Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 791

Different from the luxury and noble spirit in the Shenjiazhuang garden, this ancestral hall is in a state of decline. The green brick ground is covered with moss, and the corner is covered with cobwebs, which is a desolate scene.

The ancestral hall is dedicated to a memorial tablet of the Shen family's ancestors. On the desk and in the censer, there is a thick layer of dust. It is expected that no one will clean the ancestral hall except for worshipping ancestors in the Spring Festival.

As the place where the Shen family worshipped their ancestors, it's hard to imagine why the descendants of the Shen family left this ancestral hall at will. This is a great disrespect to the ancestors!

"This is Breathing!? There are indeed living people in the ancestral hall! "

As soon as he stepped into the ancestral hall of the Shen family, Meng ran dared to notice a breath as thin as a gossamer, like a man who pretended to be dead!

If it was not for Meng ran who had already built the body of sapphire glaze, it would have been impossible to hear it.

Just as Meng ran was surprised, he saw Shen Tiannan bow to the ancestral tablet of the Shen family. Then he got up, and the real spirit of his palm came out. It turned into a gust of wind and pushed away the table containing the memorial tablets of the Shen family!

The table covered with red cloth is pushed three or four meters away by Shen Tiannan's palm. You can see what was covered by the table, and Meng Ran's eyes instantly condense.


Under the original case table, there is a black lacquer coffin!

Although it is a coffin, this square coffin is extremely luxurious, comparable to the Royal coffin.

The whole coffin is made of Phoebe and mixed with natural crystal stone. The coffin is dark, but there are gold lines around it, which carves out pictures.

The most important picture depicts a middle-aged man with a long knife on his back, kneeling in front of the Imperial Palace and receiving a reward from the emperor.

"It's Bingjing Lingyu!? The man in the coffin is not dead! "

Meng Ran's eyes were full of magic power, and all the scenes in the coffin fell into his eyes. He saw that the coffin was lined with a layer of blue ice crystal, crystal clear, like a wisp of water blue gas wrapped in it, like a dream.

Ice crystal jade!

What is the status of the people in the coffin? It was so luxurious that they created a small ice coffin for themselves with ice crystal spirit jade!

You should know that ice crystal spirit jade is too rare. In ancient times, only emperors and nobles would use it to make ice coffins, because Lingyu contains a lot of ice aura, which can preserve the body from decay.

Meng ran saw ice crystal Lingyu for the first time on earth, or from the big Biao in beirao county.

At this time, Shen Tiannan apologized to the coffin: "ancestors, offended!"

As the words fell, Shen Tiannan clapped his palm on the coffin board and nailed the seven coffin nails of the Jinsi nanmu coffin, which was immediately shaken out.

As Shen Tiannan moved the coffin away, the temperature of the whole Shen family ancestral hall instantly dropped to freezing point, and a cloud of frost and cold air flowed out of the coffin. Shen Tiannan's eyebrows and whiskers instantly formed a layer of frost.

Turning a blind eye to this, Shen Tiannan stares at the person who should have died in the coffin. Then he turns his head fiercely and looks at Meng ran full of resentment. He says grimly: "little beast, you forced me!"

After that, Shen Tiannan cut his right hand finger sharply against his left wrist. The breath from his fingertip directly cut off the blood vessels of Shen Tiannan's wrist. The scarlet blood flowed down like a spring and poured into the coffin!

"Blood sacrifice?"

Meng ran was surprised, and his face was amused. He guessed that he might be. He stood still and did not intend to stop him!