Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1135

"How could her resentment against Xiaoran be so deep

The bitter eyes of the second Miss Shen family made Su Fangfei's hands and feet cold!

No one could have imagined that the second miss of Shen family, who was regarded as a slave by Meng ran, was never willing to submit to Meng ran, and would endure it even more!

Shen Xinghan chooses to betray at this time, which is no different from a sharp blade that cuts into the hearts of all!

Meng Ran's whereabouts are unknown, Ning Feixuan has something to leave, and the magic power of the real dragon folding fan is exhausted. For all of Zhang Tao, the mountain is exhausted at this time!

Shen Xinghan is already the last straw to crush everyone!

"Shen Xinghan! You should not forget Meng Ran's mantra on you! If you dare him, Meng ran will never let you go! "

The beautiful woman Shen Yiru snapped.

Including her, people all want to understand why Shen Xinghan dares to betray Meng ran.

The dark ice sword seal that Meng ran left on Shen Xinghan's chest is not only the best sword skill of Tianjian Xianzong, but also the torture of Tianjian Xianzong to torture traitors!

How many powerful men with strong iron and bone can't stand the sword spirit strangulation of xuanbing sword seal.

Shen Xinghan, who has personally experienced the horror of xuanbing sword seal, will never want to experience it again in her life.

It is also because of this reason, forcing Shen Xinghan to fight for his life!

"Of course I remember the seal of xuanbing sword. But for this seal, how dare I betray master Meng Xian?"

Shen Xinghan looks at Su Fangfei's people with a smile, and the heels of her high-heeled shoes seem to have turned into a lethal blade, attacking Zhang Tao directly!

"Tao ER!"

Shen Yiru, a beautiful woman, is shocked. She uses her internal power and blows out with one hand. She shakes Shen Xinghan hard!

"Bitch, you deserve to fight with me?"

Shen Xinghan smiles instead of anger.

Shen Xinghan's cultivation is already a master of martial arts at the peak of internal skill. Shen Yiru's cultivation is just a small state of internal skill. They fight each other and make a high judgment!

Only heard a "click", the whole arm of the beautiful woman Shen Yiru was dislocated by Shen Xinghan!

Shen Yiru screamed, and her face turned pale. She knew that she was not Shen Xinghan's opponent, but she clenched her teeth and protected her son in front of her!

"You want to protect your son, don't you? Well, then I'll kill him in front of you

Shen Xinghan smile, five fingers together into a knife, a palm knife to Zhang Tao arm mercilessly cut down!

But see Shen Xinghan palm front end, actually is condenses out a record a foot long white knife awn!

It's the sword of master Wudao!

With Shen Xinghan's highest level of cultivation, this Qi blade is enough to cut a car in half!

If this Qi blade is cut on Zhang Tao's arm, I'm afraid that Zhang Tao's whole arm will be cut off by Shengsheng!


The piercing sound of air tearing reverberated in the office hall.

Many white-collar workers in the company have only seen this kind of Kung Fu in the movies, and now they are scared out of their wits.

"Be careful!"

Shen Yiru, a beautiful woman, was stunned. Even if she was a martial artist with a small internal skill, she could not resist the attack!

But Shen Yiru, who just knew Aizi, would not let Shen Xinghan hurt his son in any case.

However, the beautiful woman, who is eager to protect her son, did not hesitate to use her delicate body to block this life-threatening knife awn for Zhang Tao!


The shining Cunxu Dao Mang, without any hindrance, inserts Shen Yiru's chest!

In an instant, warm blood like a fountain splashed from Shen Yiru's chest!