Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1104

After the people's Hospital war, Wan Chengzhi's anger did not disappear, but increased.

Looking at China, who dares to hurt him?

If this revenge is not revenged, how can he willingly return to Yanjing?

Therefore, Wan Chengzhi, with the help of Yanjing Wanjia, invited these martial arts experts to help! Vow to report Qiu xuehen!

"If life and death fight each other, I may not be sure that I can defeat the magic weapon, but if it is only for a moment, what is the difficulty? If you don't know how to deal with the affairs of the imperial concubines, you'd better be a master of the imperial family

The old man twisted his beard and said.

"Good! With the words of the elder in law, Chengzhi will be at ease! "

Seeing that the old man with crane hair agreed to make a move, Wan Chengzhi couldn't help but be ecstatic.

A conversation. It's over soon.

After this peerless heavenly man left, Wan Chengzhi's brother and sister also came to an elegant room.

"Sister Xi, what can't you say in front of Xingyun? Why is it so mysterious? "

Wan Chengzhi did not understand.

"Brother, my father asked me to come to Jinghua this time to persuade you to go back earlier." Wan Mengxi made a cup of tea and handed it to Wan Chengzhi.

Wan Chengzhi frowned and said, "if you don't get revenge on old Lin, you will never go back!"

"Brother, the seventh day of next month is the 80th birthday of song Zhengde! My father wants you to go back to Yanjing before your birthday. " Wan Mengxi explained patiently.

"The seventh day of next month is the 80th birthday of song Zhengde? Isn't it just the second day of the lunar new year? More than one month's time is enough for me to deal with Jiangnan affairs. "

Wan Chengzhi said confidently.

"Sister Xi, aren't you a junior this year? As soon as I graduated from University, my father didn't disclose to you which son-in-law of your future is

Wan Chengzhi laughs and is in a good mood. The prince of Yanjing is actually making fun of his own sister.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Wan Mengxi's pretty face turned red, but he was angry.

It seems to think of something, but wan Mengxi suddenly warned: "brother, I heard that song Shuling is song Zhengde's daughter. Next month is song Zhengde's 80th birthday. You have a conflict with her at this time, don't you... "

Wan Chengzhi had a look of awe. He didn't care about it, but song Zhengde was not 80 years old, but he was 80 years old at this time.

If song Shuling is forced to die, even with the identity of Wan Chengzhi, the Song family is not easy to investigate too much, but the two families eventually have a feud.

"Now the situation in Yanjing is complex, and Yin Tianzheng has been hiding his strength. If we want to unify the nine families, I'm afraid it's not suitable for us to quarrel with the Song family for the time being."

After thinking again and again, Wan Chengzhi also felt a little pressure.

Wan Mengxi is naive way: "brother, if you really want to deal with her song Shuling, why do you come out on your own?"

As soon as this speech came out, Wan Chengzhi, like hearing the morning bell and the evening drum, suddenly woke up!

"Yes! murder a person with a borrowed knife! Why didn't I think of it, sister Xi! "

Wan Mengxi is only one-sided toward her elder brother, and how can he know that Wan Chengzhi has done bad things. He is helping the tyranny!

"This time, Xingyun must follow me back to Yanjing, and she is not suitable to show up. Yue Lao is a strong man in heaven and man. In this kind of intrigue, he will certainly disdain to take part in it. Who is the best person to come forward? "

Wan Chengzhi thinks about it. He really doesn't know who to look for.

Just when he was upset, a flash of light in his brain, and a figure appeared immediately!

"Lu Shaoqian!"