Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 275

Because he wanted to practice solidly, Shen Lang didn\'t ride spirit beasts such as fierce demon wolves on his way.

Even he agreed with the ghost king that he could not fly with the help of him unless under special circumstances..

Young eagles growing up in too comfortable environment are always difficult to really fight in the sky.

Step by step, constantly stimulate potential, can we really make ourselves strong and finally be proud of Tianyu!

Just these two months, Shen Lang\'s harvest is not much less than that of five months at home.

In two months, his cultivation has been promoted to the six heaven of Lingwu realm.

With the help of the pressure of blue cobalt copper and the continued use of the "golden needle acupoint cutting forging formula", the particles of the ten divine beasts in his body increased by more than 100, and the physical strength further improved a lot.

At this time, with blue cobalt copper and immortal sky knife, he had more than 17000 kg, but along the way, he had already been able to bear this force.

Moreover, through the cultivation of blue cobalt and copper, he controlled his power to the best state. He lifted weights as light as a light. Even walking on the grass, it was difficult to leave footprints on it.

Because he uses the secret method to restrain his breath and uses the "golden needle cutting acupoint forging formula" to forge the body, it seems to outsiders that Shen Lang is just the four heaven in the Qi Wu realm.

It\'s normal for a martial artist of this cultivation to go out alone and be robbed.

Mountain bandits or some martial artists who are trying to cheat, Shen Lang hasn\'t met ten or nine along the way, and there are many experts in Lingwu realm.

However, I waited for him there early in the morning. It seems that I came specifically for him, but I met him for the first time.

Originally, Shen Lang wore shabby clothes and didn\'t smell "fat sheep" from beginning to end. However, when these mountain thieves saw that he was wearing the same clothes as in the order, and told them that there was a maze here, they all went out like great enemies and stared at Shen Lang covetously.

"Are you guys waiting for me? It\'s my first time here. Did you recognize the wrong person? Forget it, I\'m not interested in listening. Hand over all my belongings and I\'ll let you go." Shen Lang smiled very sunny, just like a boy next door.

Six meters away from him, the three of Wang Dazhu and a group of minions behind them stared and thought they had heard wrong.

Fuck, isn\'t that our line?

This boy doesn\'t follow the routine!

Zhang Xiaosan\'s eyes showed a fierce light. He waved his hand and said, "open the maze and trap him!"

This guy is cautious. Although he sees that Shen ronin is harmless and only has four heaven in the Qi and Wu realm, he still orders to open the maze first.

Six of the following group of minions rushed to the edge of the canyon and put their hands on the cliff.

In the twinkling of light, strange Dharma arrays immediately appeared on the cliff pressed by the palms of those people!

The thick smoke suddenly erupted from the ground. The canyon, which was only a little dim, was suddenly shrouded in the thick fog!

"I said, brother Xiaoshan, that boy is just a rookie in the four heaven of the Qi and martial arts realm. We have a lot of people who are better than him. Is it too cumbersome to do so? Just go up and put it down, then put it in a cage and send it to the stronghold to be the leader? As for using the maze? It costs a lot of spirit stones to use it once!"

Wang Dazhu\'s voice rang out in the thick fog.

The group of people were groping out with specific steps.

Wang Xiaoshan snorted coldly, "you know a fart. The strength of a martial artist can be seen not only from his cultivation. Do you really think how powerful we are in the six heavy heaven of the Qi Wu realm? Even if it is the four heavy heaven of the Qi Wu realm, if he has high-level magic weapons in his hands or high-level talisman on his body, we may not be able to deal with it!"

"I\'ve been out for so many years. Why do I live well now, while those in other mountain strongholds with similar qualifications are dead and disabled? It\'s because of my caution! If you can\'t take risks, try not to take risks. Understand?"

The woman\'s voice also sounded at this time: "Wang Xiaoshan is right. The man in charge seems to be very afraid of him. If it\'s not this boy, just in case it is... Be careful to make the Wannian ship!"

"Well, well, if I\'m wrong, I can\'t. listen to you." Wang Dazhu was scolded and was much more honest.

Thick fog filled the canyon and it was quiet again.

After a while, Wang Dazhu\'s impatient voice rang again: "brother Xiaoshan, did you take the wrong way? Why do I think it\'s wrong? We went out in twos and threes before. How come we\'ve been wandering for a long time and are still in the maze?"

Wang Xiaoshan said in a trembling voice, "my brain melon seeds are very good. I remember this array. I can\'t go wrong with my eyes closed... But it\'s really my evil door. There\'s no reason why I can\'t get out for so long? Qu Rong, see if we\'re on the wrong route?"

