Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1101

This peerless man in the top ten of the heaven list is indeed the strongest man Meng Ran has ever met except Ping Lao!

Because after Meng ran woke up, in addition to the ordinary old man who has become the world's greatest, he has only met these martial artists

"By the way, where have they been? Isn't it for you? " It seems to think of pinglao's advice, Yin Qingxue some nervous way.

Mr. Ping has repeatedly warned Yin Qingxue that Meng Ran has a special identity. Before his cultivation is completely restored, he must not be exposed. Otherwise, it is likely to bring disaster to him.

As if feeling Yin Qingxue's worry, Meng ran gently held her soft Yi jade hand and said in a soft voice: "don't worry, they are not aiming at me. Looking at the direction, they seem to be heading for the suburbs. "

"Oh, that's good. Xiaoranzi, I'm tired after a day's play. Why don't we go home? "



At this time, in front of the brocade club, a line of cheongsam beauties was seen waiting.

Shen Xingyun, the queen of Jinghua, was like a bird in love with others. She leaned gently on WAN Chengzhi's shoulder and asked lazily, "Chengzhi, who is coming? Why do you have to meet them in person? "

This morning, after the two men had sex with each other, Wan Chengzhi told Shen Xingyun that people would come from the family about this evening.

Shen Xingyun originally thought that he would be the legitimate high-level of Yanjing Wanjia, but even if he was the legitimate lineage of Wanjia, he didn't have to work hard to meet him in person.

For the identity of the visitors, the queen of Beijing, who has become a woman of Wan Chengzhi, is increasingly curious.

"Don't worry, you'll soon know."

Wan Chengzhi smiles. In front of a group of maids, a pair of colored hands knead and knead on Shen Xingyun's delicate buttocks.

Shen Xingyun's face was flushed with crimson, and she sang a coquettish voice. She was angry with Wan Chengzhi, but let him take advantage of him.

About a few minutes later, a flaming luxury Maybach has already arrived at the West Bank of Jinghua suburb Jinghu and slowly stops in front of the splendid club!

Then came the caryan and Benz, also slowly stopped.

After seeing the three luxury cars, a group of maids were in a state of uproar.

In particular, Shen Xingyun, who has a glimpse of Maybach's "Jing a99999" license plate, has turned her pink lip into an O-shaped one, with a chattering voice:

"the king of 95? Chengzhi, is this car yours too? "

Wan Chengzhi smiles but doesn't speak. He pulls Shen Xingyun's hand leisurely forward.

At this time, the left door of Maybach opened first, and a middle-aged man in a long black shirt opened the door.

This dark, unsightly, middle-aged man looked ordinary, just like those construction workers who were exposed to the wind and sun on the construction site.

In particular, the palms of his hands were thick and rough.

However, as soon as he got off the bus, including Shen Xingyun, a dozen cheongsam maidens standing in front of the splendid club were all shocked!

Just feel a strong and powerful pressure, come!

"Master Wudao!"

Shen Xingyun's face is dignified and her voice is cold.

If you are qualified to have a master level guard, you are just like a servant. Even if you can't compare with Wan Chengzhi, I'm afraid it's not far from it!

With the door opened, he saw a pair of embroidered cloth shoes stepped out gracefully.

In ancient times, a virtuous woman is dressed like a lady with white sleeves.

The three thousand green silk of Ru skirt woman falls down her shoulders, and her hair is coiled into an ancient bun, which is tied gently with a jade hairpin. It is dignified and beautiful.

He is about 20 years old, with bright eyes and bright teeth. It is like the palace beauty in the painting of the lady in the painting saint's pen. She is graceful, quiet and elegant.

The most interesting thing is that she seems to be obsessed with reading. On her Qiong nose, she is wearing a pair of glasses.

"Meng Xi has met brother Chengzhi and sister Xingyun."

The quiet woman stepped forward, actually to Wan Chengzhi two people gentle smile, curtsy salute.

"Are you..."

Shen Xingyun's face is startled. This woman's temperament is too elegant and amazing. She must be a royal relative! And Shen Xingyun faintly felt that the woman seemed to be like Wan Chengzhi, and her appearance was quite similar to that of Wan Chengzhi.

"The name of the little girl is Mengxi, and Chengzhi's brother is my brother."

A quiet, elegant woman.

"Ha ha ha, sister Xi, you are willing to leave home." Wan Chengzhi laughs and takes the woman's hand to introduce Shen Xingyun warmly:

"Xingyun, she is my sister, Wan Mengxi."