Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1116

A bright light, from the intersection of the two, towards the whole Beijing City swept away, mighty!

It's like a typhoon, enough to destroy everything around you!

"Not good!"

Following Du Wuxiang, the three strong men of heaven and man felt the power of heaven and earth caused by their fight, and their looks changed greatly.

"Stop it! Otherwise, all the people within 30 Li will be buried with them! "

With a burst of drinking, a master of heaven and man has already burst out several palms in succession, just like the terrible palm force of rainstorm attack, and scattered one after another of the glorious aftershocks!

"Do it!"

The remaining two strong men and nature are also one after another. For a time, the whole orthopedic hospital is full of fist strength and knife edge!

"Is this the power of the demigod strong? It's like a fairy Witnessing the battle between the two and a half gods, the skinny monkey screamed with excitement.

The cultivation of a thin monkey is not only a great achievement in internal skill, but also a great master.

At the moment, he can witness the battle between the two most powerful gods. How can he not be excited?

At this time, the two forces of astonishing impact, like two huge grinders, repeatedly hanging.

It seems that the whole void can't bear this terrible force, and there are faint signs of collapse!

Two semi divine power, a whole fight after more than ten seconds, only heard a blast!

The two forces actually offset each other and die together!


At the same time, Du Wuxiang and Luomen, the masters of Jianzong, gushed out a big mouthful of blood, and both were hurt.

"What a sword school! I will repay ten times the Revenge of today

The old man in Tang Dynasty sneered, and then he grabbed Cassius with one hand and Meiji with the other. He stepped into the air and ran away.

Just as the figure of the old man in Tang costume was about to disappear into the sky, Du Wuxiang said coldly in his ear:

"master, let me advise you that the great change of the world has begun, and the sleeping ancient creatures will soon wake up, so you can think about it."

"Heaven and earth become bigger?" The Lord of Luomen looked awe inspiring, and once again his mouth overflowed with a little blood, but he ran away without looking back.

"Elder martial brother! This old thing only showed up once. Why not kill it together? "

The three strong men of heaven and man came to Du Wuxiang's side and said anxiously.

The scholar swordsman wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth and looked across the city of Jinghua, all the way south.

Deep voice said:

"the blood devil is coming. We are here to get rid of the evil of the blood devil. We rashly fight with this man. The victory or defeat is unknown, but the Yuangong is bound to be damaged. If this is the case, we will certainly be hard to defeat the power of the blood demon."

The three strong men of heaven and man, who came with him, suddenly said, "elder martial brother, are you all right?"

"No problem, you quickly destroy the fire power of the hospital. I'll talk to captain Ning."


Although the Luomen giant fled, the flame power left by Cassius was still burning the hospital. The three powerful men in heaven urged the true Qi to suppress and extinguish it.

At this time, the negative sword scholar also came to the intensive care unit.

"Shua Shua!"

Du Wuxiang pointed out that the sword came out from several points, and injected his Yuangong into the human body one after another to suppress the injury for all.

"Captain Ning, thank you."

"Master Du's words are heavy. Fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise we will all be buried in the hands of Luomen today."

In the face of this one-year-old elder, Rao is an iceberg beauty ningfeixuan, which can't help but feel a little nervous.


All of them were forced out by Du Wuxiang, but Chen Ziyang did not seem to have any response.

"Is he?"

For some reason, Du Wuxiang always felt that this young man in white had given him a very dangerous feeling!

"He is Chen Ziyang, the descendant of daoxuan immortal." The thin monkey explained respectfully.

Du Wuxiang nodded slightly and didn't say much.

"Master Du, the blood demon you just mentioned is coming. Is it Shen lingcang coming to Beijing soon?" It seems to recall what, Ning Feixuan can not help but look slightly changed.

In a crowd of anxious eyes, Du Wuxiang nodded slightly and said in a deep voice:

"if what I expected is right, Shen lingcang, the blood demon, will arrive in Beijing early tomorrow morning."