Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1311

Xiao Tui lowered his head and said, "I also want to steal, but the risk is too great... Last time you were caught by Ling Han and Tang Yiyi, didn\'t you get beaten and half dead and lie down for a full month?"

"..." Jiuwu was mad with anger: "that\'s why I asked you to distract them! You have rough skin and thick meat. You\'ve been beaten... Shit, how can you tell the truth."

"Yes, am I the boss or are you the boss?"

"What the boss says, what should you do, understand?"

Little push hooked his head and didn\'t speak.

Jiuwu couldn\'t help sighing: "Damn it, Tang Yiyi is obviously from the shy flower sect. Did he take the wrong medicine or something? Did he mix with the medicine King Gu Linghan?"

"It\'s hard enough to deal with one woman. I can\'t carry the two together... You flower maniac, where are you going? Can you be a little promising? I mean, I can\'t beat them both!"

"Originally, I wanted to let the sword blade do it. Who knows that he can even sleep when walking and can\'t wake up!"

"Do you do it or not!"

While Jiuwu and xiaotui were exploring and discussing how to steal the spirit grass, Shen Jianfeng was wandering in his dream.



A voice that didn\'t know where it came from kept calling Shen Jianfeng.

"What a kind voice. Where does it come from?"

Shen Jianfeng rubbed his head and stood up slowly.

The call of the devil power of the abyss led him to the south of xuandao sect.

Under the guidance of this force, Shen Jianfeng, with his eyes closed, stood up and walked towards the north.

"Dance boss, Jianfeng sleepwalking again!" xiaotui said in surprise.

"Success is not enough, defeat is more than enough, do give me trouble!" Jiuwu walked over with an unhappy face, punched Shen Jianfeng on the head, and then carried Shen Jianfeng back.

He has done this kind of thing many times and is extremely skilled.

I don\'t know when to start. Shen Jianfeng began to doze off during the day.

Doze off, doze off, and always sleepwalk!

What\'s this called!

Originally, the three came here to steal herbs from Yaowang Valley, and Shen Jianfeng was the main force. Jiuwu wanted him to deal with the people in Yaowang valley. Unexpectedly, he slept!

Go to sleep. He will get up and sleepwalk again, and then get up and sleepwalk again!

Lingcao didn\'t steal it. Jiuwuguang ran back and forth with Shen Jianfeng on his shoulder!

Jiuwu was so angry that he wanted to kill him with a hammer.

"Those two little ladies don\'t leave so late, and the little thing Jianfeng is holding back. My nine dance is really untimely... Why did I meet such a hammer master?"

Xiaotui looked over his head and said, "boss dance, when Jianfeng gave you three Tianyuan pills last month, didn\'t you say that the luckiest person in your life was Jianfeng?"

"..." Jiuwu was stunned and hit the chestnut on xiaotui\'s head: "I can\'t complain!"

The little push scratched his head with pain.

Jiuwu sighed, frowned and said, "forget it, tie up the sword edge. I\'ll go to Chu Qingcheng to help."

"Chu Qingcheng has many ghost ideas. Maybe it can make the sword blade normal!"

They tied Shen Jianfeng to a big tree.

After leaving xiaotui to take care of Shen Jianfeng, Jiuwu slipped into a Python and rushed into the air to find Chu Qingcheng in the direction of songduofeng.

After a while, the clouds were surging in the air. Chu Qingcheng sat on the python with a folding fan and came leisurely.

"You two are really nice to Jianfeng!" Chu Qingcheng smiled when he saw the rag stuffed in Shen Jianfeng\'s mouth. "What\'s the matter? Haven\'t Ling Xue and Ling Yue checked Jianfeng\'s sleep, and said that the jade talisman in his body is doing something wrong?"

"It\'s no use finding me?"

Jiuwu turned into a human figure and said with an unhappy face: "he\'s not just sleeping. He\'s still sleepwalking... You see, if I don\'t tie him up, he\'ll get up and run around immediately!"

"Run around?" Chu Qingcheng thoughtfully put away the folding fan and pointed to Shen Jianfeng: "put him down."

"Hmm?" Jiuwu was stunned, but he walked over and put Shen Jianfeng down.

Sure enough, as soon as Shen Jianfeng lost his bondage, he staggered to the north of xuandaozong.

Chu Qingcheng followed him leisurely for a few steps. Suddenly he came to the edge of the sword edge and whispered, "sword edge, flying speed will be faster. What year and month are you going to go step by step?"

Shen Jianfeng closed his eyes and suddenly showed a smile. He slipped into the air and lost his trace.

"Shit!" Jiuwu was so angry: "I asked you to help, not to mess around!"

"He\'s gone now. What shall we do? He\'s in the later stage of Huangwu territory. How can we chase him?"

"You have to tie the bell to get rid of the bell. If Jianfeng wants to go out, let him go out. Let\'s follow him and see what\'s going on." Chu Qingcheng said. As soon as the fan shook, a light and shadow wrapped Jiuwu and xiaotui in it.

Then, this group of light and shadow brush ran out for tens of miles and caught up with Shen Jianfeng who was still raging.

Jiuwu\'s throat was thumping: "well, old Chu, what is your cultivation level now?"

Chu Qingcheng smiled like Mona Lisa: "guess."

