating Wang Zhonghua's every move in the company. On the surface, it seems that Wang Zhonghua is innocent and can't be any more innocent.

But Su Fangfei still found clues, that is, Wang Zhonghua has been keeping in touch with Yanjing!

This makes Su Fangfei puzzled.

We should know that Fengsheng company is mainly engaged in female brands. In recent years, the company has just established a firm foothold in Jiangnan, and has not expanded business to Yanjing at all.

Su Fangfei instinctively thought that Wang Zhonghua was still in contact with the Jiang family in Yanjing, so she ignored this clue and did not tell Meng ran.

"Strange, what did he call me in the middle of the night? Is it possible to perceive that I am investigating him? " Su Fangfei frowned and Linglong turned her mind. She had already thought out the words in advance.

However, the words from the phone made Su Fangfei one of the stunned.

"Fangfei, are you free tomorrow? The eldest son of Xue's group wants to invite you to dinner tomorrow. We have business to discuss with Fengsheng. Would you like to go with me? "

Wang Zhonghua's voice was sincere and gentlemanly. He seemed to be in the same generation as Su Fangfei. He had no reason to refuse.

But the woman's intuition told her that there was something wrong with it!

Su Fangfei, the Playboy of Xue's group, has heard of it for a long time, and is also notorious in the south of the Yangtze River. Many beautiful young girls have been adjusted and played by him.

Su Fangfei cleared her throat and said solemnly, "vice president, as far as I know, Xue's group is a famous real estate company in Jiangnan. They don't seem to be interested in cosmetics industry?"

Wang Zhonghua on the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect Su Fangfei to say so. He was stunned, but he quickly explained:

"naturally, it's because of the name of" pretty girl ". Xue Shao is very interested in our new cosmetics. If we make an agreement, it will be a great help for us to open up the Jiangnan market! Fangfei, it's time to lose

Seeing Su Fangfei's silence, Wang Zhonghua said earnestly:

"Fangfei, Xue Shao's back is the third largest family in Jiangnan! If he is a client, it will be sooner or later for Fengsheng to take off. Then Shuling's burden can be relaxed. Can you bear to see her work for the company all day long? "

Wang Zhonghua is indeed a veteran in the business world. He has a good grasp of people's psychology. With a few words, Su Fangfei has an irresistible reason!

Seeing Su Fangfei's promise, Wang Zhonghua took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "that's a deal. Tomorrow morning, at 9:30, Jinhu District East Road," love at first sight "cafe."

Having said that, Wang Zhonghua did not give Su Fangfei the chance to refuse, and immediately hung up the phone.

"Love at first sight? Isn't that a famous couple cafe in Beijing? Vice president he... "

On Su Fangfei's face, a touch of anxiety immediately appeared. Instinctively, she wanted to call Meng ran and ask for Meng Ran's advice.

"Well, the Shen family is the second largest family in the south of the Yangtze River after all. It must be hard to deal with. I can't let Xiaoran be distracted by my affairs."

Can think of Meng ran left before the Shen family that hate, Su Fangfei is finally give up this plan.

At this time, Xue Longqing was sitting on the armchair in his study, tasting the red wine specially provided by Western European winery, but facing Wang Zhonghua who hung up the phone, he asked nervously:

"how about it? This Su Da beauty, but she's hooked? "

Wang Zhonghua slightly bowed down and said respectfully, "yes, it's a promise, but she seems to be aware of something. She seems to have some vigilance."

Hearing this, Xue Longqing got up immediately, patted Wang Zhonghua heavily on the shoulder and said boldly: "good! After Longqing has enjoyed this gorgeous beauty tomorrow, what is Mr. Wang's need

Then, in this luxurious and atmospheric study, there came the treacherous laughter of two foxes, big and small