Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1222

LAN Mengling said again, "well, anyway, you\'ve got a drop of poor and strange blood essence. If the rosefinch blood essence doesn\'t have to be in a hurry for a while, wait until the blood clan comes to an end."

"How could a monster like you be able to improve yourself by swallowing the blood essence of a divine beast?"

"Even if there is a strong power in the divine beast\'s blood essence, it is very limited?"

Shen Lang turned his eyes: "do you know about poor and strange blood essence? Do you send someone to monitor me?"

LAN Mengling turned his face and said, "it\'s normal for me to master the actions of a subordinate as the leader of the rosefinch house?"

"Ah? You really spy on me? You..." Shen Lang stared round.

LAN Mengling didn\'t answer him either. He said to himself, "when I came here, the young master of poor Qi\'s house was just about to leave. His internal injury is very different from the state after losing poor Qi\'s blood essence. How can I hide it from my eyes?"

"You cow!" Shen Lang gave a thumbs up.

"Hum!" Lan Mengling raised his eyebrows and grinned.

The original unhappiness, the haze buried in the bottom of her heart, has disappeared unconsciously.

Even LAN Mengling didn\'t realize it.

On the other side, Lingxue and Lingyue looked terrified: "Princess Royal smiled? Princess Royal smiled."

For so many years in Zhuque mansion, they haven\'t seen LAN Mengling smile several times.


Three days passed quickly.

Three days ago, the "king of ocean and water" and the "king of sky and wind" left the customs to lead the strong in the demon temple to go to the southwest of the plague place to hide according to Shen Lang\'s plan.

At the same time, on the other side of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, a large number of peerless strong men touched outside the Luocha city under the enchantment arranged by the night ghost.

In these three days, Shen Lang, which looks the most leisurely, is actually the busiest.

The harvest, the improvement of artistic conception, the refining of robbing thunder, and all kinds of unspeakable things are waiting for Shen Lang to deeply understand and turn them into his own.

But three days is too short.

Shen Lang has limited gains in understanding the artistic conception and the rules contained in robbing thunder.

On the contrary, in these three days, various energy stored in the Tai Chi diagram poured into Shen Lang\'s body, making Shen Lang\'s chaotic divine body rise to a higher level again in the three days!

After refining two drops of divine beast blood essence, the chaotic divine body has changed greatly.

Shen Lang can clearly feel the breathing and growth of each ten divine beast particle.

The birth and growth of ten divine beast particles are faster and more fierce than before refining green dragon blood essence.

It\'s no exaggeration to say that Shen Lang\'s cultivation is growing rapidly!

Before the advanced stage, the night nether horizontally inserted the crazy thunder robbing power and the power of gods and Demons obtained in the magic array of the dragon scale temple

If this vast and unpredictable power is absorbed and refined by Shen Lang, it can almost raise the power of chaotic divine body to the eighth heaven of Emperor Wu Jing.

Unfortunately, three days is too short.

When the power of this chaotic God body was raised to the peak of the seventh heaven of emperor Wujing, the war had started.

Outside the secret room of Shen Lang\'s cultivation, there was a gentle knock on the door, as well as the voice of LAN Mengling: "the old monster of the night ghost has led the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall to attack Luocha city."

Shen Lang in the secret room suddenly opened his eyes and grew up.

In a flash, Shen Lang came out of the chamber of secrets.

There were crowds outside the secret room.

Standing on the edge of the secret room are LAN Mengling and grandma Feng.

Behind them are some warriors under the imperial martial mirror of Zhuque mansion and the leaders of the stone people and other races.

Every demon general, the martial mirror of the emperor of the house, and the strong ones above the four heavens, have already followed the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha.

These are the only reserve troops left here.

However, at the moment, these reserve forces and those foreign fighters are also full of war in their eyes. They want to go out with Shen Lang and kill him immediately.

Shen Lang glanced at these people and said softly, "all foreigners and other people in Zhuque mansion stay here and don\'t move without my command."

Those foreign strongmen who were rising in the spirit of war suddenly began to cry.

"Please mother-in-law send Lan\'er to meet the people in the demon temple, and then send me outside Luocha city." Shen Lang looked at mother-in-law Feng and said.

LAN Mengling was surprised: "what are you doing in Luocha city? How far are you now? How dare you go to the whirlpool of war?"

"My accomplishments... In short, if I don\'t meet the strong at the level of King Dapeng with golden wings, or the descendants of demon bones and blood, I can protect myself." Shen Lang sighed and said, "I promised a person to rescue all the ethnic groups trapped in the tower of the source of pain."

"Although I also asked the dark night to help me, this war is changing rapidly. It\'s better to rely on others than myself."

"If I don\'t save them, I won\'t be at ease for a day."

At this time, adami, the leader of the cave man, shouted, "Sir, it\'s too dangerous for you to go to Luocha City alone!"

"Now it\'s the center of the war when Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall attack Luocha city!"

"At that time, there will be a war between the night nether world and the king of the golden winged ROC and the devil\'s blood and blood. I\'m afraid every ten thousand miles will become a dead area. I\'m afraid the strong emperor\'s martial mirror can\'t get close!"

The people of the Zhuque mansion and the foreign strongmen present persuaded one after another.

Instead, LAN Mengling suddenly became silent.

Shen Lang waved his big hand: "well, I\'ve made up my mind! If you don\'t want to embarrass me, stay here and wait for my orders!"

Then he turned around and nodded slightly, "mother-in-law..."

Mother-in-law Feng nodded slightly, grabbed it and tore it!

A space crack with a height of more than one person immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The smell of crazy and tyrannical space storm came out of the crack.

Even some of the strong imperial mirrors standing in front of them retreated in horror!

"Click, click, click!"

Dark Armor whirled around Shen Lang in the void, and then fitted to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang, wearing the black Pluto armor, nodded to the crowd and stepped into the space crack calmly!

"Be more careful yourself!"

At the moment when the space crack was closed, the silent blue dream spirit gave a light cry.

This kid who likes to fool around, in the beginning