Shen Jianfeng flew faster and faster in front, and Chu Qingcheng followed him closely.

Before long, Shen Jianfeng had reached the edge of Tianxuan mountain.

Here, without any hesitation, Shen Jianfeng plunged directly into the wilderness.

Chu Qingcheng, who followed behind, narrowed his eyes slightly: "interesting, really interesting."

"What did you find?" nine dances asked in wonder.

Chu Qingcheng shook his fan and said, "Buddha said, you can\'t say, you can\'t say."

Nine dance sighed: "Hey, lonely!"

Chu Qingcheng: "

Just then, Shen Jianfeng suddenly flew down.

Chu Qingcheng took a smile at the corners of his mouth and glanced down casually. At the position where Shen Jianfeng rushed, there were jagged rocks, in which there was a small hole!

In the middle of the cave, there was a smell of evil wandering slowly.

It was a sealed abyss crack!

On the edge of xuandaozong, there is a crack leading to the endless abyss?

This is unimaginable!

"That\'s..." Jiuwu\'s tongue became not sharp.

It\'s not how powerful he is. He can detect the smell of the crack in the abyss.

It is mainly because when he was in yumudong blessed land, he had contact with the abyss Lord with xiaotui and Shen Jianfeng.

Therefore, he is much more sensitive to the breath of the abyss crack than ordinary people.

"Shh!" Chu Qingcheng put a finger in front of his lips.

The three quietly followed Shen Jianfeng and hid behind a boulder.

He saw Shen Jianfeng take out the Jiuxian dragon gun and stab the seal of the crack with all his strength!


The endless strong light burst, and the terrible energy spread outward, directly blowing the surrounding rocks into pieces!

Shen Jianfeng\'s cultivation is now the peak of Huangwu realm, but this cultivation is obviously far from the seal.

Under his continuous action, the seal of the small crack was motionless!

"Yes, it must be the devil in the endless abyss tempting the sword blade! But what should we do?" Jiuwu and xiaotui\'s heart were all in a cold sweat.

Their accomplishments are all Wang Wujing now, but they can\'t go up to the level in xuandaozong.

Not to mention those abyssal demons.

If the seal of the crack is opened, the abyss devil will rush out of the crack, and the xuandaozong on the Tianxuan mountain will bear the brunt!

If there is a terrible thing at the level of abyss Lord

"Eh? Why should I be so nervous?" Jiuwu suddenly came back to his mind: "yes, now xuandaozong has a thin shadow, and three powerful imperial martial mirrors, Ling Xue and Ling Yue, are in charge. If the abyss Lord comes for a dozen, there will be no return!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he saw Chu Qingcheng bend his fingers towards the void.

There seemed to be a flash of light above the sky.

Then, a column of light that made Jiuwu and xiaotui cold hair stand upright fell down from the void and hit the crack seal with a bang!


The seal of the chasm of the abyss was broken.

Shen Jianfeng jumped down with the Jiuxian dragon gun!

Jiuwu was stunned, and immediately jumped three feet high: "I rely on me, even if xuandaozong is not afraid of the abyss devil, you don\'t have to open the seal of the abyss crack!"

"It\'s already open. What\'s the use of such words?" Chu Qingcheng smiled. Shi Shi ran walked over and jumped down the crack!

"..." Jiuwu and xiaotui almost cried.

The two looked at each other, reluctantly followed in the past, and jumped down the crack.

The three men restrained their breath and sank continuously. It felt like falling into a bottomless hole.

The air is filled with the sound of the Yin wind, the poisonous fog is filled, and the smell of evil energy in the air is getting heavier and heavier.

Before Jiuwu and xiaotui reached the bottom, they all played the retreat drum... They were afraid.

But it\'s also normal. If you enter the endless abyss without the cultivation of quasi emperor martial mirror, you\'ll be dead!

"Here we are."

Chu Qingcheng\'s voice awakened the nervous nine dances and xiaotui.

They fought a cold war and looked around. They couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

I saw that it was like a dark swamp. There were many mushroom like things standing here, which glittered with light, making this area bright.

Although bright, but under the shadow of this light, it becomes more and more strange!

Here, it seems that ordinary plants are difficult to survive. Only a few big trees with mushroom leaves and huge flower like plants can survive.

No matter what kind of plant, it releases a rotten and unpleasant smell.

"This... This is the endless abyss?" xiaotui\'s upper and lower rows of teeth began to fight.

Endless abyss, there are terrible abyss demons!

Jiuwu said with a sad face, "the breath of evil energy is so abundant. It\'s not endless. Where is the abyss? But... Where\'s the sword edge?"

"In front." Chu Qingcheng pointed to the front and walked past leisurely.

This guy didn\'t come to the endless abyss at all. It was like traveling.

Jiuwu and xiaotui want to go back, but now they don\'t even have the courage to go back. They can only follow Chu Qingcheng.

"This time, I was badly hurt by the kid of the sword blade!" Jiuwu had an impulse to cry.


Today, I\'m also powerful. The four counsellors chasing after me with a knife are pissing the shit. Is he!

I didn\'t expect to write two chapters today... If you can keep on, otherwise I\'m sorry to support my readers. I went to the hospital tomorrow morning. I don\'t know how long it will take. I don\'t like going to a hospital, but I can\'t help it.