Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1120

Looking at the computer screen that familiar can no longer be familiar with the clear face, Ning Feixuan mind can not help but recall the two people once bit by bit.

From a glimpse of the Jiangzhou bridge across the river, and then to the total altar of taiyimen, the scenes of the past, the present and the evening, all kinds of things have come to mind.

"You're not dead! I knew it! I knew it

Ning Feixuan, weeping with joy, hugged the laptop screen tightly, just like holding that beautiful young man across the screen

"Captain, don't you Do you really like Mr. Meng? " To this moment, if the thin monkey can not see any clues, then he is really an idiot.

When they first met each other, they quarreled with each other, and then to the Yin and Yang separation after Meng Ran's fall, they were like a group of happy enemies.

At that time, the skinny monkey and Gao Junwu also teased Ning Feixuan, but how did not expect that it was a prophecy!

This famous woman captain of China, the Pearl of Yanjing Ning family, is really in love with Meng ran!

But all this, will be Ning Feixuan's wishful thinking.

Not to mention Ning Feixuan and Yanjing Prince Wan Chengzhi's engagement in the body, the two people's marriage is close at hand!

Ning Feixuan, as the leader of the special department, bears the duty of guarding China!

Since ancient times, it is difficult to have both love and love.

Mengxuanran, as the special department of Jiangnan, must capture the Yanfei family!

One day, these two people will inevitably face each other!

In a sense, what is the difference between ningfeixuan and the former muqingya?

These two beautiful ladies, who would know that they had already stood on the opposite side of Tai ran Xian Zun.

This love is destined to be an ending without end

"Captain, you..."

Facing the tearful Ning Feixuan, the thin monkey doesn't know whether to comfort her or persuade her to give up.

Even the skinny monkey thinks that if Chen Ziyang is at the moment, he can comfort Ning Feixuan at least, isn't he?

"I I'm fine. I'm just so happy... "

After crying for a whole few minutes, Ning Feixuan forced her heart to tremble, and forced the skinny monkey to explain the origin of the video.

"Captain, do you remember that when Mr. Meng first arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, there was a live broadcast of a battle between man and nature over Jinghu Lake?"

Thin monkey's cautious way.

Ning Feixuan nodded thoughtfully, "what do you mean?"

"The man who hit people in the video is Mr. Chen, CEO of the live broadcast platform. It is said that a few days ago, Jinghua foreign language school was holding a school teleconference, and Mr. Chen took the female anchor in the video with AI Siying for outdoor live broadcast."

"I don't know why Mr. Chen got angry and started to beat the female anchor. Then the video was sent to the Internet, and the manager Chen was killed. Then the whole network scolded him for being a scum man and beating a woman..."

In a few words, the skinny monkey explained the whole story clearly.

But what makes Ning Feixuan think impassable is that Meng ran in the video is clearly unharmed, and it doesn't look like he is seriously injured at all!

In this case, why hasn't Meng ran returned?

"Jinghua foreign language school?" Ning Feixuan frowns.

"It's a Sino foreign joint venture private high school, but why is Mr. Meng ran there?" The thin monkey is also puzzled.

"Get me all the information about this foreign language school immediately! Search for the name of Meng ran among the students and staff registered in the school! "

"What's more, before we find Meng ran, we should never tell a third person about it! Not even song Shuling! "

Ning Feixuan that pair of sky blue beautiful eyes, energetic, immediately decided.

This time, she must find her love in person!