Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1058

"Why is there blood induction? Why is that?" Meng ran, who has just regained his consciousness, is eager to clarify the key to all this.

However, when Meng ran wanted to use the technique to trace the source of blood vessel induction, the special blood vessel induction was suddenly cut off!

At this moment, Meng Ran's consciousness fell into the seal of ten day love forgetting formula again

"Xiaoranzi, don't say that the name" a Xue "sounds really good. I'll allow you to call me that in the future."

Yin Qingxue, with her back to Meng ran, said with a smile.

However, Meng ran, who was behind him, did not speak for a long time.

"Hello, xiaoranzi, why don't you speak?" With doubts in her heart, Yin Qingxue turns to find that Meng Ran has already recovered her calm and indifferent appearance.

"Why? How did you turn into such a dull look again? Let's go and go to the director to help you with the admission procedures. "

Murmuring secretly, Yin Qingxue took Meng Ran's generous palm and trotted all the way to the campus.


It has been an hour since the mysterious girl treated Liu Sheng's injury.

In the past more than an hour, Shen Xinghan has been keeping an eye on the door of the intensive care unit, monitoring Meng siran's every move.

"Dada Da..."

A burst of high-heeled shoes came, but song Shuling, Su Fangfei, Zhang Tao and Ning Feixuan came together.

Just seeing Shen Xinghan, Ning Feixuan immediately asked, "Miss Shen, what's wrong inside?"

Shen Xinghan shook his head slightly and said very definitely: "no, I didn't even feel a trace of true yuan fluctuation. This Meng siran should be just an ordinary person."

Ning Feixuan and others looked at each other, and then pushed open the door of intensive care unit.

All of them went to investigate Liu Sheng's snowfall. Only song Shuling, a powerful woman, was in the intensive care unit. She did not find any trace of the mysterious girl. She was a little worried.

"Si ran? Where has the child gone

However, at this time, seeing Liu Sheng Piaoxue on the hospital bed breathing evenly and his face has recovered as usual, Ning Feixuan and others are showing an incredible look.

"This This... "

The people who looked at each other clearly saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Although Liu Sheng Piaoxue has not yet recovered, it is obvious that she has been out of danger of life. It will only be a matter of time before she wakes up!

"Call President Hu and give her a comprehensive examination!" Ning Feixuan did not hesitate to shout.

About ten minutes later, after the examination of President Hu and several top doctors, these backbone medical elites seemed to see the Arabian Nights, and their eyes were almost staring out.

"She's broken up! The blood in the body has been completely discharged from the body! Sternum The sternum is reborn

"Miracle! This is a medical miracle

"It's not just a medical miracle, it's a miracle! It's the great luojinxian

Including President Hu, these elderly people who have been practicing medicine for decades are extremely excited. Liu Sheng piaoyue has been regarded as a treasure, and I would like to tear her apart to find out the reason for her recovery.

"Si ran, she really saved Liu Sheng from falling snow? Fangfei, I knew that the child was not a bad man

Because she was too excited, song Shuling, a powerful woman, was also a bit impolite. She tightly grasped Su Fangfei's arm and spoke incoherently.

"Yes! What about Meng siran? "

People just react to come over, look around, but have not found the trace of Meng siran at all.

Shen Xinghan also said that Meng siran absolutely did not step out of the monitoring room.

Finally, helpless, people had to call out the monitoring video of the orthopedic hospital corridor, and Meng Silan's figure did not appear throughout the monitoring.

At this moment, Zhang Tao, a bookworm, said in disbelief: "is she really immortal?"