Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

CH 58.2

“We might need a cleaner.”

“But it is always perfectly clean.”

“From now on… I think it will get dirty. Probably everyone here… have never taken a highest-class “Mana Potion (Magic Recovery Medicine)” so…”

Is it so dangerous? I mean, isn’t it impossible to ask? If I were in their position, I wouldn’t think of taking such a bad medicine to charge someone else Relics.

Perhaps Sytry was thinking the same thing but she continues with apologetic tone.

“If we prioritize the thing to charge then…”

“For the time being, I think it will be 『Safe Ring (Barrier Finger) 』. There are fourteen of them.”

“It is impossible. That alone will require fourteen 『Noble (Spirits People) 』 Mages.

Well, I had a feeling it would be like this. Even if you use a contractor, it costs a huge amount of money to charge a Barrier Finger. It seems that most Mage doesn’t have enough magic power to charge it. But this is troublesome.

“Can’t it be done?”

“… It might be possible if I tweak their brains.”

Sytry says with a thoughtful look. It means… It is impossible.

That means, I must have someone on my side until Lucia returns.

And at that time, a familiar girl speaks from the table in the back.

As usual, she wears a black jacket and a short. She is wearing her black boots which cover her knees and attached on her is her weapon.

Recently, she left me a strong impression of always having a dying expression, but it seems she isn’t with Liz today. So, she is healthy. But why is that?

“Master! Why are you here… Did something happen… ed!?”

When Tino face melted, she started to happily approach me. But both of her legs stopped.

Her eyes are looking at Sytry next to me. With a look as if she saw something unbelievable, she stepped back a few steps and called with a blunt voice.

“Sy… Sytry… Onee… sama?”

“It has been a while, Tee-chan”


Tino solidifies as if she was a frog stared down by a snake, and Sytry approaches her with a relatively relaxed gait. Tino is Liz disciple. She has experiment terrible thing because of Liz but if you need to know which one Tino was bad with, it would be Sytry.

On the other hand, Sytry seems to like Tino, well there are probably various reason.

Sytry’s eyes brightens and approaches where Tino stands.

“Tee-chan, are you healthy? Did you get stronger again? You weren’t treated horribly by Onee-chan?

“Ye… Yes. It is okay.”

“If she did terrible thing to you, l could go and tell her for you.”

“It… It is okay. Re… Really, it is okay.”

Tino trembled at Sytry’s gentle voice. She looks at me with an expression which looks like she will cry.

… Un, un… You are right.

Sytry-chan lick her lips with a bewitching gesture and puts her palm on Tino’s cheek.

She looks at her black eyes as if she were doing a medical examination. And her voice is more excited than usual.

“If it is too hard, you can tell it to me anytime. If you leave it to me… I can make you far stronger and far easier than if you were learning from Onee-chan.”


“You don’t have to train while feeling like dying. There isn’t any training. If it is with Tee-chan’s qualities, I can definitively do it. I can even recommend you in 『Strange Grief (The Lamenting Ghost) 』 right now.”

“Sytry… Onee-sama! You are too close.”

Sytry draw the outline of Tino’s cheeks to her neck, with her finger and then touch her clavicle. Tino’s left arm was pins on her back so her escape route was denied. There should be a difference in strength between Sytry, who is an 『Alchemist』 and Tino, who is a 『Thief』 but Tino’s slender body is only trembling, there is no sign of her running away.

Sytry sticks closer to Tino. They were close enough to be confused as them hugging.

In this strange atmosphere, all the line of sight in the Lounge is gathered on them, Sytry, without worrying about it, makes an ecstatic voice. And her small nose moves and confirm her smell.

Tino is red from her head to her hand because she is being touch all over her shoulder. As if Sytry was confirming its feeling she keeps going and go further bellow. Every time she touches Tino’s skin, Tino’s body makes a small shuddering.

“High-quality muscles trained in actual battle. A slender build with all the five-sense sharpened. A healthy body specialized to be a Thief as a Hunter. Blood, flesh and bones are overflowing of talent and well trained. Aaah, Cry-san. Why didn’t you give it to me but to Onee-chan…? I would have made her perfect.”

“Hiii!? Master, please help me…”

“Sytry is unlikely to get a disciple.”

It looks like when she is looking at someone, her eye is looking at them as if they were test animal.

Her merciless hands keep on tampering Tino’s body. Rubbing her chest, stroking her abdomen and touches her bare thighs under her shorts. It was as if a snake were slowly examining a frog before eating it.

Each time, Tino’s voice quivered and she call for help with a thin voice.

“She is so bright. Aah, she is so cute. If Tee-chan was a boy, crossbreeding would have been easy but as she is a girl, I have to be careful to not fail, I have to pick the most efficient partner.”

Ah, it is not good anymore. I finally decided to interrupt here.

“You should stop, right now. Tino is, at the end, Liz’s disciple.”

“…… Ah… That is right.”

When Sytry let her go, Tino’s knees shiver and collapse. Probably because she was at her limit. She must have been really scared, Tino is about to cry even though she didn’t take a step down against fearful Phantoms.

Even if it was a joke, it is indubitably sexual harassment. I can’t protect you, Sytry.

Sytry makes a regrettable voice. It was the same in the past but when she focuses on one thing, she loses sight on another.

But, what if, I have the permission of Onee-chan, it is fine right?”

“Not good.”

“… Even if Tee-chan herself says it is fine?”

Sytry look at Tino who is lifelessly sit on the floor. Of course, her cheeks were red, but her neck was also bright red. And Tino looks at me as if she was a puppy on the point of being abandoned.

In the first place, there is no way that Tino, the victim, will agreed. I immediately answer without the need to think.

“Not good.”

“… Even if it is for the Party?”


All those are No. If you think with your common sense, it is No. I can’t turn Sytry into a criminal. If that happens, I can’t show my face to the Smart family in my hometown.

I am not sure, but each time I denied Sytry’s question, Tino’s eyes are more and more grateful. Sorry. I am really sorry for our member. I am sorry, I was late to stop her.

Sytry drop her shoulder and you can see a depressing aura on her back.

“Now… It is the time to charge my Relics. You were going to help me, right?”

“… Oh yes, right.”

Sytry raises her face. When she did, there was no sign left from her earlier depression. Her switching gears is as fast as her sister.

She quickly looks at all the other party who were paying attention here, and brazenly say.

“Let’s ask for everyone help, all of those who was stretching their noses when they were looking at Tee-chan. From now on, it is the 『Thousand Trial2』.”

Hello, thanks for reading this second part. Cry what are you doing you have to protect Tino from Sytry. Her chastity/live depends on you! At least you saved her in the end XD And the return of the Thousand Trial! What can it be? You will know in the next episode of Strange Grief! Tchao à plus.

1. Hiiii: She isn’t saying Hello she is screaming.

2. Changed One Thousand Tribulation to Thousand Trial.