Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1114

Although scholars did not produce swords, they only referred to the power of swords, which was already the cry of ghosts and the fear of heaven and earth!

The three killing moves come at the same time. Let's not say that they have suffered heavy losses now. Even the two men of Meiji and Cassius in their heyday are absolutely unable to resist it!

"My life is over!"

Cassius screamed and gave up the resistance.

Meiji's face is not willing, and her eyes show deep-seated resentment. As a Luomen giant who has traversed Eurasia for decades, she is not willing to fall here.

At this time, there was a heavy cough in everyone's ears, like spring thunder.


The two giants, who were already close to despair, had a look of ecstasy on their faces after hearing the cough.

At this time, almost everyone's eyes are toward the sky at night.

He saw an old man with a bent back in Tang Dynasty. His feet seemed to have invisible steps. He was walking on a stick in the void!

"He Is he the Lord of Luomen who has not set foot on the earth for more than ten years? " The skinny monkey is like being pinched by a person's neck. Because he is too excited, he can't even speak easily.

"If the boss is coming!"

Originally almost desperate Cassius and Maggie, the face of ecstasy, excited to shout.

Just as the mysterious Lord of Luomen appeared, the three Heaven and man of China, who had been fighting before, also came down together!

These three people are a black long shirt, over the age of rare, but they are swordsmen and stars, brave and extraordinary.

These three people's breath, is faintly surpasses the Luomen giant!

This level of cultivation is bound to be one of the top masters in the sky list!

"Elder martial brother! Is this man the Lord of Luomen

The scholar with a long green sheath sword did not answer the three people's words. He just looked at the rickety old man coldly, as if he had seen an old friend who had been away for many years.

"Boss, help me!"

At this time, the three big killing moves have come! Cassius called for help.

However, the old man coughed heavily, pressed his crutches with both hands, and tapped gently in the void. An invisible ripple swept out in an instant!

A mighty and invincible demigod's power swept all directions in an instant, just like a great beast waking up from the abyss. It was actually the killing move of the three great masters!

Then, in a crowd of frightened eyes, the old man seemed to exert the magic power of shrinking into an inch. Stepping out one step, he actually moved tens of feet in the void!

Almost instantly came to Maggie and Cassius side!

As soon as the master of Luomen stepped in, the scholar with negative sword, who had been watching coldly, raised his hands as white as jade, and bent his fingers to play, as if all the musicians were playing the music.

All of a sudden, a thousand white rainbow swords, as if turned into a rain curtain all over the sky, killed the Lord of Luomen and left!

These thousands of white rainbow swords, each of which is three inches long, is incomparably sharp. It is comparable to the world's magic weapons!

After the white rainbow sword light shoots out, actually is will the Jinghua City half heaven and earth vitality, draws here! After merging the vitality of heaven and earth, the three inch sword has increased to nine inch!

Power multiplied!

Actually, it is the night curtain covering dozens of miles around the corner, all of which are densely covered, and there is no bright moon!

"Congenital Wuxiang sword finger? Do you think you are the second disciple of Mr. Xu in Yanjing and Du Wuxiang, the fifth sword master in heaven? "

"If I remember correctly, when the May 5 catastrophe happened in China. Among the special departments, there was a scholar who fought with Xie's sword maniac. After a fierce battle of 127 moves, the final cultivation was defeated by him from the middle of the divine realm. The sword maniac of Xie family was also defeated for the first time since his debut! "

"So it seems that the famous scholar swordsman a year ago is your excellency?"

The old man in Tang Dynasty looks suspicious and tells us the origin of the scholar swordsman!

"Yes or no, it's the past. Let's do it."