Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1283

Candle dragon eyebrows a pick: "shadow moon, you mean, from Shen Lang\'s relatives and friends?"

The shadow moon threw a wink at the candle dragon and said, "yes... Sometimes it\'s not revenge to kill each other."

"In this world, there are at least 100 ways to make a person miserable!"

"Since the adult is worried about the eldest lady, it\'s better to keep Shen Lang\'s life... But even if he keeps his life, he makes the adult so angry. My concubine must make his life worse than death!"

The candle dragon held his chin and said thoughtfully, "although it\'s a good plan to kill with a knife, what kind of reason to find? The Zhuque mansion is now almost half Shen Lang\'s home. No one can believe that the Zhuque mansion will fight Shen Lang, and Shen Lang himself can\'t believe it."

The shadow moon\'s eyes lit up and became more and more excited: "it\'s very simple... Now the whole demon Temple knows that LAN Mengling is interested in Shen lang. as for women, once they fall into the vortex of emotion, they can do anything!"

"Shen Lang was confused with a woman named Nalan Ziyan at first, and entangled with a woman named Xue Shiyin in the plague place... It is said that LAN Mengling went to the plague place just because he knew that Xue Shiyin was around Shen Lang?"

Candle dragon suddenly realized: "yes, that\'s right! Shadow moon, do you mean to find this excuse?"

The shadow moon nodded fiercely and said, "yes, it\'s true. It\'s said that LAN Mengling hates Shen Lang\'s collusion with Nalan Ziyan, and he doesn\'t know the sound of snow poetry, so he\'s jealous and wants to kill Nalan Ziyan and snow poetry!"

"Xuandaozong will certainly not hand over Nalan Ziyan and snow poetry, so we took the opportunity to destroy xuandaozong!"

"After destroying xuandaozong, find the pieces of Yuanli in xuandaozong, and then..."

"The relationship between lanmengling and Shen Lang will deteriorate completely, and Shen Lang may even directly go out of the rosefinch house!"

"And we can take advantage of this to find the fragment of Yuanli and ask for credit from the demon king!"

"At the same time, when all the people around Shen Lang are dead, there is a great chance that he can plant heart demons on this person, which will make it difficult for him to make great progress in cultivation in the future and will no longer threaten Lord candle dragon!"

"And all this will not involve the candle dragon mansion, and you, my Lord!"

"You see, does this kill three birds with one stone?"

After all this, the shadow moon looked at the candle dragon like a tribute, and her eyes were as beautiful as silk.

The candle dragon\'s eyes lit up and laughed: "well, really, it\'s worthy of my beloved baby! Good plan! Good plan!"

The shadow moon turned her eyes and pretended to be pathetic and said, "however, after I did this for adults, I\'m afraid I\'ll be hated by LAN Mengling... That woman is crazy. If she stares at her, I\'m afraid there\'s no place for the shadow moon!"

Before Zhu long spoke, Ying Yue said, "I heard that the selection of extraterritorial stars once in a thousand years is about to begin. Can adults get a place for my concubine and let my concubine go to the extraterritorial stars?"

"At that time, I will take the opportunity to leave the Zhuque house and the star mainland. I won\'t have to be involved in the chaos of blood clan, and then I won\'t have to worry about the Zhuque house and LAN Mengling anymore!"

The woman is extremely insidious and cunning.

Originally, she held the candle dragon\'s thigh because she knew... With her identity and status, she was just playing the role of cannon fodder in the blood clan chaos, and would fall into this terrible war sooner or later.

Not to mention the others, it depends on the plague place this time. There are so many powerful people in the middle and late stage of the emperor\'s martial arts mirror in the house of the great demons. They fall like a rain!

This is terrible!

This is just a small battlefield in the land of plague!

The blood clan has not really come out of the blood ancestral mausoleum!

After several wars, the strong man of the demon God hall whose cultivation was more than a hundred times and a thousand times stronger than her fell so simply

At that time, people like her who are not favored in the rosefinch house will be sent to the front line as cannon fodder at the first opportunity.

Therefore, when the blood clan first attacked all kinds of cities, she climbed the high branch of candle dragon with her body and means.

This time, I offer a plan in front of the candle dragon, make a contribution, and take the opportunity of the test in the starry sky outside the demon God Temple to leave the star continent and go to other small worlds controlled by the demon God Temple. At that time, everything will go everywhere!

Why worry about the Revenge of LAN Mengling and Zhuque mansion?

Why worry about being used as cannon fodder and then vanishing in the war with the blood clan?

The candle dragon\'s eyes moved slightly, a wisp of smile came out of the corners of his mouth and said, "is there a starry sky outside? Why is it difficult?"

"When the shadow moon helps me destroy xuandaozong, I\'ll send you out of the star mainland and go to the starry sky outside the territory!"

Ying Yue was overjoyed: "are you serious?"

The candle dragon laughed: "what I said by the candle dragon is no joke? In this candle dragon house, except for the thin waist, the shadow moon is the person I believe most... Otherwise, I hide in the East wasteland of Taotie. How can I bring you with me?"

