Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1011

Facing the new assistant director, Wang Zhonghua not only did not give a little face, but also yelled in front of all the employees:

"Zhao Laner, did you not see that I was talking to him? Are you qualified to speak here? You've only been an assistant for a few days, and you've forgotten the rules and regulations of the company? Don't you know what the company leaders should do when they speak? "

Wang Zhonghua's voice was so loud that he was obviously really angry.

Even in the corner of the office hall, you can hear clearly that the white-collar workers who had been immersed in their work raised their heads one after another, looking like watching a play.

Even a few female white-collar workers in the personnel department are secretly happy in their hearts and wish Wang Zhonghua would scold her more. For the new man who just came to practice and became an assistant director, those white-collar women were obviously jealous.

However, most people still have some doubts. Wang Zhonghua always gives the impression that he is elegant and easy-going, and seldom gets angry in the company because of his work.

In addition, Wang Zhonghua's steadiness and self-confidence showed in his every move. The girls in the company and the married young women all admire the middle-aged man who has made great achievements in his career.

According to the truth, Wang Zhonghua can't be angry with Zhao Lan'er because of such a small matter.

"Vice president, I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong..."

Zhao Laner was flushed by Wang Zhonghua Xun's pretty face. She lowered her head deeply and sobbed.

However, Wang Zhonghua not only didn't show pity for her, but also set up a deputy general manager's attitude and taught Zhang Tao a lesson:

"Zhang Tao, it's not Uncle Wang that I said you. This is Fengsheng company. It's during the company's business hours. You can call me uncle Wang in private. But the company has rules and regulations. You can't ignore the rules just because you are a friend of Mr. Dong. "

Speaking of this, Wang Zhonghua stopped for a moment and raised his voice: "besides, song is not here. Fengsheng will be managed by me. If you have any emergency, please tell me."

It turns out that Wang Zhonghua has been waiting for Zhang Tao here, just to set out the purpose of Zhang Tao's trip!


The bookworm Zhang Tao is trying to explain. Shen Yiru, the mother of Zhang, who has been observing her words and looks for a long time, pulls her son behind her and says with a smile:

"vice president, I'm sorry, my son has never been big or small. Don't take him for granted. Since song is not here, we won't disturb you. "

Having said that, he no longer looked at Wang Zhonghua, but went forward to pull Zhao Laner aside and whispered a few words in his ear.

Zhao Lan'er understands, and quickly tells Zhang Tao where song Shuling is.

This scene fell into the eyes of Wang Zhonghua.

Wang Zhonghua, who had already guessed what the beautiful young woman was up to, was angry in his heart, but it was not easy to break out. He had to let Zhang Tao's mother and son leave.

"I want to see what you're up to!"

Determined, Wang Zhonghua also drove to the first people's hospital.


At a time when all the forces of all parties gathered towards the first people's Hospital of Beijing.

In the people's Hospital, intensive care unit, song Shuling and Su Fangfei, two beauties, one big and one small, looked more anxious as they looked at Liu Sheng, who was unconscious, on the hospital bed.

Two people who have been in the hospital for some time only learned from the nurses that there was a serious violence in the hospital last night.

It is suspected that the gangster brought explosives into the hospital, and not only destroyed the intensive care unit where Liu shengpiaoyue was originally located, but also the landmark building of the people's Hospital and the garden sculpture in the center of the hospital were all destroyed into pieces.