Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1041

The opening sound of folding fan is clear and pleasant to the ear, just like the drum in the morning bell and evening, washing people's hearts!

People just feel in a trance, two big golden characters of dragon and Phoenix dancing jump out of the folding fan and cross press the sky!

"Tai ran!"

After seeing these two bold and unrestrained golden characters, old Lin and Shen Xingyun seem to have met the last person in general, and their faces have changed wildly!

"Tai ran!? This fan, isn't it Is it the magic weapon left by Meng ran? "

She has already guessed a possible queen of Beijing. Her body trembles, and her whole body is as cold as ice!

As for the great master of Huajing who faced the real dragon folding fan, he felt a tremendous pressure from the folding fan!

In front of this folding fan, he is like a lonely boat in the fierce storm and rain, even without the strength of resistance!

"How terrible! This force This power... "

The middle-aged man, who was once invincible, was shocked by the terrible force on the folding fan and his teeth were shaking!

"Tai ran!? Is he the first person in the heaven list who still ranks above the Lord of Luomen? "

"Damn it! Didn't he fall in Wuzhou? "

Originally standing on one side, watching the play leisurely, Lin Lao's face turned blue.

At this moment, as the top ten man of heaven, he finally knew how big the gap between himself and the first person in the list of heaven!

"Damn it! Is it impossible for him to enter the realm of God? "

Lin laoben thought that after too ran fell down, the Lord of Luomen and daoxuan immortal could not come out, and he was not afraid of anyone who was strong in tianbang!

However, he did not expect that it was just a folding fan of Tairan, which had suppressed him to death!

At this time, the bookworm, who was extremely angry, made every effort to aim the real dragon folding fan at Wan Chengzhi and others!

I was surprised to see a golden glow, like a rainbow running through the sun. It jumped out of the word "Tai ran"!

Go straight to the great master of Huajing!

"Why! Why can't I move! Mr. Lin, help me

The great master of the incarnation world, who was firmly locked by the golden rays, felt as if he had been cast the curse of immobilization. The whole person was fixed in place and couldn't move a step!

Frightened by the terrible force on the folding fan, he no longer cares about the face of the great master of the world, and cries for help to old Lin.

However, as soon as his words were spoken, Mr. Lin did not react. The golden glow, like the bright sun, had already penetrated it!


Only heard a heart rending scream, resounding throughout the hospital hall.

The next second, this one move will three masters seriously injured the great master, the whole body is not live to tremble!

A golden light, as thin as ox hair, gushed out from his eyes, nostrils and ears!

In a crowd of shocking eyes, his whole body, from inside to outside, exudes hundreds of golden brilliance!

The whole person seems to be decomposed by laser weapon!

Viscera, muscles, bones, hair All are broken!

In a flash, the great master of Huajing, who was powerful enough to shock the province, had become a pool of rotten meat!


Su Fangfei and song Shuling, who witnessed the terrible process, were frightened by the terrible scene. They turned their heads and did not dare to see the bloody scene again.

As the first to see the power of this real dragon folding fan, Ning Feixuan is also shocked at the moment, unable to say a word.

Chen Ziyang, who has been hiding his strength, is dignified to the extreme.

"With my semi divine power, it is easy to kill a master. However, it is easy to kill the master of Huajing with a magic weapon that can inject a little magic power. Is it true that Meng Ran's cultivation was not achieved in the divine realm? "

Even if he is as proud as Chen Ziyang, at this moment, he has to admit that if he is against Meng ran in his heyday, he must not be his opponent!

But this will not make him give up the pursuit of Meng ran, and even look forward to the moment when he finds Meng ran!

Because at that time, Chen Ziyang will be able to devour all Meng Ran's skills with his "swallowing method to seize yuan Jue"!

At that time, China's land, let him vertical and horizontal!