Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 787

"You little bastard who doesn't know the height of the earth, dare to come to my Shen family..."

The Shen family master's voice did not fall, the blue knife awn has already torn the sky, horizontal kill.

"Are you a master?"

This group of high-level Shen family finally realized what they were, and their faces suddenly changed.

Facing Meng Ran's blue sword, the master of the Shen family had only a blue flash in his pupil. Then the master of martial arts separated his body and head and was no longer conscious.

The head that tumbled to the ground was full of horror and horror.

"Young master! He is a young master An old man in black suit called out.

"Judging from his age, he is clearly less than 20 years old, a 20-year-old master!? I remember. Is he the first one in the list of heaven? "

A senior member of the Shen family said in a trembling voice that he thought of Meng Ran's identity, only felt that his legs and stomach were cramped.

Meng ran, with a single hand-held knife, is walking step by step towards this group of Shen family high-rise people. He turned into a suiluo, but he didn't want to waste a word with the Shen family.


The long sword in Meng Ran's hand, which is pure condensed from the magic power, is like a sickle in the hand of the God of death, reaping the lives of Shen family experts.


There was only one scream. Five heads were cut off by Dao Qi. In front of the Shen family hall, five more bodies were added!


Shen Xinghan, whose face was pale, leaned against the doorframe and trembled. She knew that Meng ran had a grudge against the Shen family, but she didn't expect to reach such a level of immortality.

Judging from Meng Ran's posture, it seems that if you don't kill all the members of the Shen family, there is no possibility of stopping.


The sound of broken mirror rings again. A martial arts master who has realized the state of condensation and qi transformation is killed by Meng ran even though he uses vigorous Qi to protect his body.

"Cousin! Stinky boy, I'll fight with you

The Shen family masters who killed red eyes rushed to Meng Ran's body with their fists and swords.

Meng Ran's face is still indifferent. He looks as if he has nothing to do with it. He cuts out his Sabre Qi mechanically and reaps the life of Shen family experts.

"Damn it! Why doesn't he step back!? Do you really want to die? "

These arrogant Shen family masters, who are usually superior and arrogant, are really afraid of being killed by Meng ran.

Because they found that no matter how much they attacked, the young man in white did not step back, nor did they even exert his vigorous spirit. They let his fist strength and sword light explode on him.

But the next moment, they could not say a word.

Only because Meng Ran's seemingly thin body has blocked all the attacks of this group of experts!

Whether it's the true Qi and fist strength of the master level master or the palm blade of the martial arts master, they can't hurt this young man!

"He Is he a man or a ghost!? Why can't we do him any harm? "

Seeing Meng ran undamaged, this group of Shen family experts are already in complete despair.

At this time, Meng ran, like a tiger who broke into the sheep, was simply killing.

Half a minute later, with the last scream, more than 20 senior members of the Shen family were killed by Meng ran!

Red blood in front of the lobby, into a pool of blood, shocking, rich smell of blood is a few to nauseous.

In the lobby, Shen Tiannan, who witnessed the bloody scene, was also scared to his chest. Although Shen Tiannan was a hero of a generation, he was ruthless, but he never did such a crazy massacre.

You know, this is a modern society!

In a modern society with sound legal system, there are still people who dare to do such a thing!? Is he not afraid of the anger of China!?

What makes Shen Tiannan's heart even colder is that even after harvesting so many human lives, the young man still does not mean to stop