Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 799

"It's really the realm of God It turns out that the myth of martial arts is not a legend, but a real existence! "

Shen does not stop looking at the big hunting robe. For Shen Xinghan, whether it is the divine realm or Shen lingcang, it is like a legend, annihilated in the dust of history.

Even if Shen Jiagui is the first martial Taoist family in the south of the Yangtze River, he knows little about the legend of martial arts. In the near future, those who have disappeared in China have long since disappeared.

As one of the most talented people of her age, the Shen family has just stepped into the realm of martial arts master. Her true spirit is far away.

For Shen Xinghan, the realm of heaven and man is the realm she dreams of. As for the myth of martial arts, Shen Xinghan doesn't even dare to think about it.

But now, a living myth of martial arts appeared in front of her, or the ancestors of Shen family who should have died!

"Ants, I will devour you all today!"

The figure of the demon God who bathed in blood roared up to the sky, and his body shape soared like an inflatable ball.

In Shen Xinghan can't believe in the eyes, but see this Shen family ancestor, originally dry arm, thigh, actually is fierce bulge up!

In the blink of an eye, the original skinny skin was replaced by muscles cast like steel. Then, Shen lingcang's body was heard to make bursts of "crackling" sound, which was the height of the joints in his body!

At this time, you can see the bloody figure, which is more than two meters tall. The whole body muscle is like a dragon. It contains enough strength to destroy the heaven and earth.

Shen lingcang's five claw boa robe, which he was qualified to wear, had already been broken. The bright red flower plume on his head was also missing. His white hair was replaced by long black hair.

In only half a minute, Shen lingcang, who was old, looked like a young man!

What makes Shen Xinghan's hair stand on end is that this should be a handsome ancestor of the Shen family. His arms, chest, neck and even his face are covered with blood like cobwebs, which is like some kind of extremely evil tattoo, which is very weird.

Shen lingcang was filled with blood, and his eyes were red. Suddenly, the sky above Shenjiazhuang garden was like thunder and lightning, crackling. A great spiritual force swept out like a mountain roaring Tsunami!

In front of this spiritual force, Meng ran and Shen Xinghan are weak as if they were a lonely boat, and would capsize at any time!

"Not good!"

Meng Ran's face changed completely.

Shen lingcang, who has devoured all the aura of heaven and earth and countless blood essence of the descendants of the Shen family, has completely recovered!

Compared with the first time, the combat power is at least doubled or even more, especially the vast spiritual power, which is too difficult for Meng ran, who has not yet cultivated his mind.

Once the brain is hurt by this mental force, I'm afraid it will turn into dementia on the spot. It's hard to cure the wound of spirits.

"Break it for me!"

With a big drink of Meng ran, the dazzling green light appears!

The young man in white, who is covered with glistening green light, is as beautiful as a demon. The dazzling blue divine awn is emitted from the dark pupil, which collides with Shen lingcang's Red God awn, and makes a loud noise in the void.

Boom! Boom!

When these two forces collide, the whole Shenjiazhuang garden is shaking, and even the Calm Lake Tai is full of violent ripples.

Taking the collision place of the two gods as the center, the whole land is agitated by it, and a destructive energy is generated, which spreads out in an instant and sweeps for tens of miles!

With the sound of thunder, the Royal Manor given by the Qing emperor collapsed!

It's like being run over by a bulldozer!

In front of this sweeping energy, whether those elegant and quiet buildings, or the later expansion of western style western style buildings, are turned into a piece of rubble!

In the twinkling of an eye, the Shenjiazhuang garden, which has been inherited for nearly 200 years, was destroyed overnight!