Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1062

AI Siying has been extremely distressed recently. Since signing a live broadcast contract with liangxiu live broadcasting platform, AI Siying has always been on the road of live broadcasting. In just a few days, she has gained tens of thousands of fans.

Even President Chen, the CEO of liangxiu live broadcasting platform, has become a loyal fan of AI Siying. She waits in AI Siying's live room at 8 o'clock every night. She is very generous and often gives her gifts worth more than 100000 yuan.

It is the first God Hao of live broadcasting room!

People with a clear eye can already see that this general manager Chen is already a must for AI Siying, the former host of Jiangbei satellite TV.

As a matter of course, with such crazy support from the CEO of this beautiful show platform, AI Siying is bound to make a great success on the road of live broadcasting. Why is she distressed?

It turns out that the reason for all this is that a few days ago, AI Siying had a live broadcast of the "war between heaven and man" over Jinghu Lake in Jinghua City!

At that time, she was heading for Shen Shuchen's concert, which has become popular in recent years. As a result, AI Siying happened to meet Meng ran, and she also had tens of thousands of fans in the live broadcast room, and broadcast the battle between Meng ran and Luomen giant!

This hot scene naturally attracted a large number of fans for AI Siying, but also attracted the attention of their special departments.

After this incident, AI Siying's live broadcasting room was not only banned, but also implicated the whole liangxiu live broadcasting platform for rectification.

Even the IP accounts of all users who watched the "heaven man war" in AI Siying's live broadcasting room that night were banned!

For a time, the whole live broadcasting industry suffered a fatal blow and everyone was in danger.

Recently, President Chen, CEO of liangxiu live broadcasting platform, has come up with a good method for AI Siying's comeback!

Although AI Siying's live room is permanently banned, she can be invited to another female anchor's room to attract her popularity!

Recently, President Chen has taken AI Siying into public welfare undertakings frequently, taking advantage of this opportunity to publicize, and has hired a large number of water troops to wash white clothes for AI Siying.

Today, AI Siying, CEO Chen Zong, and another female anchor "Huanzi goddess" from the liangxiu live broadcast platform came to the famous foreign language school in Beijing.

It is said that today foreign language school will hold a school sports meeting. They want to make a live broadcast on campus.

One is to publicize Beijing Foreign Language School; the other is to take the opportunity to let AI Siying leave the country. With AI Siying's figure and appearance comparable to that of a supermodel, she has attracted a large number of student fans for the platform.

Around 1:30 in the afternoon, it is the time for students to go to school. Young and beautiful young girls, in twos and threes, walk towards the gate of foreign language school.

At this time, a blue Lamborghini Veneno, with a smart lateral drift, stopped at the gate of the foreign language school.

This Lamborghini Veneno is the latest model that has just been exhibited and sold at the Western European auto show this year, starting at 20 million!

It shows how rich and generous the visitor is!

As the door opened, he saw two women and a man and got off gracefully.

The man is in his early 30s, wearing gold rimmed glasses and a famous suit. He looks like an elite and successful person in the workplace.

the woman on the left hand side is painted with eye shadow. Her face is rubbed with a thick layer of makeup, with heavy makeup and a typical red face.

As for the young woman on his right hand, she is wearing a pair of Korean tight jeans shorts, showing her super beautiful legs that are comparable to supermodels, a fashionable brown wavy long hair, and the white high-heeled shoes on her feet.

It was AI Siying, the former first sister of Jiangbei satellite TV.

As soon as they got off the bus, the vice principal of the foreign language school, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Chen! Welcome

"This must be the beauty of Jiangbei satellite TV, Miss AI Siying? It's really a great country

Seeing that she was neglected, the heavily made up goddess of happy son was immediately displeased, but she did not dare to speak up.

When President Chen and the vice president were talking happily, AI Siying, who was listless, seemed to catch a glimpse of a familiar figure.

"The back How familia