Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1188

In Shen Lang\'s mind, he is combing the steps of the strong traditional martial arts to attack the emperor\'s martial mirror again and again.

Then it reflects each other with the improvement of the power of chaotic gods.

Shen Lang had thought about this problem when he smashed the shidayuan mansion.

After refining the blood essence of Kirin, the ten divine beast particles are truly awakened.

The Kirin\'s real shadow even actively devours alien energy or the power of gods and demons.

Moreover, in Shen Lang\'s feeling, Qilin\'s real shadow has even begun to have some joys and sorrows.

For example, when swallowing the power of gods and demons, the Kirin real shadow will feel jubilant.

In a sense, there is almost no difference between shishenshou granule and Yuanfu Danying!

This is also the reason why Shen Lang finally decided to swallow up the Shiyuan mansion and focus on improving the chaotic God body.

Ten yuan mansion is really scary.

I haven\'t heard much in the whole history.

But if every particle of the chaotic God can reach or even surpass the power of the Yuan government, doesn\'t it mean that Shen Lang can have millions of Yuan government?

Wouldn\'t it be possible to incarnate hundreds of millions? And every avatar is powerful?

In such a comparison, Shen Lang chose to crush the yuan house without any hesitation.

What Shen Lang is thinking about now is still this problem

Can the ten divine beast particles really grow like this?

When the emperor\'s martial mirror is advanced, can the soul force on the pill baby be oppressed into the ten divine beast particles through the power of thunder robbery, and then each ten divine beast particle can be cultivated as a pill baby in the yuan house?

If you press your soul force into tens of millions of ten divine beasts, can you bear it?

Will the spirit collapse in an instant and be doomed?

Facing these problems, Shen Lang is like a pony crossing the river. He can only try it step by step.


Gently spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and Shen Lang looked up at the sky.

In the sky above the array, floating clouds floated without any abnormality.

Shen Lang watched his nose and heart, closed his eyes and sat in the void, entering the state of ancient well.

"It\'s almost time to start..."

Then, Shen Lang\'s hands shook quickly like butterflies wearing flowers.

All kinds of mysterious fingerprints are combined and connected smoothly and quickly without barriers, which dazzles the people outside.

At the same time, the energy in the Tai Chi diagram began to flow out like a flood.

This vast energy did not rush to Shen Lang\'s Danying, but rushed to Shen Lang\'s limbs and bones!

The real image of the unicorn in the ten divine beast particles was exhausted and dying because of the consumption of the previous war.

At this moment, as soon as I saw the vast influx of energy, I immediately stared, roared, opened my mouth and began to devour wildly!

Driven by the Kirin\'s real shadow, the other dim virtual shadows of divine beasts began to open their mouths like unconscious babies and absorb the surging energy!

Shen Lang\'s breath is at this time, from weak to strong and rising!

"What\'s the matter with this guy? He was so weak before, and he didn\'t swallow the pill. Where did this power come from?"

"Shen Lang has a lot of secrets."

The powerful emperor\'s martial mirrors in the demon temple were baffled.

The difficulty of the recovery of the strong in the Ninth Heaven of the quasi imperial martial mirror is most clear to the strong in the middle and late period of these imperial martial mirrors.

It is precisely because we know very well that Shen Lang cannot recover in a day or two, so this group of strong people can\'t understand the improvement of Shen Lang\'s current breath.

With the rising of Shen Lang\'s breath, there are great changes in the sky!

A huge whirlpool of crazy rotation is formed in people\'s sight!

In the whirlpool, the thunder exploded, the electric snakes were dense, and the power was awe inspiring!

The elites of all ethnic groups two hundred miles away only feel difficult to breathe, as if they are pressing a mountain, which makes them difficult to breathe, unable to move an inch, and split their hearts!

When everyone sighed that Lei Yun was powerful, Lei Yun, who was already terrible, was in people\'s eyes

Brush once, completely turned into purplish red!

The huge roar, roar and dazzling purple thunder are constantly intertwined, just like the God of thunder.

The smell of destroying heaven and earth came down from the thunder clouds and enveloped the whole Cuixia mountain.

Adami, Shi Hao and others had a broken face: "Nine... Nine thunder robbery!"

At that time, people flashed in the air. The emperor of Zhuque mansion was surrounded by strong military mirrors, and Shen Lang was used as an advanced array.

Among them, there is the right envoy Baili ice!

The left envoy, a strong man, Shuying and violently drank: "step back, step back! Everyone listen, the martial arts under the emperor\'s martial mirror will withdraw 300 miles back!"

Before he finished, the thin shadow brushed with a powerful force, which lifted adami and other people of all ethnic groups and sent them out quickly.

On the other side, the right envoy Baili Bing did the same and sent out the remaining half of the alien fighters.

The thunder robbery at the time of attacking the emperor\'s martial mirror was terrible. What\'s more, it was the strongest "99 thunder robbery" in the legend?

The right envoy Bai libing looked at Shen Lang in the big array. Seeing that Shen Lang was still closed and was still pinching the formula, he was in a hurry and shouted: "Sir Zuo, you are facing the \'99 thunder robbery\', which rarely appears in the legend. Don\'t be careless!"

