Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1060

In the face of Zhu boss's inquiring eyes, Xu Zong, who shakes the ivory folding fan, laughs and nods very definitely.

It's not that the enemies don't get together. I wish the boss, you may not know. The Kirin son of general Jiang Shaofu was castrated by the master Meng Xianshi and is still lying in the hospital. How can Jiang Shaofu repay the master Meng for this blood feud

I wish the boss a cold sweat on his forehead, as if he could already imagine the miserable end of the master Meng

At the moment when the two people were chatting vigorously, there was a noise at the foot of Yanhuang mountain.

I saw a jeep with Yanjing military license plate, lined up in a long line, Qi Shua Shua stopped at the foot of Yanhuang mountain!

Originally noisy crowd, the instant spread to the surrounding, people are silent.

"Mr. Xu, look! Are those people! "

Mr. Xu, who is still shaking his folding fan and has a leisurely face, glances at the foot of the mountain at will after hearing this sentence. However, even he, the boss of state-owned enterprises with a fortune of over 10 billion, can't help but shudder!

If you see ghosts!

I saw a man wearing a dark green military uniform, marching in unison to yanhuangshan!

They look solemn and respectful. They are like a pilgrimage. No one dares to take another step!

The surrounding tourists can't help but look at the shoulders of the men in military uniform.

He saw more than a dozen old people walking in front of him. On their shoulder badges, they were all olive branches and five pointed stars!

Brilliant golden five pointed star, unexpectedly All of them are three!

All the people present know more or less about the system of Yu Hua's title. At the moment, people who see the three five pointed stars feel their minds thump!

What kind of existence is there on the Yanhuang mountain, which should have alarmed more than a dozen feudal officials, as well as the Emperor Yan!


No one can imagine that there is a palace like an ancient palace on the top of the forbidden area of Yanjing. It stands tall and towering!

The majestic momentum of pangran is better than that of Yanjing city!

After a few minutes, suddenly saw a dozen military uniforms figure, pilgrimage, full of respect! It is a kind of respect and humility from the heart!

These more than ten old people have a high status in China, and each of them is a national giant comparable to Liu Chengwu and Ning Wenbin!

If any one of them stands up, even if he just stomps his foot, the whole country of China will be shocked!

But it was these ten giants who knelt down in front of the palace like devout believers!

After three kneeling and nine percussion, we cried in unison:

"we will visit the guardian God of China!"

"According to the order of Yanjing center, I sincerely ask Mr. Xu to show up and see you!"

Ten minutes later, before the splendid palace, a figure in black appeared out of thin air!

The figure in black, with his back to the crowd, is as straight as a sword!

Standing in the sky, he stands in the sky like a god of war! Let the top of Yanhuang mountain reach a thousand feet high and the cold wind howls. The black robe covering his tiger body is still!

The figure in black seems to blend with the world, even the cold wind can't feel his existence!

When they saw the black robe, they all felt shocked and bowed down and saluted in unison:

"see Mr. Xu!"

Without waiting for people to open their mouths, the bully figure with his back to the crowd and standing in the sky is indifferent.

A bold voice, like a bright, awe inspiring world, suddenly sounded:

"we have sent four disciples to deal with the matter concerning the ancestors of the Shen family."

"As for the sword that just attacked Yanjing, I have already seen it. Please tell Yanjing center. I will deal with this matter myself. I will take charge of it. No one can do it in China

"Step back."

As promised by the patron saint of China, these ten giants of the Kingdom finally put their hearts down and bowed down again and again.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Xu!"

When they got up and went down the mountain, they turned around suddenly with their back to their black clothes.


Surprised to see that his face was covered with an ice mask!