Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1038

"Wan Chengzhi, this epaulet was given to Meng ran by Liu Chengwu himself. You should weigh the weight of this badge. I advise you not to set yourself on fire!"

Ning Feixuan that pair of sky blue beautiful eyes seem to have a silk arc jump, cold voice cheers.

Wan Chengzhi didn't like it. He seemed to take the warning of Ning Feixuan as a wind in the ear, and even more a smile of evil spirit, "Princess Xuan beauty, are you threatening me?"


Ning Feixuan snorted coldly and was too lazy to pay attention to the arrogant Prince of Yanjing.

Seeing Ning Feixuan speechless, Wan Chengzhi is no longer in tune. He plays his fiancee, but his eyes are swept by song Shuling and others.

Holding the gold epaulet in his hand, he grinned calmly, as if he had made a plan. He said leisurely, "my Yanjing Wanjia family is the second largest family in China. He is in charge of the central military rank. In such a big China, anyone with the rank of general or above must kiss our Yanjing Wanjia family and leave their names in the book before they can be granted the epaulet. "

At this point, Wan Chengzhi raised his eyebrows, as if he had fixed Zhang Tao. He said with a sneer:

"but my highness doesn't remember, who is this badge awarded to?"

Zhang Tao's face flushed with anger and roared, "you're nonsense! This epaulet is clearly granted to Xiaoran by Liu Chengwu. It has nothing to do with you

Song Shuling and Ning Feixuan also refuted at the same time.

However, Liu Chengwu is still not calm in his eyes.

"Although Liu Chengwu is highly respected by the central government and has a high position and power, he is nothing but a reckless warrior. How can we fear him? Do you really think Liu Chengwu can protect you? "

"Don't say Liu Chengwu, even if it's Feixuan beauty, your second uncle is here. If my family insists on dealing with this group of ants, would he rather Wenbin not say a word?"

"You can do it for me."

Wan Chengzhi looked down at the crowd with cold eyes.

Except for Ning Feixuan, no one on the scene could enter the eyes of the prince of Yanjing, even the former third miss of the Song family!

"Wan Chengzhi! You are presumptuous

Seeing that the prince of ten thousand families is even his most respected Minister Ning, he dares to humiliate him. Gao Junwu, a muscular man, can no longer suppress his anger in his heart and smashes his fist at Wan Chengzhi.

In the face of the martial arts master's powerful blow, which was enough to smash the car, Wan Chengzhi did not dodge and let Gao Jun do it!

From the beginning to the end, these people were like ants in the eyes of Prince Yanjing. Wan Chengzhi would not even look at these people if it was not for the purpose of luring the queen of Beijing.

"Xiao Gao, stop it!"

Ning Feixuan and Chen Ziyang are almost at the same time, but have been unable to stop.

Seeing that Gao Junwu's fist the size of a casserole is about to hit Wan Chengzhi's face, the middle-aged man behind Wan Chengzhi who has been standing with his hands tied, snorts coldly. A palm full of calluses, like a ghost, pokes out silently!

In Gao Junwu's incredible eyes, this middle-aged man's palm, actually will be bigger than his two fists, a hold!

Let Gao Junwu urge the martial master's powerful internal power, the palm is still motionless!

"Are you Gao Junwu of special department? Hehe, it's a real name. It's vulnerable. Ning Wenbin's vision is really vulgar and short-sighted. How can he choose such wastes as you into special departments

A scorn, the middle-aged man's body surging real gas, burst out!

Actually, he broke the whole arm bone of Gao Junwu!

Gao Junwu, who suffered from the penetration of real Qi, felt that all the blood vessels in his whole body were going to be torn, and the blood vessels in his skin were slowly oozing out!

"Master Wudao!"