Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 825

Shen Lang didn\'t want to use the blue dream spirit to deal with the candle dragon or Taotie.

Now he hasn\'t figured out the five magic generals, and he doesn\'t know what it looks like inside, let alone the relationship between these people.

But it is possible to say a few words, let the Zhuque mansion sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then let the candle dragon have a good time with Taotie.

Unexpectedly, as soon as LAN Mengling\'s temper came up, he directly asked the thin shadow below to help Taotie and deal with the candle dragon!

This time, there will be some fun

Shen Lang smacked his mouth and looked at the blue dream spirit. He was speechless for a while.

It seems that the princess of blue, the royal highness of the princess, is still very popular.

At this time, he saw the thin shadow below and said with a long smile: "Lord candle dragon may have made a mistake. We are Zhuque mansion, but not Phoenix Mansion. Lord candle dragon seems not qualified to gossip about us?"

"Thin shadow, what do you mean?" the candle dragon\'s eyes became colder.

If it weren\'t for his separate cultivation, he would have shot Shu Ying long ago!

Shuying smiled coldly and snorted, "in order to help you, several sisters in Zhuque mansion were lured into the trap array by Bai Luobing and almost fell into the dragon scale temple!"

There is no such a rule! "Princess Luo Bing is so much hurt by the white trick that he was seriously wounded. He was killed all the way. You didn\'t feel grateful for your news, but you even blamed us for it."

"You..." candle dragon was a little stunned. He couldn\'t accept Shuying for a moment. He suddenly changed his attitude and became so tough.

But Shuying\'s next sentence made the candle dragon understand what was going on.

"Your Highness is very angry! So I\'m so sorry."

As Shuying said, a bright light appeared on his palm. A long bamboo whip was taken out and pulled out towards the nearest broken arm man Linglong!

The whip shadow was like a dragon wagging its tail. The stirred heaven and earth were in a mess, the clouds were surging, and the whip shadow was severely smoked in the past!

This whip can\'t help the spirit dragon, but it shows her attitude: Princess rosefinch is very angry, and the consequences are very serious!

"Boom, boom..."

Just take out a whip at will, and there will be endless thunder and roar on the whole fifth floor platform!

The broken arm man suddenly lifted the huge blade in the spirit dragon\'s hand and cut it straight towards the whip shadow!

Two earthshaking energies collided together, shaking the whole fifth floor platform!

If it weren\'t for the dense prohibition here and the two emperors\' powerful martial mirror shot, I\'m afraid more than half of the mountains would be cut off.

Although this imperial martial mirror is far superior to the quasi imperial martial mirror, which is not a powerful existence of moving mountains and filling the sea?

It\'s very polite for the strong to say that the mountains are shaking and the earth is moving.

At this time, Shuying took the lead. Seeing a big war, it will start again immediately!

"Let\'s fight. We\'ll lose both sides... Er, it\'s best to kill the candle dragon." Shen Lang in the air rubbed his hands and was beaming.

Ling Xue and Ling Yue looked at Shen Lang\'s eyes and looked strange.

"How powerful is the imperial martial mirror? There is no one in the 18 snow countries. Does this boy see that so many imperial martial mirror strong people are not in the state that rookies should have? And when he sees the earth shaking posture of Shuying and Linglong, he is not afraid, but eyebrows fly... What a freak!"

In the face of such a scene, Shen Lang didn\'t scare his feet like some low-level warriors or rookies, but let Ling Xue and Ling Yue look at him.

At this time, the shadow turned against the enemy, so that the candle dragons who had already been completely below changed their faces!

They can\'t cope with several Taotie here. If there are more thin films, I\'m afraid they don\'t even have a chance to escape!

The candle dragon clapped at the door of life and death on the side and shouted, "don\'t move anyone! If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end, but if you want to win more than less, don\'t blame me for directly destroying the door of life and death!"

Hearing the threat of candle dragon, Shuying and Taotie all gave a cold hum, their breath converged, and their complexion became a little dignified.

They all seem to value the gate of life and death.

The atmosphere on the court has eased a little.

Ling Yue, who didn\'t speak much before, glanced at Shen Lang and said, "ambassador Zuo, why do you think the candle dragon is such a threat that everyone doesn\'t dare to move?"

These words are in it with a trace of examination and temptation.

Ling Yue just wants to test Shen Lang and make a fool of this guy who doesn\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth. It\'s also a threat.

Shen Langtou did not reply: "this gate of life and death is not only the gate to enter the core of the dragon scale temple, but also the hub of the whole dragon scale temple. If the candle dragon destroys these five gates of life and death, the prohibition of the whole dragon scale temple will be triggered, and the space thousands of miles will fall into chaos."

"At that time, I\'m afraid none of us can run away... Er, not necessarily. Laner is a rosefinch family. The rosefinch family has a far better grasp of the rules of space than any other God... A powerful race."

