Starting from Zero

Chapter 98

"Are you here, too?" The old man's voice came from behind us.

"What's the matter? Has our ship been calculated yet? "

"All right Holding a notebook in his hand, the old man said, "I have calculated that the ship is equipped with 750 slurry tanks, 600 gun chambers, 400 rest rooms, 40 double rooms, a large chart room, a combat command room, 16 damage control rooms, and 8 refitted warehouses. Let's talk to you here. Because you have too much space left, I merged the adjacent warehouses into eight large cargo holds for the sake of saving materials. I also set up a temporary prison for you to hold 200 people, so that you can catch prisoners! There is also a medical room, a kitchen, a canteen, a weapons depot, a vault and a reserve combat command room. The sails use composite sails, five main masts, a total of 5 main sails and 45 auxiliary sails. Because the keel can not be demolished, so I have installed a medium to impact angle for you, which can collide with the enemy ship without hindering your shipment. In addition, I have designed three rotatable platforms in the bow for you to install the magic crystal cannon. I've also prepared two rotating platforms for you at the stern. When the time comes, you can decide which gun you want to load! Finally, I will help you calculate the price, a total of 2.8 million crystal coins. For the sake that you can let me finish such an outstanding work, I will give you a discount of 2.2 million! "

"2.2 million crystal coins?" We all screamed almost at the same time.

Rose began to calculate: "purple day has 1 million, Eagle 550000, purple moon donated 50000, a total of 1.6 million. It's still six hundred thousand! "

"It's a sky high price indeed. I understand why other trades can't build big ships!" The gold coin sighed.

"How big are you going to build?" Hearing our price, Chuang Wang asked in surprise. "My Haiwei is already very big. It has only used more than 500000 yuan, and your ship needs 2.2 million yuan! A ship is catching up with a fleet

I said seriously: "soldiers are expensive, not much. We use the money to build a fleet to build a ship. The future combat effectiveness will definitely exceed that of a fleet

"I have no objection to it!" Chuang Wang nodded. "But you don't have enough money?"

"There's something wrong with it!" I nodded helplessly. "600000 is missing!"

"I guess you don't have enough. It took us a long time to save that 500000! By the way, is your 2.2 million yuan ship price or total price? "

"Ship price? The total price? " We looked back at the old man and waited for an answer.

The old man looked at us and said, "this is the price. Materials and handcraft costs are so much, you have to think of other things yourself! I can't help you pay for it! "

"Do you mean there's going to be money besides shipbuilding?" We look at the old man.

"Of course! I'm just building boats! " The old man began to point the spanner to help us calculate. "If your ship wants to go to sea, you need sailors! This is to be employed by the Seamen's Association. Different sailors have different prices! It seems that the pulp room is cheaper. The Gunners are a little more expensive. There are also some doctors, cooks and so on. Of course, you can also hire players! And if you want to fight, you have to hire combat sailors. For example, long-range attack NPC archers and hand to hand combat sailors. All in all, it costs money. In addition, the guns on board also need to be purchased from the blacksmith's shop, which sells siege equipment. The firepower and price of different guns are different. By the way, fire Yao can't forget that the gun without fire Yao and shell is a pile of scrap iron! Also, we need to buy the bow. It's a magic item. If you want to buy it from the mage Association, different mage associations sell it differently. You'd better go to a few more stores and buy it again. It's not cheap, and it doesn't return! By the way, you also need to buy food. Although you players don't have hunger, NPC sailors have to eat on time. Once the hunger level is full, they will rebel, and it will be difficult to do! "

"Any more?" I've almost fainted. According to this calculation, it's estimated that no 3 million yuan can't be taken down!

"That's all for the time being!"

"That...!" Rose paused and asked, "we don't have enough money. Can we owe it first?"

The old man changed his face as soon as he heard that he would be in arrears. "No, I can tell you that things have begun to be made. The money will be deducted directly from you. You must make up enough money before you make it, or I will resell it! "

"How long will you build it?"

The old man held out a finger and compared it. "A month? That's OK. We should come. " I nodded.

The old man shook his head.

