Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 750

Meng ran and Su Fangfei stayed by the Jinghua bridge for a long time, and also talked for a long time. For her younger brother, Su Fangfei wanted to know what happened to him and why he got such a powerful power in the world.

For this problem, Meng ran really wanted to tell her, but the mystery of rebirth, even Meng ran himself has not really solved, and the secret involved is too shocking.

Before Meng Ran has not completely found out the behind the scenes of the earth, no matter who, his rebirth, Meng ran can not say.

If the secret of rebirth is exposed, Meng ran will be pursued by the whole world!

He, who has lost the power of immortality, can not really be the enemy of the whole world.

So for the source of her own magic power, Meng ran just told Su Fangfei that the time had not come, and that on that day, Meng ran would reveal the secret of rebirth.

For this biggest doubt, although Meng ran did not explain, Su Fangfei was already satisfied.

She knew that the boy standing in front of her was the best man in the world!

18-year-old general, tianbang first man, fighting martial arts myth, this 18-year-old boy, with the power of the world to explain, what is invincible earth!

This night, Su Fangfei almost took Meng Ran's hand and strolled in Beijing all night. She tried all kinds of delicious food, good drink and fun.

In the end, Meng ran flies through the skyscrapers in Beijing, carrying the beauty of Su Da. Although Meng Ran has not stepped into Fen Yuan state and can't fly in the sky for a long time, it is still easy to fly through the sky for a short time.

After a night of crazy playing, Meng ran sent Su Fangfei home.

Fuhua Hotel, presidential suite.

Meng ran sits cross legged, quietly refining the fire attribute power sealed by himself in the Qi mansion. These fire attributes are naturally Meng Ran's fire power which was stripped from zamas by virtue of the magic formula of Wanhua.

In the days when he was shut down in Qingxiu East residence, Meng ran only refined zhamas' middle-class huolinggen, which improved his spiritual root qualification, but it was still too far away from the top grade.

Don't underestimate such a refined qualification. Meng Ran's speed of refining flame power has been increased by 40%!

"It will take at least a month to refine the power of this flame, but I don't know whether it can help me break through the boundary of Fen yuan after being completely refined."

Meng Ran is uneasy in his heart. He always feels that something big is going to happen, which can make xianzundao's heart throb. It is not an ordinary disaster.

Meng ran guesses that it is likely that the Luo Men and the Kate family set up a terrifying situation in the south of the Yangtze River!

And what makes Meng Ran's heart uneasy is that the dragon horse has been exposed!

During his trip to Jinghu Lake, Long Ma, aware of the power of Huang Xue in Hua Jingtao's body, instinctively developed hostility and thus was exposed to Luo Men's eyes.

After long Ma appeared, the ecstasy and salivation in the eyes of Hua Jingtao and King Kong did not escape from Meng Ran's eyes.

"It seems that the birth of the dragon and horse on that day still disturbed some old monsters who had been hiding for several years on the earth. With their knowledge, although they could not really recognize the identity of the dragon and horse, they were absolutely aware of the extraordinary nature of the dragon and horse, so they coveted it."

Meng ran Ruo is right, that mysterious Lord of Luomen is absolutely covetous for this little guy!

On the way to Fengsheng, Meng Ran has been operating the secret art of perspective all the time. Fortunately, Meng ran did not find anyone following him.

I think it's Meng Ran's act of seriously injuring King Kong, which has already made them hard pressed.

"God's realm is not obvious. No one can hurt me in this world. Since I want to kill Meng, I'd like to see how much you will pay!"