Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1142

Nearly a hundred b-32 Cobra fighters and dozens of armed helicopters were destroyed with one knife. Such fierce magic power has completely awed the 73rd brigade!

Those drivers driving steel beasts and infantry soldiers with submachine guns were already pale, and their dark green uniforms were wet by the cold sweat from their backs.

In the face of such a demon like enemy, even the well-trained soldiers will be afraid!

However, at the moment, the blood color of the knife awn, the strength has not been exhausted!

The whole curtain of heaven swept away the blade of the world, and cut off the world. Hundreds of soldiers who did not have time to escape were killed on the spot!

It's raining blood all over the sky.

Encounter knife awn cut plain land, it is to split a few meters deep huge ditch!

Gullies and gullies, the current is so fast that they cut the underground river out!

"Jie Jie Jie..."

In contrast, Shen lingcang, although he was attacked by heavy firepower before, his body was badly damaged, but now the blood rain all over the sky seems to be the biggest booty of the blood demon!

With the blood demon's roaring and sneering, he waved his hand and sprinkled the blood in the square miles. It turned into a bloody silk ribbon and floated to the demon figure standing in the sky!

The rolling blood beads and the aura of heaven and earth are mixed together and turned into boundless blood clouds. In the blink of an eye, this martial art myth is shrouded in it, leaving only a mass of blood that keeps moving!

From a distance, Shen lingcang's original sky was occupied by a bloody cocoon!

Even if the sword master Du Wuxiang, looking at the big cocoon of blood, there is also a sense of pressure!

It's hard to imagine what kind of devil is wrapped in the blood cocoon!

"Blood cocoon! Master said! Once the blood demon steps out of the blood cocoon, his lost real yuan and his injuries will all recover! "

The three heavenly beings behind Du Wuxiang lost their voice in horror.

Even Chen Ziyang, who has always been indifferent, looks the same.

No one would have thought that at this moment, Chen Ziyang had the idea of swallowing the blood demon!

"This Shen family ancestor can not only survive for a hundred years, but also can devour other people's blood essence to recover his accomplishments. If I can absorb his skill with" swallowing the yuan Jue ", even ten Meng ran will not be my opponent! At that time, will Chen Ziyang be invincible in the world? "

Chen Ziyang only felt his whole heart beating violently!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

At the time when Chen Ziyang was plotting all kinds of conspiracies, the scholar swordsman with green scabbard and broad belt of E guanbo opened his mouth with awe:

"three younger martial brothers, it seems that Shen lingcang's skill has recovered, and may even surpass the middle of the divine realm! This is the only chance we have when we are cocooning! "

When I heard Du Wuxiang's surprise:

"tie up! Four elephant Jue Tian

Accompanied by a clanking sword, Du Wuxiang's magic soldiers behind him, and he came out of the scabbard!

At this moment, the heaven and earth are shaking. It seems that there are thousands of swords in the void. The heaven and the earth are swords!

Du Wuxiang, holding a long sword in his hand, leaped into the air!


Then Luo Heng, who carried a huge sword and ranked No. 6 in the sky list, also made a bold attack, holding the air with a knife. He also flew in the air, standing aloof beside Du Wuxiang!


Then, the remaining two heavenly beings urged their fists and palms to come to Du Wuxiang's side and stand in the air!

"White tiger!"


The four strong heaven and man stand opposite each other, ranking in the southeast, northwest, four directions!

At this moment, four forces complement each other, and four dim lights and shadows appear behind them!

"Is this? It's the supreme array created by Zhang Daoling, the founder of Tianshi Taoism. It's the four images Jue Tian array

Chen Ziyang's eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he could see through the magical array formed by the four heavenly beings at the moment. It was the heavenly array of the four heavenly masters!