I was surprised and said, "it won't be a year, will it? Then when you have finished the national war, it will be over

"One day! I make things here, no matter big or small, they are delivered in one day! You can pick up the boat at noon tomorrow

"No! One day? How can we come from it? " I exclaimed in surprise. It's really convenient for players to set up this game for one day, but we haven't had time to collect so much money! "Can't you spare a few days?" I started to show my horse work.

With my super high charm points, I really let the old man talk. "If you can help me turn this ship into the most famous invincible warship in the world and advertise it for me, I'll be able to reduce some more fees.""What are we going to do? How much can you reduce

"First of all, you must let me type the name of my shipyard on the hull of the ship. That's advertising. Then you have to sink an enemy ship worth more than its original cost in a week. If not, you will be confiscated and fined! How about it? "

"Yes, yes, but how much can you reduce us?"

"How many of you have?"

"1.6 million crystal coins!"

"I'll charge you 1.6 million crystal coins."

"Thank you very much." I was so excited that I almost went to kiss him. The 2.8 million boat was finally finished with 1.6 million! Make it!

The old man interrupted me and said, "don't be too early to be happy. At least you need to hire sailors. You can't sail without sailors

"Well, we'll do something about it!" I turned to Chuang Wang and said, "do you know where the sailors' Association is?"

"Of course, I'm going to replenish the sailors. I lost a lot of people just now! Come with me

"Yes, please lead the way."

Just about to leave, the old man stopped us again. "Don't go! Tell me the name of the ship


"Call it the biling!"

After explaining what happened to the old man, we followed Chuang Wang out of the port and passed through half of the city. Finally, we saw a house with a life buoy at the door. On the door of the house was written the professional sailors Association. After coming in, King Chuang gave us a direction and went to his own business. We followed the direction he pointed to the room at the end of the corridor, pushed open the old wooden door, and entered the room. This is a small living room. An old man is sitting behind his desk.

I went forward to start to prepare for negotiation, no way, who told me to add such a high charm at the beginning! "Hello, we need to hire a sailor. May I know what procedures are required for this employment?"

"It doesn't need any formality. It's very simple!" The old man looked at me and said politely, "you just need to tell me the name and type of the ship, the name and grade of the captain, and the number of sailors required."

"Our ship is not finished yet. It will be finished tomorrow. Its name is biling. What does that mean

"Type is to ask whether you are a warship or a fishing boat, or a yacht!"


"And the captain?"

I looked back at the eagle. They wanted to ask for advice, but the eagle called out directly. "Purple sun."

"Purple sun! okay. Your rank? "

Now that it has been reported, I will not refuse. "339."

"What kind of sailors do you need? How many of each? "

"We need 3000 oar shakers, 1800 gun room sailors, 300 sailmen, and 200 service sailors. We also need a set of essential sailors, like doctors and cooks! There are also combat sailors, but I don't know who there are. Can you tell me? "

"There are not many kinds of combat sailors. One is a light chopper in hand to hand combat, one is a heavy swordsman in hand to hand combat, and there are also short-range archers, long-range archers and long-range rocket soldiers. Finally, there are magic forces, which are divided into water, fire, wind and thunder. What kind do you want? "

"What's the price of these people?"

"Do you want to buy or rent?"

"Buy it."

"There are 50 crystal coins for the oar shaker and service sailor, 100 crystal coins for the gunner, 150 crystal coins for the sailer, and 10000 crystal coins for the doctors and cooks. There are 200 crystal coins for chopper, 500 crystal coins for swordsman, 200 crystal coins for short bowmen, 400 crystal coins for long bowmen and 500 crystal coins for rocket soldiers. Each mage costs 1000 crystal coins. "

Rose pushed me in a low voice: "husband, the necessary sailor needs 395000 crystal coins! We have 400 crew rest cabins, so we can employ 2700 combat sailors, but we don't have enough money to employ any kind of combat sailors! "

I politely said to the NPC old man, "I'm sorry, we need to discuss before we decide." Finish saying, I quickly pull everybody to run out. I took a long breath when I rushed into the street. "I'm scared to death. It's so expensive!"

