Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 914

Xihuang Zhuque mansion.

The blue dream spirit, who closed his eyes and crossed his legs and floated in the void, opened his eyes and slowly fell onto the seat below.

"This smelly boy!"

The rosefinch in the blue dream spirit\'s eyes was burning, and the whole body breath rose again and again, which raised the temperature in the whole hall to an unimaginable level!


The angry blue Mengling clapped with a slap and smashed the chair under the seat.

And she stood up at this time.

Hearing the movement here, two figures rose like smoke and knelt in front of lanmengling on one knee.

One of them asked nervously, "Your Highness, what happened?"

LAN Mengling exhaled a foul breath and closed his eyes.

After a while, she couldn\'t help laughing: "nothing, a separate body was killed by the blood emperor."

The two people below were surprised: "the blood emperor of the blood clan? He\'s so brave!"

The two people were surprised but rather baffling: "a body was killed by blood emperor, and the royal highness of the princess was normal, but why did she laugh? It seems that it has not been seen for a long time that she is so happy."

At this time, LAN Mengling pointed at his forehead like a sword, and then released his fingers. His eyes released two sharp lights like a sword, which gathered together to form a light mass the size of a walnut.

After a while, the light mass was divided into two.

With a gentle wave of his hand, LAN Mengling sent the two light masses to the two people below.

At this time, she said coldly, "evil feeling, you take this thing to the black dragon demon king. Needless to say, just give it to him, and he will understand everything."

"As for the setting of the moon, go to the Murong aristocratic family in the West wasteland and find the Tianyuan demon king."

The two below were stunned and didn\'t understand what had happened.

How could it involve two demons?

LAN Mengling walked down the steps with his hands on his back and said angrily, "hum! What do you say that the demon temple is the master of the whole world? What do you say that everything in the whole world is under the monitoring of the demon temple... Even the birth of the blood clan and the advance of the blood emperor to the martial realm of the great emperor? It\'s a joke!"

"Emperor Wu territory!" the evil feeling and the falling moon below were surprised and finally knew the seriousness of the matter.

They know the existence of the blood emperor, but they really know nothing about the blood emperor\'s advanced martial arts and the demon God hall!

He heard the blue dream spirit continue to say: "because of his negligence and bad work of the black dragon demon king, he almost let Jingdang fall into the hands of the blood emperor!"

"If he doesn\'t want to be pinched into fly ash by the demon lord, he should come out and exercise..."

"The Tianyuan devil must be willing to take his place and control the star continent."

The black dragon demon king is the immediate boss of all the demon generals in the star mainland. LAN Mengling\'s rebellious words made them laugh and dare not say anything.

But from the tone of LAN Mengling, they also know that this time, great things have really happened!

The strong man called yueluo asked timidly, "but your highness, Tianyuan devil... Isn\'t he fighting for other planes?"

LAN Mengling didn\'t look back and said faintly: "Just give this thing to the Murong aristocratic family. The Tianyuan devil will know how to do it. If I were the Tianyuan devil, I would come back in the shortest time after I knew the news... Hum, the old man Xuezu is afraid to be born soon. We can\'t cope with it alone with the power of the devil general\'s house and the black dragon devil."

"For his own benefit, the black dragon demon king didn\'t pass the jingle news to other demon kings, and didn\'t wake up those old guys sleeping... This led to being taken advantage of by the blood emperor!"

"He can\'t afford the consequences!"

"Go." with the last two words, LAN Meng\'s spirit moved and disappeared in the hall.

The evil feeling and the falling moon looked at each other, nodded, turned into smoke and disappeared without a trace.


When Shuying tells Shen Lang everything that happened after his coma and all the details, Shen Lang is observing everything around him.

This is actually a deep canyon.

The strong man of Tiangang and Disha used his cultivation and many powerful magic weapons to arrange a powerful hiding array.

Above the head, Shen Lang could vaguely see a faint light mask.

However, no one can give a clear answer to whether this hidden array can hide the great emperor\'s martial realm except Shen Lang.

Shen Lang\'s answer is very simple... This array is powerful, but it is not enough to completely shield the mind of the strong in the emperor\'s martial realm!

There is a world of difference between the great emperor\'s martial realm and the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Even if the blood emperor was beaten miserably, could these defeated soldiers be able to cope with it?

So Shen Lang only cares about two things now.

The first point is whether the blood emperor has really run away?

If you didn\'t run, now these half dead guys can\'t resist the angry blood emperor!

And face the blood emperor again

Even for the blood emperor who has been badly hurt and greatly reduced his cultivation, Shen Lang can\'t have the opportunity to do it again as before.

The only way is that Shen Lang can only expose Feng Tianding and protect Ding Dang.

As for the others, it\'s none of his business!

The second point is whether the portal of yumudong blessed land is still there after the explosion of the silent God thunder king?

If it\'s gone, how can you go into Yumu cave to incorporate the Yanmo Legion?

Mogo, how did they get out?

