Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1034

Wan Chengzhi glanced at Lu Shaoqian casually, but he only had a strong disdain in his eyes. It seems that in his eyes, the son of the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River is not as good as a dog!

Lu Shaoqian, who knows that he has been ignored by Wan Chengzhi, is filled with shame and anger. Looking at the south of the Yangtze River, who dares to despise himself so much?

But the man in front of him is the legitimate eldest son of Yanjing Wanjia! The prince of Yanjing!

What's more, the reason why the Lu family can be today, and why his father can become the richest man in a famous province in the south of the Yangtze River, all depend on thousands of families!

Yanjing Wanjia is Lu Shaoqian's biggest supporter!

In front of Wan Chengzhi, how dare Lu Shaoqian express his dissatisfaction?

Just when Lu Shaoqian was resentful, Wan Chengzhi, like a proud man, provoked Shen Xingyun's thin and white chin with his fingers. Looking at Shen Xingyun's pitiful appearance, she was attached to her body and whispered in her ear:

"Xingyun beauty, what's your consideration of my previous proposal

While talking, she is also blowing hot air to Shen Xingyun's delicate earlobe. She is really an old hand in love.

Shen Xingyun's delicate body trembled, and her delicate earlobe suddenly turned red. She looked at Lu Shaoqian subconsciously.

At the moment, Lu Shaoqian, who witnessed Wan Chengzhi and played his fiancee in public, was stunned and at a loss.

Seeing Shen Xingyun struggling on his face, Wan Chengzhi continues to lure him and says:

"Miss Xingyun, if you promise to serve Chengzhi as a concubine, you will serve me with Feixuan. Is not the Revenge of your Shen family for killing the family? Even if Tai Ran is the first person in tianbang, how can I fear him? "

"Your father Shen Tiannan is dead, and the Shen family in the south of the Yangtze River no longer exists. Although the queen of Jinghua is a beautiful crown in the south of the Yangtze River, she is a weak woman after all. Miss Xingyun, if you don't find a supporter and lose the protection of the Shen family, do you really think you will still be the queen of Jinghua who calls the wind and rain? "

This Wan Chengzhi is worthy of being the prince of Yanjing. Every word he said stabbed Shen Xingyun's heart!

At this point, Shen Xingyun's heart is already shaking!

"Young master Wan, I have an engagement with Shaoqian. Don't force me to..."

In the face of the prince of Yanjing, Shen Xingyun only feels that all his means of Chengfu are useless, and WAN Chengzhi has already set himself up!

See Shen Xingyun is still unwilling to nod, Wan Chengzhi is natural and unrestrained smile, no longer force each other.

She got up and walked towards song Shuling.

Seeing this, Ning Feixuan immediately said, "Wan Chengzhi, don't be rude to Aunt song!"

However, at a time when everyone thought that Wan Chengzhi was going to deal with song Shuling, Wan Chengzhi saluted song Shuling slightly and said in a warm voice:

"Chengzhi has met aunt song."

This scene directly makes people in the same place!

With Wan Chengzhi's identity as the prince of Yanjing, even Lu Hongyuan, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, is not qualified to let him salute!

Song Shuling's response was surprisingly calm. She seemed to have expected this scene for a long time. She glanced at Wan Chengzhi and nodded her head slightly:

"Wan Lingtao, an old fox, has given birth to a good son."

Wan Chengzhi's eyes are awe inspiring. There seems to be a flash of fierce light in the depths of his eyes. On the surface, it is a bold smile, "Auntie song, not seen for more than ten years, aunt song is still so cool and charming."

Seeing that these two people really knew each other, Shen Xingyun suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart, because she suddenly remembered that there was a big family among the nine families in Yanjing, which was the surname of song!

Wan Chengzhi did not betray the truth. He took the initiative to explain to the public that "aunt song is the third young lady of the Song family in Yanjing. However, she broke off the relationship with the Song family because she had made a private life with someone."

As soon as this speech was said, everyone's eyes in the Hall fell on Song Shuling!

Until this moment, people just understand, this song Shuling just strength is from where!

She turned out to be the third lady of Song family in Yanjing! In terms of seniority, he is the elder of wanchengzhi, Prince of Yanjing!