Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 772

At the same time, in a hidden underground conference room in Wuzhou City, Jiangnan Province, six people were sitting in front of each other.

Although these six men tried their best to suppress the tyranny of their bodies, there was still a thread of pressure that was enough to make a martial arts master kneel to the ground and could not even lift his head!

Six gods and men!

They are Maggie, Cassius, Liusheng piaoyue, Hua Jingtao, William, the king of killers and King Kong, the God of war in the Middle East!

Any of these six people here are enough to rank in the top ten of China summer list, especially Hua Jingtao and Liu Sheng piaoyue, who have hidden their strength. If these two people make all-out efforts, even the top three in the list, they will have the power to fight against one of them!

This is the inside story of Luomen. Who dares to break the Luomen, which has been guarded by the six peerless heavenly and human beings and has been crossing the Eurasian continent for decades!?

At this time, even the lazy and provocative woman in purple dress, Meiji, also put away her charming and unbearable lazy look and sat at the conference table with a solemn look to the extreme.

Not only she, but also Cassius and the king of killers, who usually have different S-level flame abilities, dare not quarrel with each other. They are respectful.

Just because of the strong members of the Kate family, we will gather with them in Wuzhou tonight to kill the immortals!

The Lord of Luomen, who was sitting on the main seat, coughed heavily and said slowly, "since that old thing of the Kate family wants to fight, I don't need to worry. When besieging the young banished immortal, let this group of vampires do it first, and then we will kill him when we force him to kill the real dragon in the holy land. "

"I'll obey you!" the six giants said in unison

The Lord of Luomen nodded with satisfaction and sipped a dragon well of Taihu Lake, and then he said coldly:

"I have already said hello to the Chinese side for the action tonight, and they will try their best to suppress the news. But even so, Jiangnan is the hometown of martial arts, and there are many experts. We should fight and decide quickly to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Everyone is respectful and bow down.

Hua Jingtao said with some worry: "boss, according to the information from the intelligence side, Meng ran came to Wuzhou this time, and the monster didn't seem to follow him. In my opinion, he was aware of something, so he hid the monster somewhere before he came to Wuzhou. "

The Lord of Luomen nodded thoughtfully and ordered: "arrange personnel to thoroughly investigate the whereabouts of the banished immortal in Beijing a few days ago, and find out the position where the demon may be hidden by him. This monster is of great importance and must be seized."



At the time when Luomen master was plotting to kill the banished immortals, a cross-country jeep with Jiangbei military region license plate sped across the highway, setting off smoke all the way.

There were two men and two women in the car. The driver was a skinny young man with black glasses.

As the skinny monkey with the best drag racing technology in the special department, his palms are sweating and wetting the steering wheel.

What made him collapse was that the speed had already reached the maximum speed, and the aunt beside him was still urging him.

"Drive faster Has been a pair of cold appearance of Ning Feixuan, so it is impatient.

Only half a day ago, she unexpectedly learned that the Western European Kate family master, unexpectedly also rushed to the south of the Yangtze River!

The reason is that Meng ran captured the successor of Kate family, Lane!

Kate's family is furious and wants to wash away the shame of the vampire clan with Meng Ran's blood!

However, what really worried Ning Feixuan was that Luomen masters also gathered in Wuzhou City!

Now, all this can not be more obvious. It is obviously that Meng Ran's identity has been exposed. The two major forces of Luomen and Kate's family are determined to jointly kill the first person in the sky list!

Even Meng ran did not realize that on this day, a world shaking massacre has come!