When the word "divine beast" came to his mouth, it was dissolved by Shen Lang, and a smile appeared in the eyes of the bird on his shoulder.

Ling Yue three people looked at each other. They didn\'t expect this guy to know a lot.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "but the candle dragon is just intimidating Taotie. He doesn\'t dare to do so."

Ling Xue shook her head and said, "ambassador Zuo may not know much about adult candle dragon. He can really do such things... I\'m afraid there\'s nothing he doesn\'t dare to do in this world."

"I said he didn\'t dare to do it, so he certainly didn\'t dare to do it." Shen Lang said with a sneer.

I\'m kidding. Tinkle is also in the dragon scale temple now. How dare he destroy the gate of life and death, trigger the prohibition and make this space chaotic?

Unless he lives impatiently!

Taotie doesn\'t know jingle, Shen Lang doesn\'t know.

But the candle dragon must know that jingle is

The third prince is the man of the candle dragon. If the candle dragon doesn\'t know Ding Dang, it\'s a ghost;

At the beginning, after the candle dragon trapped the king Nara, the Kunlun whip in the king Nara\'s hand finally came to jingle\'s hand; And candle dragon\'s wife, black phoenix Lin Yafeng, is as familiar as jingle

As for the identity of Dingdang in the demon temple, Shen Lang is not clear.

But the black Phoenix calls her eldest lady and asks her to adjust the candle dragon and gluttonous things. With the status and ability of the candle dragon, it is impossible to provoke jingle.

Ling Xue and Ling Yue smiled at each other and shook their heads.

Shen Lang\'s last words look like children\'s angry words. There is no reason to convince people.

At this time, the candle dragon below said as Shen Lang guessed: "this life and death gate is the door to the core of the dragon scale temple and the hub of the whole dragon scale temple. If you destroy these five life and death gates, you can\'t get any of the treasures in the dragon scale Temple!"

"The prohibition of the whole dragon scale temple will also be triggered, and the space thousands of miles around will fall into chaos!"

"Don\'t think you can handle it when you have reached the realm of emperor Wujing. You will fall into that chaotic space and you won\'t be able to get away for hundreds of years!"

When the candle dragon spoke, the short haired woman with thin waist and the broken arm man spirit dragon made a move to destroy the door of life and death at the same time.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Taotie, who basically didn\'t talk much before, smiled: "candle dragon, candle dragon, I didn\'t expect you to have today! You still threaten me with something like the gate of life and death. Do you think you can threaten me with this kind of thing?"

While talking, the breath of gluttonous people soared, and the extreme threat of terror swept the whole audience!

The candle dragon\'s face changed slightly and said reluctantly, "Taotie, for thousands of years of brotherhood, why do you treat me like this? Why are you so aggressive!"

"I\'m in the South and you\'re in the East. There\'s no interest dispute between you and me. Poor Qi and Bi Fang are your biggest enemies!"

Taotie\'s fierce light showed in his eyes and youyou said, "really? You really don\'t know why I want to chase you to this extent?"

"Don\'t you know what you\'ve done yourself?"

The candle dragon\'s eyes flickered a few times and insisted: "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about! I\'ve always regarded you as my brother. Is that what you did to me? You chased me thousands of miles from the east to the West. I see how you explain from the demon king!"

What happens between two people is a man\'s business.

As long as it\'s a man, it\'s impossible to say such things.

Although they understand each other, they will never say it in front of their subordinates.

The candle dragon expected Taotie and didn\'t dare to say, so he pretended not to admit that he had any hatred with him.


After all, some people can\'t measure it with common sense, such as gluttony.

Taotie took a deep breath and said in a tone that seemed to be a bystander: "there are many legends about my Taotie in the demon God hall."

"There are legends about me, an ancient divine beast, and the hatred between me and you. Therefore, there is no need to hide it."

The candle dragon was surprised. Sure enough, he heard Taotie youyou say, "I once had a brother of life and death, a brother who shared weal and woe with wealth..."

"But my brother is not good at all. He has too strong self-esteem, and he will repay any kindness. When I went swimming in the sea, I laughed at him for being short, and he held a grudge against me and regarded me as the enemy of life and death. From then on, he will engage in any woman I like. And he can succeed every time."

"I\'ve been wearing a green hat by the same man all the time."

Everyone present was stunned.

Taotie\'s men stopped talking. When they heard their boss say such words, they wanted to find a hole in the ground!

The so-called hero doesn\'t mention the courage of the year, and the courage can\'t be mentioned. How can such a shameful thing be said?

If you say so yourself, everyone in Taotie mansion will want others to be short in the future!

The boss wears a green hat and admits that how can a group of subordinates face other people in the demon general\'s house?

Taotie\'s men are almost crying