"It's so expensive! It was originally designed to be purchased between guilds. It's not like us. " The gold coin points the way.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"Yes! We should form a guild too Purple moon suggests.

Bingbing immediately said to me, "don't bother to build it. Ziri brother has a guild of his own. He and Sister Rose are two people who just put us all in."

"Do you have a guild?" Purple moon has noticed that I had guild badge until now. "That's just right. I'm going to join the club!"

"Ah? I did it for fun. You didn't drag you in! " I explained.

"What's not a drag? Anyway, we haven't thought about going into any guild, how convenient it is to enter you. In the future, if you go online to find someone, you can shout on the guild channel directly. It will save you a lot of trouble to cancel the team formation mode as soon as you go offline. How troublesome it is to reorganize when you come up! " Purple moon even recognized me!

"Good, good!" I can't resist it. We have to take them all in. Now there are many people in my guild, and I am also the president of "big" guild (in fact, only 12 people are added to me)! I thought with complacency!

"What now?" I ask you. "There is still a lot of money in short supply."

"Why don't we ask the price of the gun and the bow first?" Bailing suggested. "It's good to know how much is missing altogether, but not to have a goal!"

"Let's go and ask first."

All the way, I came to the siege equipment shop. It's really hard to find here. It's actually built on the edge of the city wall! The whole shop feels like a factory. There are a lot of semi-finished artillery products piled up everywhere. It took us a long time to find the head of the blacksmith standing in front of a big stove. "Hello, we want to buy guns for warships. What do you have here? How about the price? "

The blacksmith, with his bare arms and sweat, flashed in front of the stove and spoke in a broad voice. "Follow me." He took us to a row of different cannons by the wall and said, "the worst is this. The flat gun has a range of two kilometers. It can fire two shots per minute. It's very poor and often blasts."

"What is explosion?"

"The shell didn't go out and exploded in the barrel!"

"Oh! You go on

"1000 crystal coins per flat cannon. This is a cannon, with a range of 2.5 km. It can fire three shells per minute. It's not so powerful. It's 1200 crystal coins per door. This is chongjianong, with a range of 3km, a firing rate of 4 rounds per minute, and a powerful 1500 crystal coin door. This is chain gun with a range of 3km and a firing rate of 6 rounds per minute. It has the same power as the heavy cannon. It has 1800 crystal coins per door. Finally, this is a gun with a range of 4 km and a firing rate of 6 rounds per minute. It is powerful, with 3000 crystal coins per door. Take your time. I'll take your time

Seeing the blacksmith go, we also quickly slipped out. Rose, a student of Economics Department, once again acted as an accountant and calculated: "if you want to have firepower advantage, you have to buy that fortress gun. We need 600 guns and need 1.8 million!"

"My God! It's more expensive than a boat! " I really can't stand the blow. "Money, money, I want money!" I look up to the sky and scream!

"How much do you want?" A familiar and strange voice suddenly answered and startled me.

"Are you? The wind is misty! " I finally recognized, this is not the last time I bought my favorite eggs that big money! "Why are you here?"

"This is where the branch of our guild is located. Recently, I heard that they were beaten badly by Japanese pirates. Let me have a look!"

I suddenly get nervous. Feng Yin is Hongyue's brother. Since he has come, the red moon will not!

"I found you at last It's true that Cao Cao has arrived! The red moon came running from the side. "Last time I just went offline for a while, but I caught you this time."

"Hey, hey My smile is not natural! "Why are you here?"

"The coastal branch of our goddess League has also been attacked. My brother and I will come and have a look. But you, come on, what are you doing here The red moon is still so fierce after a few days' absence!

"We're here to fight pirates, too!"

"That's just right. We'll be together then." "The wind Yin misty smile way:" you just shout money can't buy boat money not enough? "

"How do you know?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Last time, you had to sell a million crystal coins, and it took hundreds of thousands to build a boat. In addition, I don't think there is more than one million yuan that you can't win. Come on, how much less do you need? I'll lend you Feng Yin is misty, worthy of being the largest guild president in the Central Plains. He is really generous and good at being a man!