Shen Lang is now forming a force. The attraction of the Yanmo Legion to him is very great.

Especially after getting the yuan force fragment and five spirit veins, Shen Lang is confident to increase such a force ten times in a short time!


"That\'s it." Shu Ying said respectfully, "the portal at the entrance to the blessed land of Yumu cave has been completely destroyed. The surging energy of the annihilation God thunder king has directly opened a huge hole."

"Now yumudong blessed land has been connected with the outside world. It doesn\'t matter whether it is opened or closed."

"But now at the entrance of yumudong blessed land, the space collapsed and countless space cracks appeared. Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror dare not get close to it. I\'m afraid it\'s the most dangerous place among the dragon scale Jedi."

"As for the blood emperor, according to the observation of several strong men present, it should be true that he has left..."

"Because until the end, the power of the sword of the left envoy did not dissipate, which made the real body of the blood emperor completely unable to condense. When the blood emperor left, he was panicked and completely lost his family dog."

"Coupled with the mending knife of the ghost respected night ghost and the golden winged Dapeng king, as well as the bombardment of the silent God thunder king, I\'m afraid the blood emperor can\'t lift any big waves in a short time."

"Without the help of adults, this time is really... Really..."

Shuying didn\'t finish his words, but his gratitude was beyond expression.

If Shen Lang didn\'t appear and cut such a knife, the eldest lady would probably fall into the hands of the blood emperor.

This group of strong imperial martial mirror will never survive... Even if they can survive, they will turn into ashes under the rage of the black dragon demon king.

It\'s not too much to say that Shen Lang saved them.

Therefore, when Shuying said this, a group of strong imperial martial mirrors looking at Shen Lang showed gratitude on their faces without exception.

Shen Lang nodded as he listened and looked around.

The time for Bai Luobing to detonate the silent God killing thunder king is really good and accurate

It was just when the blood emperor ladaos shocked a group of powerful people in the demon temple!

At this time, let alone those people who didn\'t find the silence killing God thunder king, even if they did, where would they have time to escape or defend?

A group of powerful demons and gods in the middle level or even the first level of the imperial martial mirror completely disappeared before they could even scream.

I\'m afraid what happened in yumudong blessed land will soon spread.

As soon as it is spread, it will certainly shake the whole world.

The result of this trip to yumudong blessed land

The candle dragon was killed by the emperor star, but no one knew except Shen Lang;

The two great emperors of Zhulong mansion, who had strong martial mirrors, had only one thin waist saved by Shen Lang... Although they were saved, they could not recover from such serious injuries in ten or eight years;

Lin Yafeng of Phoenix Mansion was seriously injured and dying to save Dingdang;

Xiang Xiaoya of the Phoenix Mansion was almost healed, and her injury was no less than that of Lin Yafeng. There was only one breath left;

Taotie\'s two goods are trapped by love. I don\'t know where they are dead. They escaped with several of their subordinates... It seems that it\'s good to talk about love. Fools always have silly blessings;

Shen Lang doesn\'t know how many strong people of Tiangang and earth have come. It\'s no good to say the number of deaths in front of those strong people of Tiangang and earth. However, there are less than half of the strong people of Tiangang and earth seen by Shen Lang in the dragon scale temple. It seems that they are definitely dead and injured;

Zhuque mansion\'s words... LAN Mengling\'s separate body was destroyed, but there were also Ling Xue and Ling Yue in the shadow. Because of Shen Lang, they were not hurt and escaped the catastrophe.

Ling Xue, Ling Yue and Shuying heard what happened there after they arrived here. Now they are afraid.

At the same time, I am also grateful to Shen Lang.

The position of the new "left envoy" in their minds has been promoted again.

"Now that the blood emperor has come here, it means that something big has happened outside, and the blood clan is likely to start a catastrophe... Maybe the birth time of the blood ancestor is ahead of schedule."

Shen Lang frowned and quickly analyzed the information in his mind: "the people in the demon temple have never suffered such a big loss. Next, they will prepare crazy revenge against the war temple and the blood clan."

"Bai Luobing, they don\'t have to worry. It\'s estimated that they will hide and won\'t show up easily."

"But once the blood ancestor and the demon Temple start a war, the whole world will be in chaos. How difficult it is for ordinary strong or forces to survive in this vortex..."

"But anyway, I still have to push for the dog biting thing."

"Only when they lose, will the temple of the God of war have the opportunity to return, and then benefit, and finally have the opportunity to eradicate the cancer of the two worlds!"

"When I go to the wilderness to see the eternal tree and get the green dragon blood essence, I will go to the demon God hall immediately and secretly promote it, so that the demon God hall will never die with the blood clan!"

Around these demon Temple emperor Wujing strong people, at the moment, they are still looking at Shen Lang with an expression of gratitude and speculation.

But I don\'t know what this guy thinks now... How to kill them!

It\'s just Shen Lang\'s idea that the whole world is full of blood and collapse