Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 817

"No! Never let this bloody slave escape

Mengzhuang's face is too cold as expected.

Meng ran thought that there would be a master in the Shen family. He even predicted that he would come across Shen lingcang, who is immortal for a hundred years. What's more, he can't figure out why there is yellow blood in Shen lingcang's body.

Although the power of Huang Xue is strong, if Meng ran Xian Zun's power is not lost, if you want to kill Tianfeng, you only need a finger!

However, Meng Ran's cultivation is so weak that he can't afford to be protected by heaven and earth.

Today's war, even if Meng ran breaks through the boundary of Fen yuan, the result will not be such a mess, let alone Shen lingcang escape.

As you know, changhongshi is one of the most powerful techniques of mengran! Its power is by no means comparable to the cold!

Using this taboo sword, Meng ran still hasn't killed Shen lingcang. What's more, his internal strength is unbalanced. Meng Ran is really angry in this war.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is the changhongsplit, which is too terrifying. With Meng Ran's current strength, he can't control it at all. If he is forced to use it, he will surely bite back!

It should be noted that even the power of Changhong's splitting was not revealed.

As a taboo Sword form, Meng ran, who first entered the realm of xianzun in the last generation, was able to kill a whole star territory with this sword!

Even the nine immortal sects bow their heads and bow their eyebrows to the forbidden sword of shangmeng ran.

This is the reason why the "one sword destroys one clan" that shocked the universe in those years!

Just after the fight with Shen lingcang, Meng ran wanted to kill the blood cloud with Changhong to kill Shen lingcang.

Although the blood cloud was destroyed, Meng ran still underestimated the power of Huang blood in Shen lingcang's body. If it had not been for the protection of Huang blood, Shen lingcang had just been seriously injured and would never have escaped.

Now, Shen lingcang's escape has become a foregone conclusion. Meng ran must kill him!

Blood slaves, a kind of living creatures, must report their hatred for the human race. Compared with the Jiaolong people, they have no less resentment.

This ancestor of the Shen family has been completely demonized by Huang Xue. If Shen lingcang escapes to a densely populated city, tens of thousands of people will die!

A god blood devil escaped to the mortal City, it is simply killing!

Shen lingcang was hurt by Meng Ran's sword light. Although it is not fatal, his physical strength must be limited. For him today, blood is more effective than the spirit of heaven and earth!

Although the blood of ordinary people can't match the blood of the descendants of Shen family, once the amount is enough, Shen lingcang is afraid that he will return to the peak soon!

At that time, Meng ran, whose internal power is out of balance, will no longer be his opponent!

"Since Shen lingcang was born because of me, this evil must be destroyed by me."

The young man in white, who is awe inspiring to kill, actually gives up the operation of the ethereal and illusory formula to regulate the wound. The whole person stands up in awe.

"Xiaoran, your injury?" Zhang Tao and others see that Meng Ran's mouth is still overflowing with blood. They are all worried to the extreme.

But see Meng ran Meng's foot, "give me the town!"

Suddenly see boundless Xia Guang from Meng ran Qi Fu Chong Ying, covering the whole body!

With Meng ran as the center, it is surrounded by a square meter. It is immediately covered by blue ice crystal, like ice and snow, like a dream.

Ice in the void!

Meng ran was actually in order to suppress the imbalance in the Qi mansion, and forcibly suppressed several bodies with ice attribute mana!

You know, Meng Ran's strength today is comparable to the earthly divine realm. Even if it's Sapphire glazed body, it will suffer a lot of damage!

"Xiaoran, are you?"

Zhang Tao, shivering by the terrible temperature, became more and more uneasy in his heart.

The young man in white, whose face was frozen, caressed his fingers on the eternal acceptance ring, and the snow-white keel folding fan immediately appeared out of thin air, like a miracle!