The shadow moon twisted in the arms of the candle dragon and said with a smile: "I have long known that adults are good to others. Don\'t worry, I will do it properly."

"HMM." the candle Dragon nodded and said, "but, baby, remember, all this needs to be done perfectly, quickly and secretly."

"Never let LAN Mengling know that this seat did it. Do you understand?"

Shadow moon chuckled and said, "I know adults still miss the rosefinch... I really don\'t know. What\'s better about the blue dream spirit than me?"

"Well, the adult\'s business is my business. I will do it perfectly."

"No one will know. It has something to do with you, my Lord!"

The candle dragon burst out laughing: "I have such a beautiful confidant around the candle dragon. What can I ask for!"

As he said this, his palm was already under the shadow moon skirt.

"Oh!" the shadow couldn\'t stand it and moaned.

They were immediately coerced by the infinite evil spirit.

In the dark cave, from time to time, there were obscene voices and dangling words.


After a long time.

The shadow moon twisted out of the huge cave.

When she came to the cave door, yingyue deliberately slowed down her steps and glanced provocatively at the right.

Then she smiled triumphantly and left here.

When her figure disappeared in the distance, at the place where she glanced, the black fog dissipated, and a short haired woman in short clothes raised her head with her hands on her chest.

This woman is the strong man of Zhulong mansion, thin waist!

The thin waist looked at the distance faintly, and the killing intention in his eyes flashed away. He closed his eyes again and hid into the darkness.


The plague land Shura city.

Eight days have passed since Shen Lang smashed the Moonlight City array.

Among Shura City, Luoxian City, Bingfeng City, Liusha city and Moonlight City, the powerful of Wanyao house, qianhun hall and demon God hall are working together to arrange a new defense system.

Everyone believes that the entrance of amber dream must be in this area.

Hold this area, and the eternal tree is safe.

Under the joint efforts of the powerful in Wanyao mansion, qianhun hall and demon God hall,

Shen Lang stood in the void and watched LAN Mengling reluctantly leave. Then he sighed and returned to Shura city.

As soon as he entered the city Lord\'s residence of Shura City, Shen Lang couldn\'t help frowning... In the city Lord\'s residence, Baili Bing and several others were healing Shuying!

Shu Ying\'s cultivation is only a little weaker than Bai Li Bing.

And it was the moonlight city that entered in the later stage that was so seriously injured?

"Why are you hurt?" Shen Lang came over.

Shu Ying\'s face turned red: "when I was chasing a strong blood clan, he hurt my chest with poison... Although I finally killed him on the spot, the poison was very strange. If I didn\'t control it, it spread to half of my body..."

"Well," Shen Lang said with a gentle wave of his hand, "you go out first and I\'ll heal Shuying."

The strong men in the Zhuque mansion looked at each other.

Gu poison is a very important thing!

Moreover, it is important that the injury of Shuying is in the chest. If you heal the injury, you must contact Shuying\'s body.

But Zuo emissary is a big man

"What are you doing? Aren\'t you afraid of delaying Shuying\'s healing?" Shen Lang said, his hand extending towards Shuying\'s wound.

As soon as Shuying\'s face changed, he was ashamed and shouted, "wait a minute, my Lord!"

"Hmm?" Shen Lang was stunned.

I said, "my Lord, my subordinates... My subordinates are not casual people."

"Ah? Oh, don\'t worry. I\'m not a casual person in your family." Shen Lang nodded and stretched his hand towards her wound.

Baili Bing and others on the edge turned red, and their eyes stared round and turned their heads one by one.

"My Lord!" Shu Ying shouted again pitifully when he saw that the people around him could not save himself.

Shen Lang\'s hand stopped in front of Shuying\'s chest and was a little impatient: "what\'s the matter?"

"Subordinates... Subordinates already have a sweetheart." Shuying\'s head hooked up and blushed to the root of his neck.

Shen Lang\'s forehead was covered with black lines: "bastard! This seat is helping you heal. What do you think I want to do? What\'s the mess?"

"With my ability, I don\'t need to touch your body to help you heal!"

Everyone at the scene immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh! You don\'t need to touch your body!"

Shen Lang\'s face darkened: "how can I be? Who do you think I am? A person who takes advantage of his subordinates?"

Everyone present showed an embarrassed look.

Especially the thin shadow, even dare not raise your head.

Right envoy Bai libing shrugged, sat down on the side and said, "don\'t you blame yourself? You don\'t need to touch your body. What do you want everyone to do?"

The crowd nodded at once.

Shen Lang\'s face darkened again.

------------------Laohai wechat public account: hwy1717 please pay attention!

Before she could speak, Ling Xue on the side muttered: "Shuying adults also think too much. If we changed our sisters, there would be no so much trouble. Even if we need to touch the body, so what? We don\'t care!"

Everyone\'s eyes moved to Ling Xue and Ling Yue.