Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1133

"This is a society ruled by law! In broad daylight! Why do you arrest people at will? " In the office hall, a young white-collar man with a sense of justice rose up indignantly and unfairly.

Although song Shuling usually looks like a tough woman, none of Fengsheng's employees do not respect her.

Not to mention that song Shuling, a woman of the generation, was able to make a man's face when she was able to make her own fortune in this capital city.

Song Shuling, even when the company's capital is not running well and she has no money to pay employees, even if she borrows money from relatives and friends, she has never defaulted on her employee's salary. Based on this, all the white-collar workers respect the boss.

At the moment, seeing Lu Shaoqian bullying people to such a degree, even if these people are timid, they also stand up and scold one after another.

"Yes! Why did you arrest Mr. Song? "

"You do not have an official search and arrest warrant. You are trespassing on private property! We're going to call the police! "

Zhao Laner, an assistant director, takes out his mobile phone and calls the police, regardless of his arm scratched by broken glass.

"Yes! call the police! Arrest all these people

Zhao Laner's words immediately awakened the public, and many white-collar workers took out their mobile phones and wanted to call the police.

However, Lu Shaoqian, who had been prepared for this, just sneered and raised a sarcastic arc around his mouth.

"Want to call the police?"

Just as Zhao Laner had just dialed the Jinghua police station and was about to call for help, he suddenly saw the old man with white hair standing beside Lu Shaoqian. His body was shaking and a transparent Qi was sweeping out of his body!

It seems like a typhoon in transit, but all of these white-collar workers will fly out!

One after another, they fell on the ground, on the wall, and even more than a few people fell on the desk, scattered and howling.

"You! Do you still have a king's law in your eyes? "

The young white-collar workers, who were bruised and bruised with blood on their knees, swore at Lu Shaoqian.

"A poor worker, still so backbone?"

Lu Shaoqian sneered, then waved his hand, and a master of martial arts came out from behind!

As if to use the magic power of shrinking into an inch, flash to the white-collar youth step by step!

As if seeing Lu Shaoqian's intention, song Shuling, a powerful woman, changed her face and immediately called out, "stop it!"

However, it was too late to see the martial arts master, one hand, like a chicken, to grasp the young white-collar workers in the air!

"Let me go! You demons! You will be punished

The young man, who had been strangled by the throat, was waving his arms in disorder, trying to break free from the man's hands.

However, this expressionless martial arts master just gave a cold smile, and then five fingers at the same time!

Just a click!

The whole neck of the young white-collar was cut off, and he died in his eyes!

All the people in the office hall heard the creepy sound, and those who witnessed the brutal scene could not say a word.

"Xiao Zheng He He's dead! "

No one can believe that Lu Shaoqian killed people so wantonly!

"Lu Shaoqian! You! I'll fight with you

Seeing that his employees were killed alive, song Shuling, a powerful woman, was almost bitten by her silver teeth.

Trembling all over her body, she frantically breaks free from Su Fangfei's obstruction and wants to rush forward to fight with Lu Shaoqian.

At the critical moment, Zhang Tao, a bookworm, suddenly took out the white folding fan of the real dragon from his pocket, pointed at Lu Shaoqian's face with the folding fan, and cheered wildly:

"Lu Shaoqian! Show me what this is