Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 952

Ten strong people in the imperial martial arts realm were dying and were locked by the flame chain of the king of Yanmo. It was difficult to move.

This group of people stared at Shen Lang with wonderful eyes.

Obviously, it is a powerful demon sect in 18 countries across the snow. It plays a role of killing people without blinking an eye. Shen Lang treats it like this, but no one dares to show an angry or threatening look.

They dare not.

The more people they killed and the more they saw, the more carefully they restrained their resentment for fear of being caught by Shen Lang.

But not everyone is really so smart.

Sima Fengyun, the ancestor of the flower burning sect, is such a person.

Sima Fengyun\'s head is a little bigger than others.

To put it bluntly, he is a big old man.

This is completely different from his brother Sima Yufeng. Sima Yufeng is a man with deep city government and good at hiding.

But not long ago, Shen Lang\'s move "Yu Lei Shen Jue" made these people flesh and skin open, scorched outside and tender inside. However, Sima Yufeng and Yanyu building\'s ancestors, who hid their cultivation, suffered the least injury.

So Sima Yufeng and yanshimeixing showed what they had learned and wanted to escape from the South and the north.

As a result, he was pinched half to death by the king of Yan devil.

The two people who were originally the least injured have now become the most seriously injured.

Sima Fengyun had a big head. He was blown up by thunder. He saw that his brother was seriously injured and dying. After hearing Shen Lang\'s words, the resentment hidden in his heart broke out!

"You also took xumijie, and we were beaten half to death by you. How do you want us to solve it?" Sima Fengyun said with clenched teeth: "Shen Lang, I advise you not to be too arrogant! Our flower burning sect is also supported by the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor. It\'s best not to make things out of control!"

Sima Yufeng, half dead over there, immediately knew that it was broken when he heard his brother say so.

Sima Yufeng didn\'t have time to react. As soon as the knife light fell in the air, Sima Fengyun without any resistance was split in an instant!

"Ah ah!"

The flesh was destroyed, and Sima Fengyun\'s Danying was entangled by the flame chain and screamed hysterically!

As soon as Shen Lang\'s hand knife changed, his five fingers grasped falsely, and he was about to catch Sima Fengyun\'s Danying

"Show mercy, sir!" Sima Yufeng shouted.

If you don\'t shout again, his brother will be scared.

The rest of the strong demons around were stunned. They didn\'t expect Shen Lang to kill them. They didn\'t hesitate!

This is more evil than evil!

The strong devil usually likes to frighten people. He\'s good. In a word, he directly split people!

A group of powerful demons secretly rejoiced that they hid well and didn\'t speak first.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes turned to Sima Yufeng and youyou said, "do you want to follow him?"

Sima Yufeng swallowed his saliva and said in a hoarse voice, "my brother can\'t speak. Please forgive me!"

"We have no resentment with adults for a long time. We have no hatred recently. What happened before is just a misunderstanding... I hope adults will show mercy and give us a chance to explain."

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "sorry, I\'m not interested in your explanation."

"Among the demons, the explanation itself is not popular."

The strong demons became more nervous.

The explanation is really not popular in the devil\'s way.

The law of the jungle, the weak die, and the strong live. What\'s the reason?

Shen Lang said again, "your life is in my hands now. If you want to live, just buy it with money."

"If you don\'t want to live, I\'ll give you a ride."

"Don\'t waste time and energy thinking about ideas, trying to escape, or threatening me like this guy, it\'s a dead word."

Shen langche\'s completely evil style made this group of people breathe a sigh of relief.

Just asking for money, that would be much better.

But to his death, he has touched the emperor\'s tools and xumijie in their hands!

Why are there such unreasonable people in the world?

These people are the ancestors of Lingtong level forces. Almost everything in xumijie has more than a quarter of the resources of their sect!

But Shen Lang took it. He didn\'t say anything about xumijie at all, but he asked them to take something alone to redeem themselves!

A group of powerful demons who never make sense finally want to make sense at this moment.

However, the mysterious boy they face is more unreasonable than them!

Seeing a group of people silent, Shen Lang didn\'t mind. He pointed to the robbery cloud above nine days and said, "the time of thunder robbery has been less than an hour. You still have a chance to consider it before the thunder robbery comes."

"If you didn\'t give me the answer before..."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang grinned and said, "let\'s taste the 99 thunder robbery together with the zombie."

"As long as we don\'t die under this thunder robbery, the matter between us and you will be written off, and I won\'t investigate anything that offends me."

A group of powerful demons almost scolded their mother.

Your sister, let the two or three heavy heavenly warriors in Huangwu territory who are seriously injured and dying face this kind of thunder robbery?

You can\'t carry eight million!

No, it\'s not a question of whether you can carry it or not... Wang Badan went to carry this kind of thunder!

Don\'t talk about the whole process of thunder robbery. As long as one of the 99 thunder in the air falls, I\'m afraid the ten strong demons present are slag, and there can\'t be any left!