"Please put on the black Pluto armor immediately!"

The rest of the strong men of Zhuque mansion, whether the left envoy or the right envoy, shouted together: "please put on the black hell armor immediately!"

At this time, even the slender waist of Zhulong mansion and the wind of Taotie mansion, such as a hundred years, came out of the cold iron hall and floated into the void.

The 99 thunder robbery is really rare.

In particular, the 99 thunder robbery when attacking the emperor\'s martial mirror is almost unheard of and unheard of!

The person who can attract such terrible thunder robbery is undoubtedly not gifted and powerful.

But no matter how strong the power is, who dares to face the 99 thunder robbery in the period of emperor Wujing in a cloth suit?

The strong man of Zhulong mansion, thin waist, looked at the purple thunder whirlpool in the sky and the Shen waves in the array with his eyes closed. His eyes were very strange.

This guy who can even extract evil energy from demons, means emerge one after another. The more secrets show, the more she can\'t see clearly.

The rest of the strong men in the candle dragon mansion turned up one by one.

At the dragon scale temple, Shen Lang and Zhu long had a conflict, and Shen Lang killed a ticket of Zhulong mansion\'s prospective emperor\'s strong martial mirror in the imperial capital of purple Chu state, which was tantamount to slapping the Zhulong mansion in the face.

On the surface, these people in Zhulong mansion are respectful to Shen Lang, but they don\'t think so in their heart.

Now Shen Lang is so strong that he is ready to resist thunder without wearing black hell armor.

Who knows, facing the legendary 99 thunder robbery!

At this time, if Shen Lang is embarrassed to take out the black hell armor and continue to fight the terrible thunder, there will be a good play to see!

"Let\'s see what the boy can do. Put on the black hell armor. The heroic words said in front are all a joke; if you don\'t wear the black hell armor, you will survive to the end. Maybe you will be directly beaten into ashes by the terrible thunder!"

"Ha ha, the front is arrogant and domineering. What should he do now?"

"This guy has always been very unfriendly to our Zhulong mansion, and has a little holiday with the Lord of the mansion. At the same time... Zhulong likes his highness lanmengling, but his highness lanmengling is a little ambiguous with this boy. We must find a chance to deal with him!"

"Now is the best chance. I\'ve never heard of anyone who can resist the 99 thunder robbery with his flesh. How can his flesh be stronger than the strongest thunder that destroys the sky and the earth? If he holds on to the end with good face, he will not only fail to attack the imperial mirror, but also be beaten out of shape and spirit!"

"Yes, it\'s hard for outsiders to intervene in such a thing as Du robbery. Even if mother-in-law Feng is aside, she can only watch him be killed. Ha ha ha ha!"

A group of strong people in Zhulong mansion exchanged ideas twice, and they all smiled darkly at the bottom of their hearts.

"Why don\'t we give him another fire?"

In the crowd of Zhulong mansion, someone suddenly thought and said.

Immediately, a man came out and said very eagerly: "envoy Zuo, this 99 thunder robbery is no small matter. Although you said you wouldn\'t use black hell armor before, it\'s an ordinary thunder robbery. Now this is the legendary 99 thunder robbery. Please be sure to wear black hell armor!"

Another man also came out, stood in the void and said in a loud voice: "yes, yes, sir Zuo said that. It\'s not a commitment to someone. There\'s no need to do it! Please put on the black hell armor, otherwise how to deal with the 99 thunder robbery?"

Suddenly, another person in Zhulong mansion shouted and said, "shut your beak! Do you still need your help to draw what adult Zuo envoy wants to do?"

"Zuo emissary is famous. He always says to do it. How can he say so and do so later?"

"With the strength of Zuo emissary, it\'s only 99 thunder robbery. What\'s the fear?"

"Bastard! Shut up all of you!" the thin waist changed his face and scolded.

What thin waist came here was only separation. He only had the cultivation of quasi emperor martial mirror. He didn\'t notice the spiritual exchange of a group of strong emperor martial mirror in Zhulong mansion.

When I heard these guys\' voices and wanted to stop them, it was too late.

These fools are doing this to bring disaster to Zhulong mansion?

They sing the double reed there, just to make a run without using black hell armor.

It\'s such an obvious method of motivating the general. Don\'t mention those strong imperial martial mirrors. Fools can hear it.

The question is, who is bad for you? You go to the storm to sink the waves?

Not to mention how strong Shen Lang\'s background is, even Shen Lang\'s own means

This guy can even control evil spirits and rosefinch fire;

The calculation is amazing, cunning as a fox and ferocious as a wolf. It\'s easy to kill several strong players in Imperial martial mirror!

You bastards don\'t want to die. How can you lead the disaster to Zhulong mansion?

The thin waist trembled with anger.

"Asshole, what are you talking about!" a group of people in Zhuque mansion were also angry.

The strong people in Zhuque mansion have a strong breath, and their faces are not good. The strong spirit has locked a group of people in Zhulong mansion.

The whole audience was angry at the last time.

With murderous eyes, they locked the group of people in Zhulong mansion!