Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1151

Now Chen Ziyang, who has reached the semi divine realm, can clearly sense that the terrible force is crossing the void and attacking the helicopter directly!

"Ziyang? What's up? Why do you look so ugly Ning Feixuan obviously also noticed the change of Chen Ziyang's face and couldn't help but have a little doubt.

Ning Feixuan is only A-level ability. In terms of realm, he is comparable to the master of martial arts. He can't detect the subtle fluctuation of truth in the air.

"No! It's the blood devil

Chen Ziyang, who reacted in an instant, burst into a drink.

However, he saw the light blue and vigorous spirit shining all over his body. He actually grabbed Ning Feixuan, and then he aimed at the helicopter cabin without thinking about it. With a big hand, he blasted out!


A deafening explosion sounded, and half of the helicopter was smashed by Chen Ziyang!

Chen Ziyang just pulled Ning Feixuan out of his body. A fierce and incomparable bloody Dagang has already been chopped in the air!

The two pilots of the armed helicopter, even before they could make a scream, turned into a ball of fire with the helicopter and exploded in the sky!

"It's Shen lingcang's Dao Gang!"

Ning Feixuan, who survived the disaster, could not help but look white, and her delicate body could not help shaking.

If Chen Ziyang hesitated for half a second, all of them would be buried with the helicopter, and there was no body left!

At this time, Ning Feixuan, who was still in a state of shock, realized the light blue color and vigorous Qi that protected the two people. Chen Ziyang was like a man of heaven, stepping on the void and overlooking all living beings!

"Ziyang You Your accomplishments... "

As for the martial arts, once they step into the master's realm, they can display their vigorous Qi to protect their body. As for those who stand in the sky, they must understand the unity of heaven and man before they can do it!

Although Chen Ziyang is a practitioner of Dharma, he can't do it either by protecting his body and vigorous Qi or by standing on the ground!

But now it is Ning Feixuan's own eyes to see, the answer will be only one, that is, Chen Ziyang has stepped into the realm of a real person and become a Dharma practitioner!

Chen Ziyang did not explain. At the moment, he had already felt three strong breath and galloped towards them!

Two of them should be Du Wuxiang's brother. As for the bloody God rainbow that has appeared at the end of the sky, who is it!?


Chen Ziyang murmured, his thumb and forefinger were like a sword, and his sword was holding the sky. The peach wood ancient sword came out of the sheath in response to the sound!

It seems to have spirituality. After drawing a perfect arc in the void, it is actually stable and floating at the foot of ningfeixuan.

"Sister Xuan, it's only more than ten kilometers away from Jinghua. I'll send you back to Jinghua first with" the real secret of imperial sword. ". I will stay here to fight against the blood devil with two elders to buy time for you! You must transfer the people in Beijing safely, and never let the soldiers of the 73rd brigade lose their blood in vain

Chen Ziyang, in his white clothes, was upright and solemn, just like a brave and chivalrous gentleman.

Ning Feixuan was really fooled by Chen Ziyang's words. He had no intention to ask about Chen Ziyang's accomplishments. There was a twinkle in his beautiful blue eyes. Looking at Chen Ziyang's eyes, he could not help but feel a little more complicated emotion. He focused on Chen Ziyang and called out:

"Ziyang, you must live!"

But with a wave of Chen Ziyang's sleeve robe, the peach wood ancient sword carrying ningfeixuan turned into a green rainbow and shot towards Jinghua!

Looking at the back of Ning Feixuan's departure, Chen Ziyang's mouth slowly raised a radian of conspiracy.

"Xuan Mei, I sacrifice my life to save you. This love should move you!"