Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 801

At the same time, there were twelve figures in the hidden underground conference room of Wuzhou City!

These twelve people together mean that Eurasia is the most powerful force in the world!

Together, these twelve people are the great powers of Western Europe, and they have to bow down and submit to the throne!

Only because these 12 people are all the world's masters who enter the realm of heaven and man!

This night, the Roman and Kate families, the two superpowers across Eurasia, came together because of a certain teenager!

In the world of warriors, there have always been people asking, if Roman chose to join forces with the Kate family, what would be the terror of that force?

And this time, the answer is finally revealed, this power, enough to kill the immortal!

"Elder Sith, the heir of your family, I'm afraid this banished immortal is not with you. In my opinion, it's very likely that Ryan was imprisoned somewhere in Jiangzhou

Respectfully standing beside the Lord of Luomen, Hua Jingtao said politely.

Kate is the representative of five generations of Western Europe. He is the most powerful person who conquers Western Europe.

The first one was an old man who was slightly old, but his skin was as tender as a baby. In addition to the old breath on his body, anyone who saw him felt that he was in his prime.

His name is Kate Sith. He is the elder of the vampire family and the housekeeper of the Kate family. He handles all the affairs of the Kate family.

Besides, he is the teacher of the successor of the Kate family! Ryan was taught by him.

The Kate family's trip to China was the Sith commander.

This ambitious housekeeper not only wanted to save the family heirs, but also wanted to capture the exiled immortal!

The blood of banished immortals has a fatal temptation for vampires. They even plan to keep the banished immortal in captivity like cattle and sheep, and raise them for nothing.

What they need is an endless stream of blood from banished immortals!

In standard English, the elder Sith said hoarsely, "lain, we will save ourselves. This time we join hands with you Luomen, the most important thing is to capture and kill the banished immortals of China. Do you really know his whereabouts?"

As the great elder of the vampire clan, Sith's status in the family is much higher than that of the master. Facing the Lord of Luomen, he is naturally qualified to be equal.

So at the moment, in the whole underground conference room, only the two of them are sitting in their seats.

The rest of heaven and man are strong, all hands tied Gong Li, silent.

The Lord of Luomen, who was wearing a pair of presbyopia glasses, coughed heavily and said with a smile: "don't worry, elder Sith. William is the most outstanding killer of Luomen. His reclusive body method can't be broken. The whereabouts of the banished immortal in China are always under his surveillance."

The vampire elder in the black robe nodded slightly, but could not help asking, "shall we start tonight? Where is the banished immortal now? "

Hua Jingtao took the initiative to explain: "the banished immortal is now living in the Shen family in the south of the Yangtze River. The Shen family is one of the great martial arts families in China. Among them, the one who is strong in heaven and man is in charge. As far as we know, the banished immortal seems to have a grudge against the Shen family. This trip is bound to conflict with the Shen family. "

"Boss's opinion is that we can kill him when they are both defeated. At that time, we can not only capture the young banished immortal at one stroke, but also destroy the Shen family and defeat the power of Chinese martial arts. We can kill two birds with one stone. "

After hearing this, the elder of the vampire clan obviously agreed with him. He was about to speak. At this time, a burst of great energy swept the whole Wuzhou City!

The Lord of Luomen and the elder Sith "Shua" stood up, their faces were shocked, and they said: "this power What's the power? "

"God state!"