Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1110

"No! The magic power on the folding fan is exhausted

The bookworm Zhang Tao picked up the real dragon folding fan on the ground and let him push it. The real dragon folding fan was like a dead thing without any reaction.

At this moment, Zhang Tao's mind sank to the bottom of the valley!

During the first battle of the Shen family in Wuzhou, Meng ran once warned Zhang Tao that there was a part of his magic power injected into the real dragon folding fan, which could be activated three times.

Zhang Tao once urged Gu Ruojun and his brother Lin Yesheng in a bloody battle a few days ago, and Zhang Tao urged him a second time.

Zhang thought that he could use the fan again!

In fact, if the real dragon folding fan didn't protect its owner by itself and resist the attack of S-level mental power, it would cost a lot of mana. The real dragon folding fan could indeed be activated again.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Even the word "Tairan" left by Meng ran on the folding fan has completely disappeared. Today's real dragon folding fan is no different from the dead and can no longer protect Zhang Tao and others.

This scene fell into the eyes of the second lady of the Shen family.

To this step, people's attention is on the two Luomen giants, who have not noticed the ecstatic look in Shen Xinghan's eyes.

Is this Shen Xinghan really different from Meng ran?

Meng ran did not fall, and on Shen Xinghan, there was the "xuanbing sword seal" left by Meng ran in the past. Shen Xinghan once personally experienced the "xuanbing sword seal" and felt that life was not like death.

In principle, Shen Xinghan has no courage to betray Meng rancai.

What is the second lady of the Shen family planning?

At this time, the S-level flame power was also shocked by the terrible power of the real dragon folding fan. He did not dare to attack Zhang Tao's people any more. Instead, he dodged to Meiji and hesitated.

"How are you, Maggie?"

Only heard a loud noise, a confused figure jumped from the pit in the air.

Today's Luomen giant Meiji, her long red dress with high slit is already in tatters, revealing a large area of smooth skin like cream, and there is a hidden spring glow on her chest and legs.

People are also found that the corner of the mouth constantly spilled blood Meiji, that long purple hair has disappeared, the whole head bald.

"You little ants! How dare you hurt me

His ugly appearance was found by Ning Feixuan and others. The Luomen giant was very angry and wanted to dig out the eyes of all the people present.

"Cassius! What are you doing! Kill them all

Originally cold and gorgeous noble red dress beautiful woman, but at this moment is like the market scolding shrew general, the state is clear.

"But the fan in the boy's hand..."

Without waiting for Cassius's voice to fall, a peach wood ancient sword, just like a meteor outside the sky, will kill you!

On the wooden sword, there are hundreds of green sword Qi! The power of each sword Qi is comparable to that of master Huajing!

"What an amazing sword spirit! This is the Oriental sword technique! "

Cassius's face was dignified and did not dare to be careless. His hands were pulled out of thin air, and the blue flame in his palm was strangely elongated.

The S-level flame, which burned the surrounding void, turned into a flame spear with a length of ten feet. It crossed the void and went straight to the wooden sword!

"This wooden sword is so familiar Is it Ziyang? "

Clearly saw the peach wood ancient sword Ning Feixuan, the face dew startled.

At this time, the peach wood ancient sword, which controls hundreds of green swords, collides with the flame spear of Cassius!