Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1106

"Killed an entire infantry regiment..."

At this moment, even if it is the cold Ning Feixuan, slender jade hand is also tightly grasp, killing the sky.

Thousands of lives died in vain in the hands of blood demons. How can these super soldiers of China not be angry?

"Second uncle, does he know about it?" Ning Feixuan eyelids droop, as if in hesitation what.

"Well, Minister Ning and Yanjing center have known about it for the first time. Minister Ning asked me to tell you not to use gas. Mr. Xu has sent four of his apprentices to help him. He should be able to arrive tomorrow. "

Thin monkey explained carefully.

Ning Feixuan forcibly suppressed the killing thought on the lower body and nodded slightly.

Although ningfeixuan is a Level-A thunder and lightning ability across Eurasia, it has no chance of winning in the face of this world shaking blood demon.

Well, even if he didn't have a special plan, he might not be able to pour out the myth.

At that time, it was only to increase the casualties. She was more aware of it than anyone else. Now it is not the time to be impulsive.

"By the way, after the conflict between Shen lingcang and the Wuzhou garrison, where is Shen lingcang now?" Ning Feixuan suddenly asked.

"He has left Wuzhou, all the way All the way north, according to my calculation, his target is probably Jinghua City! "


Ning Feixuan's face changed greatly. "Shen lingcang was severely injured in the battle of mengrantai lake on that day. Shen lingcang lingered for several days. The injury is likely to be cured. What will be the first thing after his recovery?"

The skinny monkey is also an instant reaction, some incredible said: "revenge

"But why did he come to Beijing?"

In the beautiful blue eyes of ningfeixuan, there seems to be a twinkle of essence and vigor. She replied very positively:

"because Meng Ran is now in Jinghua City!"


"Since Mr. Meng Ran is in Beijing, why doesn't he show up?"

In the chemical analysis room of the orthopedic hospital, recalling the conversation with Ning Feixuan just now, the thin monkey still feels puzzled.

This analysis room full of chemical smell is equipped with all kinds of high-tech precision instruments. Unless they are the core personnel of the hospital, even doctors and nurses are not allowed to step into the half step.

At this time, the lean monkey is processing and analyzing a handful of black ashes.

At this time, the mobile phone in the pocket of the skinny monkey suddenly rings, which is called by Chen Ziyang.

"Ziyang, can I help you?"

"Skinny monkey, where are you now? I'm a little hurt. I want you to take a look at it for me." Chen Ziyang's voice was slightly low, as if he was deliberately hiding something?

"Do you have a relapse? I'm in the chemical analysis room on the second floor. "

The skinny monkey always feels that Chen Ziyang is mysterious recently. He is a little different from the one he was familiar with before.

A few minutes later, with the door of the analysis room pushed open, Chen Ziyang, dressed in white and of extraordinary temperament, walked with his wooden sword on his back.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the analysis room, Chen Ziyang clearly caught a glimpse of the ashes in the hands of the lean monkey.

"Ziyang, are you here? Just a moment. I'll seal these things up

Chen Ziyang always felt that the black substance the lean monkey was dealing with had an indescribable sense of familiarity. He could not help but ask:

"what are these?"

The thin monkey explained casually:

"this is a pile of ashes, which Miss Su Fangfei asked me to help her analyze. It is said that she found it in the monitoring room where Liu Sheng was attacked by the snow."

Chen Ziyang's face changed greatly. He clasped his thin monkey's scapula. His eyes were fierce and fierce, and his killing intention was rampant!

"What do you say?"