Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1082

Yin Qingxue is neither a martial artist nor an immortal. Naturally, she can't see the intention of old turbot's palm.

After the first World War of Taihu Lake, Meng Ran's internal strength was once out of balance.

Fortunately, the mysterious tears hidden in the heart of Meng ran Xian Zundao exerted a mysterious power at the critical moment. Not only did it purify the blood, but also helped Meng ran suppress the flame power of zamas.

However, Meng Ran's mana has not yet been fully recovered. In addition, her memory has been blocked. This afternoon, she forced to use her mana in Jinghua foreign language school, which has led to some faint signs of instability in her body.

Just as soon as Meng ran entered the door, Ping Lao realized that Meng Ran's strength was different. He did not hesitate to spend Yuan Gong to help him suppress it.

Of course, pinglao also had his own calculation. Part of the reason was that he wanted to try Meng Ran's skill to what extent.

Ping nodded slightly and made a cup of tea for them. Then he asked, "boy, as soon as he recovered from the injury, he started to fight with others? But I'm really curious. What kind of skills are you practicing? Why can the Qi mansion accommodate these three conflicting forces

The three forces felt by pinglao were Meng Ran's two kinds of magic power of ice and fire, and the flame power of zamas refined by the magic formula of Wanhua.

In fact, there is a fourth power in Meng Ran's body!

It is the blood of the ancient Phoenix that has been purified!

The existence of this drop of Huang blood can not be perceived even if it is based on the cultivation of ordinary old earth immortals.

An onlooker, Yin Qingxue, was about to get mad, "xiaoranzi! What are you talking about? I can't understand a word

Meng ran smiles and patiently explains:

"I have just recovered from my injury, but my strength has not been fully recovered, and I can't really control several forces in my body. Just now, I've been able to suppress these restless forces

Yin Qingxue nodded vaguely. She had not accepted the practice. It was obviously not so easy for her to really understand these things.

The old man pulled his old face and asked seriously, "come on, what's wrong with this boy? Is it a fight? But if you clean up those kids in school, you won't have to use real yuan? "

Yin Qingxue secretly winked at Meng ran, motioned him not to speak, and pretended to be aggrieved and coquettish:

"old Ping, isn't the school sports meeting today? Then there comes a hooligan named" general manager Chen ", and the female host of Jiangbei satellite TV also comes. They two have been pestering xiaoranzi, and the rascal still bullies me..."

Miss Yin looks like she has been wronged.

As a result, Mr. Ping obviously didn't eat this, and he said with no expression: "then this boy started fighting with people just to protect you, didn't he?"

Hearing this, Yin Qingxue immediately smiles and nods repeatedly.

"Ping Lao, do you want to help me teach those bad guys a lesson?"

Without hesitation, pinglao gave Yin Qingxue a shudder on his cerebellar pouch melon. Then he looked at Meng ran and said, "is the injury serious? No one died? "

Meng ran slightly shook his head and said, "I have left my hand. Mr. Chen's face was broken, and the eight security guards were left with broken bones... "

On hearing this, he nodded at ease and said, "it's OK. You know the importance of this boy's attack."

Yin Qingxue on one side said hesitantly: "pinglao, just..."

Ping's eyebrows jumped, but he felt that things were not so simple.

"Just what?"