Qu Rong didn\'t reply. Her teeth trembled and clucked, which made people panic.

"Hey, Qu Rong, can you say something? What do you mean by the cackling of your teeth!" Wang Dazhu asked rudely.

Qu Rong said with a cry, "we didn\'t take the wrong route, nor did Wang Xiaoshan, but... But look at the footprints on the ground, we seem to have turned back..."


Wang Dazhu roared, "I told you not to open this labor maze. Now, we\'re trapped inside! What should we do now?"

Wang Xiaoshan and others were stunned. They only felt a chill rising from their spine and shivered at the same time.

They know the power of this maze very well.

When Bai hongzong\'s master who was proficient in array was invited to Qingfeng stronghold, it cost a lot of money and entrusted many people to it.

Later, in order to arrange the maze, he not only took out a large number of spirit stones, but also the master of baihongzong worked with dozens of people for more than half a month.

Even if you are an expert in Lingwu realm, once you are trapped in the maze, you can\'t last three days!

As long as you enter this maze, you will begin to have illusions in 30 minutes. Once you can\'t get rid of this illusion, you will completely sink and be difficult to extricate yourself.

At that time, you may find thousands of troops running towards you;

You may also see a powerful bloodthirsty monster jumping from the top of the cliff and swallowing yourself!

It may also be flooded by thunder splitting fire

But this array is so powerful. Except for Wang Dazhu, several of them will remember their route and orientation clearly. How can they be lost in the array?

"Boy in black! That boy in black must be making trouble!" Wang Xiaoshan repressed his voice and roared like a beast.

However, his words did not arouse the anger of the group, but there was a large sound of teeth trembling around.

Such a powerful array not only didn\'t trap the boy in black, but was used by him in an instant, and then trapped this group of people. How powerful is this boy?

It\'s impossible!

The baihongzong experts who arranged the array spent more than half a month!

It will take a lot of time to break such a maze, even if it can be broken?

And now it\'s not just like breaking, but like being captured?

Is this him? I\'ve never heard of him

Among a group of people in Qingfeng stronghold, fear flooded like a flood, and many people began to scream and complain.

Just when these people were terrified, Shen Lang\'s voice finally appeared: "how many people have you hurt with this maze? Now you\'re trapped in the maze. Does it taste good?"

"Bastard, you have the guts to fight us with open swords and guns. What kind of hero is this despicable means?" Wang Dazhu shouted with a mace.

Shen Lang said with a dumbfounded smile, "didn\'t you use this despicable means yourself? Why did you blame me?"

"...." Wang Dazhu was speechless.

"Well, now I\'ll ask you a few questions and answer them well. You have a chance to get out of the maze, otherwise you\'ll be ready to taste the power of the maze."

As soon as Shen Lang\'s voice fell, the people of Qingfeng stronghold saw that the thick fog suddenly began to roll and spread towards both sides to form a channel.

In the center of the passage, Shen waves dressed in black came slowly.

"This guy can really control this maze!" Wang Xiaoshan\'s eyes narrowed slightly.

The three drooping fingers changed several postures and gave several signals: "I\'ll subdue him at the same time!"

Shen Lang, who walked slowly, didn\'t seem to know that these people were ready to take action at the same time. He just smiled calmly and said, "first question, how many people have you hurt with this maze?"

"Second question, why did you ask me? Who is he?"

"The third question, I want all your belongings. I wonder if you are ready?"

A group of people in Qingfeng stronghold looked at each other in silence.

After a while, Qu rongjiao smiled and came out: "Oh, little brother, we just want to make a joke with you. We don\'t know why we are in charge of looking for you. He just told us your characteristics and asked us to take you to the stronghold. You must believe me!"

As she spoke, she approached Shen Lang like a spoiled girl.

Shen Lang is walking this way, and Qu Rong is also walking in his direction. Just after two words, they have approached.

"You haven\'t answered the first question yet?" Shen Lang said faintly.

Qu Rong giggled, stretched out her hand and looked like she was going to put on Shen Lang\'s shoulder and said, "Oh, the big boss is really right. He is really a beautiful little brother. Although he is young, he is handsome. I don\'t know how many women he wants to die..."


Before she finished, the palm of her right hand shook slightly, the nail bounced slightly, and a mass of white powder sprinkled towards Shen langmian door!

At the next moment, Qu Rong\'s lazy posture suddenly changed, and her eyes showed a fierce light. The long nail of her left hand was shining with a strange light, sharp as a knife, and rowed to Shen Lang\'s neck!

At almost the same time, Wang Dazhu and Zhang Xiaoshan in the rear, one waving a huge mace, one holding a cold flashing dagger in both hands, rushed over from left to right, and the speed was amazing!