Absolute form and spirit are destroyed!

At this time, a very nice voice sounded: "since it\'s a business, there\'s a price naturally. Come on, adults."

What he said was that the ancestor of Yanyu building, who had escaped and was caught back, was obsequious.

It was a beautiful and charming woman. Unfortunately, Shen Lang didn\'t have the intention of loving and cherishing jade at all. With a move of "Yu Lei Shen Jue", everyone was beaten into coke.

And the king of Yan devil, even more "Fahai doesn\'t understand love", almost crushed to death.

At this time, Sima Yufeng and others echoed.

The robbery clouds in the sky are becoming more and more frightening, and the pressure of terror is increasing. None of these people are willing to really think for an hour or so.

They just want to leave the ghost place and the little evil star at once, and don\'t come to the broken place of Yaowang Valley in the future.

"Well, I like the straight attitude of your people in the devil\'s way."

Shen Lang smiled and waved his palm gently. Ten contracts that had already been written were lost.

Ten animal skins rolled around and floated to the ten strong demons with great accuracy.

A few people glanced at the contract and almost fainted

The total value of the things written in the contract has almost exceeded two-thirds of the resources owned by the five evil forces!

In other words, if they want to live, they have to take out two-thirds of their resources!

After taking out so many resources, the five demon sects can still survive, but they are definitely... Unable to recover and survive.

"I sign!"

The first one to say this was Sima Yufeng.

The other nine people looked at each other and signed the contract without much delay.

Although Shen Lang is a lion with a big mouth, he can fish again when the money is gone. Where can he find it when his life is gone?

These spiritual copper level forces, generally three or four strong people in the imperial martial arts realm, came to the Yaowang valley. The two people died, and their respective sects could not last for a few days.

Like Yaowang Valley, someone will attack the door and shovel it completely.

Seeing that the contract turned into fly ash, and then a ray of light flew into Shen Lang and the ten strong demons, Shen Lang smiled and waved with satisfaction.

The king of Yan devil thought a little, untied the chain of fire and set the ten people free.

"You are all smart people, and I like dealing with smart people best. Send those things to xuandaozong of Zichu state within a month. We will still be friends when we meet later." Shen Lang said faintly.

"Don\'t worry, sir. I promise to deliver it within a month." Sima Yufeng and others nodded repeatedly.

Shen Lang nodded and pointed to the robbery cloud in the sky and said, "the 99 robbery thunder will come down soon. Do you want to visit here?"

"No need, no need, good intentions." Sima Yufeng and others waved their hands with a sad face.

After two more polite words with Shen Lang, a group of people left Yaowang Valley in despair.

In the medicine King\'s valley below, the joy is like thunder!

The people of Yaowang valley have seen the result of this event from the excited faces of the four ancestors.

Now I see that the enemy of the invader is made miserable by Shen Lang, and everyone feels extremely happy!



Under the influence of this psychology, although the people in Yaowang valley have not seen the benefits, everyone\'s eyes towards Shen Lang have changed.

After this incident, the disciples of Yaowang Valley don\'t know how many people began to worship Shen Lang blindly.

The Shen wave in the air looked at the thunder on the nine days and was silent.

He wanted to use the Tai Chi diagram to get two lightning robbers in, but he thought that this was the 99 lightning robber during the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror period, and the tree of the world is still refining lightning robbers, so he had to give it up.

"Big brother!"

Zhuge Xianer on the other side shouted, and a pair of talking eyes flashed at Shen Lang.

She was a little embarrassed and wanted to say it.

Don\'t mention Shen Lang, even the sophisticated guy like the king of Yan devil knows that Zhuge Xianer wants to get some benefits for black and white impermanence.

After all, these people took care of her for a long time, and they also went to Yaowang Valley to ask for medicine for her.

Shen Lang lost his smile: "I\'ve left everything to you. You don\'t need to tell me such a small thing. You make your own decisions."

Black and white impermanence cocked up his ears over there, and his ecstasy was reflected in his words... Not only was he not mutilated, but he was not robbed of anything. Under the mediation of xian\'er, there are still benefits to take. Is there anything better than this?

However, no matter how old and cunning they are, they can\'t imagine that a good news and a bad news will come at the same time.

Zhuge Xianer handed a Xumi ring to Bai impermanent.

When the black-and-white impermanent mind reached into xumijie and saw the spiritual grass and fruit like a hill inside, he was stunned

Zhuge Xianer said, "grandma, xuesha island was originally allied with the five evil forces to besiege Yaowang valley. As I expected, I\'m afraid it will take action against xuesha Island immediately after the five main gates slow down a little."

"It\'s likely to be like besieging Yaowang Valley to jointly deal with xuesha island..."

Shen Lang listened to Zhuge Xianer\'s words and lost his smile.

This girl seems to be completely on the side of herself.

No, she has begun to pay attention to xuesha island