Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1006

Lu Shaoqian only felt that his IQ had been insulted and his face was hot.

He even suspected that Xue Longqing's mental illness was not good at all. He was also crazy and would believe a psychosis.

"Lu Shao, it It can really spit fire. I didn't lie to you

The eldest son of Xue's group had 10000 doubts in his heart. He can swear that it was this little guy that day. When he opened his mouth, he not only burned the whole coffee shop, but also burned a dozen of his bodyguards to ashes.

Xue Longqing could not forget how they were wrapped up in white flame at that time, and they were desperately seeking help from themselves.

At first sight, I fell in love with everything in the coffee shop. It was like a nightmare that Xue Longqing could never get rid of.

"Enough! Whether or not the animal will spit fire or not, that's it! We are here today to force song Shuling to hand over Meng ran

Shen Xingyun is worthy of being the queen of the underground world in Jinghua City. As soon as Shen Xingyun's majestic words were just spoken, Xue Longqing stopped and stood by in shame.

At this time, the queen of Jinghua, dressed in a beige luxurious dress, stepped into the office hall indifferently on her 12 cm high-heeled shoes. She was like the hostess of Fengsheng, not angry and self-confident.

"Let song Shuling come out to see me."

With a cold voice, she showed her strong bearing as the queen of Beijing. The two receptionists at the front desk all bowed their heads in a conditioned way, and apologized and said:

"I'm sorry, miss. We song Zong is out of business, not in the company. If you really need something, I can contact her for you. "

"Song Shuling is not in this company? Where is she now Shen Xingyun asked without expression.

"General manager song has gone to the first people's hospital. It has been about half an hour. If you..."

Without waiting for the front desk girl to finish her words, Shen Xingyun turns coldly and leaves with Lu Shaoqian, leaving only the group of white-collar workers in the enterprise with a graceful figure.

About a few minutes later, as the elevator door opened, a middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes walked leisurely into Fengsheng office hall with his briefcase.

The middle-aged man's appearance is quite elegant, especially the beard on his lips, which makes his whole man look full of masculinity and typical image of successful business executives.

It is Feng Sheng, vice president who has been missing for many days, Wang Zhonghua!


Just as Wang Zhonghua, who had been mysteriously missing for many days, stepped into Fengsheng, an ordinary figure with white eyebrows and white beard suddenly stepped on the sky above the building.

"It's strange that the source of the terrible energy just erupted is undoubtedly here. But why does this energy, which is enough to destroy the earth and the sky, disappear inexplicably? "

The visitor is an old man who is aware of the great war between Meng siran and the Lord of Luomen.

"Those who can stimulate this level of power in the world must be above the earth immortals!"

With a meal of his eyes, the great power of mind swept out of his eyes. It is spreading rapidly around, trying to find out the trace of the person who has just made a move with the help of divinity.

The power of the mind swept through the whole building, through the body of everyone in the building.

However, it is strange that the power of pinglao's mind comes into contact with Long Ma hiding in Song Shuling's office.

A golden glow suddenly appears all over the dragon and horse, which is to protect the dragon and horse firmly and avoid the peep of gods!

Meng siran's golden blood unexpectedly helped Longma escape a disaster!

"Strange, why can't a trace be found?"

Even with the help of the power of divinity, Ping Lao can not find the trace of Meng Silan.

"Well, it's strange. I'd better go back and look after the young lady first."

With a firm mind, pinglao took back his mind and turned into a divine awn and quickly plundered toward the other side of Yunshan district.

Ping did not realize that his power of mind was only one step away from detecting the jeep carrying Chen Ziyang into Beijing

It was this difference that made pinglao and Chen Ziyang miss each other.