Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1852

Song Anqi's cute and charming luoliyin is clearly transmitted from Meng Ran's smartphone.

It seems that she is a little shy, with a little twist in her voice.

Meng ran, who listened to song Anqi's words clearly, was stunned.

"Go back to dinner? We have just arrived at the Meng family. What are you talking about, angel? "

Meng Ran's voice with three points of confusion and seven points of doubt, from song angel just words, she obviously just saw himself!


But Meng Ran is now living in the ancestral house of the Meng family! How can you return to Xiufeng mountain separately!?

Just a few words have already made Meng ran smell a sense of uneasiness.

After hearing Meng Ran's reply, Xiaoni Zi obviously didn't react and said, "ah? But you didn't follow me just now... "

However, without waiting for song Anqi's voice to fall, Meng Ran's mobile phone was grabbed by Meng Chang'an, who was holding Meng Ran's collar!


"Pa!" A crisp sound of.

Meng Ran's smart phone was smashed to the ground by his own father. The broken plastic mobile phone case and lithium battery burst out!

"Daddy, you?"

Meng ran was stunned.

"You son of a bitch! I brought you in to apologize to Zixuan and Chen Yu! You don't know why you are wrong now

Meng Chang'an was livid by his son's anger, his whole body trembled, and his teeth clenched. He raised his hand to slap Meng ran.

But when this Chang'an talented man, to Meng Ran's indifferent eyes, only feel the air in front of his hand, as if mingled with a great force!

The palm of Meng Chang'an's fan in the air is too late to fall!

"Dad, I'll take care of my own marriage."

Meng Ran's expressionless face reveals this sentence. Song Anqi, who is far away in the villa of Xiufeng mountain in Jiangzhou City, listens to the hanging sound of "Dudu Dudu" on her mobile phone. On her pretty jade face, she is full of doubts and bewilderment.

"Yes, brother Meng ran and aunt Ling went to Lingzhou. How could they come back suddenly? But I didn't admit that I was wrong. The man just now is brother Meng ran! "

Looking at the smart phone in her hand, she fell into deep perplexity for a moment

The camera goes back to about 20 minutes ago.

Jinghua foreign language school, Jinghua City, Jiangnan province.

With the ringing of the class bell, the history teacher holding a pile of teaching materials slowly walked into the classroom of class five of senior three.

The original chattering men and women, instant convergence, one by one sitting in danger, ready for class.

Looking around, you can see a beautiful girl with short hair full of youth. Her arms are on the desk, her hands are holding her fragrant cheeks. She looks like she is missing her lover. She is looking forward to the scenery outside the glass window.

"Lingzhou city in Jiangbei? What is that place after all, where is xiaoranzi's hometown? Hum, why can this villain skip class all day and go out to play, but I still want to study here? It's not fair! "

Think of the telephone porridge with Meng ran last night, Yin Qingxue is a pair of piquant lovely appearance.

Because it is history class, this kind of boring book knowledge, the most drowsy.

Half of the classroom, the whole classroom only the young woman history teacher chattering.

"The Abang palace, known as the" first palace in the world ", was built in 212 BC by the state of Qin and is now located in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province."

The young woman teacher, who was telling the history of the state of Qin, was upset when she saw the listless students.

Her sharp eyes swept under the platform, and she caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl who was wandering in the void, and immediately cried out:

"Yin Qingxue!"

However, at the moment, Miss Yin, who is missing someone, has never heard the teacher's roll call.

"Yin Qingxue! Get up and answer the questions On the spot, the history teacher's voice.

"Snow! The teacher asked you to answer the question. Get up Liu Wen, a good friend at the next table, quickly pushed Yin Qingxue.


Yin Qingxue stood up in a daze.

"Who burned the abbang palace?" Young woman history teacher, rolling eyes, not angry asked.

Miss Yin, who had just returned to her senses, was about to open her mouth when she suddenly felt a familiar transparent figure staring at herself outside the window!


After a short period of silence, the classroom of class five in senior three burst out with a roar of laughter.

"Ha ha ha, I'm so happy. It turns out that the abbang palace was burned by Yin Xiaoran!"

"Knowledge is up! It's really knowledge-based! "

Standing on the platform of the young women's classroom, the textbook in her hand fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Yin Qingxue! Go out and stand for me