Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1140

Facing the power of a whole brigade, the rocks, plants and plants on this hilly plain All things, like paper paste general, instant was blown into slag!

Armed helicopters, fighter planes, tanks, armored vehicles fired at the same time, the whole sky was instantly covered by the fire, like a net of heaven and earth, shooting towards the bloody figure!

At this time, the bloody figure standing in the air, finally moved!

No one could have imagined that in the face of the supreme power that could destroy a prefecture level city, the bloody figure was not retreating but advancing, forced to kill!

At this moment, a red column of blood rose from the sky, and the fingers of white clouds were dyed with blood. In the center of the blood cloud, a tall figure, like a God and a demon, stood on the cloud!

"Blood! Blood! I want blood

A bloody God's awn shot out of its pupil, like a rainbow through the sun, with a terrifying speed beyond the speed of sound, in a blink of an eye will be an armed helicopter pierced!

The sound of "bang" was heard. A huge explosion was heard in the sky, like fireworks. The armed helicopter turned into a ball of fire and fell from the sky!

Armed helicopter in the four soldiers, suddenly no bones exist!

"My God! He Is he a man or a ghost? "

Both the pilots flying fighter planes and the soldiers holding submachine guns on the land could not help but stare at the bloody figure with their mouths wide open.

As the 73rd battle brigade guarding the capital of Jiangnan Province, the whole brigade received orders from the higher authorities, strictly obeyed the command of Captain Ning Fei Xuanning, cooperated with four super soldiers, and must kill the blood demon before it enters Beijing city!

Although we have known for a long time that what we are dealing with may be an inhumane monster, the soldiers who thought they were just making a fuss about it by the superior had to pay attention to it at this moment.

This is not a monster, this is a demon! Kill God!

Even the 73rd brigade, if you don't pay attention to it, it will be destroyed at any time!

"No! Shen lingcang's skill is not in the early stage of the divine realm. The power of his just hit is no less than that of the middle stage of the divine realm! Even compared with me before the fall of the realm, it is not inferior! "

Even if it is more than ten miles away, Du Wuxiang, the master of swordsmen, can feel the power of Shen lingcang's divine state, which can't help but look cold.

"How could that be possible?"

"Elder martial brother, could it be that you were wrong? The master clearly said that the blood demon was hurt by the banished immortal Tairan and his realm fell. His skill should not exceed that of the early days of the divine realm."

Du Wuxiang's three younger martial brothers of heaven and man changed their faces one after another, and their voices trembled.

Du Wuxiang did not answer them, his eyes, through the sky, looked directly at the blood demon figure!

At this time, the blood demons in the fire and rain all over the sky roared and roared. Even with his extraordinary accomplishments in martial arts mythology, he could not be undamaged in the face of this modern weapon.

However, seeing a large amount of blood rain and pungent smell in the sky, even Ning Feixuan and others who are more than ten miles away feel nauseous.

"Bang bang bang!"

The rocket launched by the armed helicopter has already rushed to Shen lingcang and exploded accurately.

At this moment, the blood cloud in the sky was suddenly dispersed, and the sky was filled with blood, genuine Qi and the force of missile explosion.

After being attacked by such a powerful firepower, Shen lingcang, the blood demon, had completely turned into ashes.

His whole body was full of potholes, and the blood demon was obviously severely damaged. His whole body was constantly seeping blood, which was extremely miserable.

However, at this point, the blood demon's blood colored pupils are not afraid at all, but full of this strong bloodthirsty meaning, eager to try!

The ferocity of this blood demon was completely aroused!