Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1130

December 4, 2010, today is the seventh day of the fall of banished immortals in China.

After several days of maintenance, Fengsheng office building is in good condition.

Because Shen Xinghan helps to take care of Liu Sheng's floating snow, Su Fangfei is able to squeeze out a little time and rush back to Fengsheng company to deal with the business accumulated for several days.

Beauty series cosmetics have been put on hold for some time because of the shortage of spirit liquid. In order to develop "pretty girl", Fengsheng has invested a lot of money and manpower.

Such a shelving, for Fengsheng, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"Well, the company's operating capital has already bottomed out. If we continue to delay this, we will have problems in paying wages to everyone."

Looking through the piles of documents on the desk, Rao was the first beauty in the south of the Yangtze River at that time.

Just when Su Fangfei didn't know what to do, the neighing of dragon and horse sounded.


However, the foal, who had been sleeping on the sofa in Su Fangfei's office, seemed to feel something, and suddenly woke up and jumped up!

The horse's hooves screech on Su Fangfei's desk.

"Babbling, babbling!"

"Bad little Gee! You've trampled on the papers Su Fangfei knocked a shudder on Longma's small head, and raised her hand to hold Longma off the desk.

However, Longma's mood was obviously not right. He broke away from him and yelled at Su Fangfei.

"Well? You mean there's danger? Let me go with aunt Ling quickly? "

Although Longma could not speak, Su Fangfei could understand the meaning of Longma because of her connection with Meng ran.

However, Su Fangfei didn't care, "don't worry, Xiaoyi, we'll be ok with Captain Ning and their special department. Besides, isn't there another ancient beast like you? "

She said that Su Fangfei wanted to pick up the dragon horse and pacify the restless mood of the little guy.

Su Fangfei once witnessed the power of this ancient beast in the "love at first sight" cafe.

With a dragon and a horse in, Su Fangfei can't be hurt by ordinary warriors.

But this time is different from the past, the magic power and talent of dragon and horse were all sealed with blood by Meng Silan!

Today's ancient auspicious beast is no different from an ordinary pet

However, Long Ma shook his head desperately. He bit Su Fangfei's clothes with his mouth and tried his best to drag her away.

"Xiaoyi, what's the matter?"

Su Fangfei obviously felt the restlessness in Longma's mood, and realized that something might really happen.

Just then, a phone call came in.

"Miss Su, I'm Ning Feixuan. Our department has an urgent matter to deal with. I want to leave Beijing for a period of time. I'll let the lean monkey stay in the hospital. If you have any problems, please contact him."

It's the captain of the special department, Ning Feixuan.

And listen to Ning Feixuan tone, it seems that the situation is extremely urgent, even do not wait for Su Fangfei to reply, has already hung up the phone.

"Captain Ning, they left?"

The beauty of Su Da, who has a delicate mind, suddenly has an ominous premonition.

At this time, a strong and incomparable force of Qi suddenly swept across!

Just heard the sound of "bang", the glass of the whole office building just changed, split in an instant!

Under the blessing of the afterwave of Qi force, the broken glass debris is like a bullet shooting from the gun, which actually scratches all the white-collar workers in the office!

A catastrophe has come!