The red moon stopped the wind Yin misty. "Wait, I'll borrow it!" I am surprised to look at the red moon, thinking when she will change sex! But I'm sure she hasn't changed at all. "Purple sun! I will be your creditor in the future. You should listen to me! If you don't have money, don't pay it back. Use yourself to pay off the debt! I don't mind! " Dizzy, this girl wants to buy me! Unfortunately, my identity is different, in the game may be OK, but my real wealth can not be bought!

"Misty, I really need money, so I won't be so polite to you. It's not my style to wriggle. But I'll pay it back as soon as possible! "Feng Yin said with a smile: "it's OK. I don't care. In fact, I hope you don't pay back the money! "

"Ah?" I was shocked. The brother and sister didn't want to buy me!

"The last few magic eggs you sold last time almost didn't let some of our senior members in the guild fight against each other. If you have time, you can help us to get more than to pay back the money!" That's what he meant! I'm scared to death! I thought he had that hobby!

"No problem! I will find time to catch some good ones for you

"That's fine! Come on, how much? "

I looked back at the rose, and the rose immediately understood what I meant. "Four million!" This is not a rose lion. Those cannons will cost 1.8 million, and the necessary sailors for navigation will be about 400000, which will be 2.2 million. In addition, it is estimated that 3.5 million combat sailors will be employed. How much is the bow statue! According to the generally exaggerated price of magic items, the remaining 500000 may not be enough!

"So much?" Although Feng Yin was very rich, he didn't expect us to pay so much for shipbuilding. How many boats do you have

"One!" Looking at the wind Yin misty fall down the chin, I embarrassed smile. "Haha! It's just a little bigger! "

"I'm afraid it's not bigger." Fengyin misty has his own fleet, how much does a ship cost? He knows very well! "Four million or the difference, your whole ship is estimated to have more than five million?"

"You are quite right! Our shipbuilding cost is 1.6 million yuan. We borrowed that 4 million yuan from you to buy peripheral equipment! "

"The 1.6 million ship should not be very big? Did you spend so much money? " Feng Yin takes out a shipyard shipbuilding manual suspiciously. "My ship is already the largest, the shipbuilding cost is 1.8 million, and the peripheral equipment does not cost you so much!"

Rose came forward to explain. "Our ship is a special case of ziri. His charm value is relatively high. The shipyard opened a back door to build a super large warship. The actual cost is 2.8 million crystal coins. Because we don't have money, we set a price of 1.6 million yuan by exchanging terms with him."

"My God! So your ship's actual total cost is not 6.8 million crystal coins? When will it be ready? I'm going to visit the first giant ship in China

"If you are interested, you can come to the wharf tomorrow noon and wait for us. We will watch her go into the water together. After all, there's your investment here, no! "

"This is money. I will go to my own guild to solve the problems of the fleet, and I will not accompany you." With that, the wind Yin is ethereal and walks away with the red moon. This woman! I'm scared to death!

When I got the money, I went to the blacksmith and ordered artillery with him. Then I went to the sailors' Association to hire the necessary sailors. Looking at the eagles and the others, I asked, "what about a combat sailor?"

Bailing said, "we should hire more melee sailors. Our long-range firepower has been exaggerated. Mage archers are of little use! If the enemy really dares to rush within the range of mages and archers, it is clear that they want to engage in a white-edged battle, so we should recruit more close combat sailors. "

Rose said, "then 2000 heavy swordsmen, 500 rocket soldiers, 50 mages of each type, just 2700 people!"

"That's settled!" I directly reported this figure to the old man who was in charge of the employment of sailors. There was no more 1.3 million crystal coins. With the necessary sailors, we spent 1.695 million crystal coins just to hire sailors! Add in 1.8 million for cannons, and 3.495 million crystal coins are gone in this short time! How easy it is to spend money!

With the last 505000, we came to the mage association area. The mage Association in the city felt like the Sihe Courtyard in old Beijing, with a small square surrounded by a circle of high towers. "Dark mage Association, chaos mage Association, Fire Mage Association, water mage Association, Guangming mage Association, auxiliary mage Association, psychic mage Association, necromancer Association The association of life mages The rice from the big pot was counted one by one on time. "Boy, more than 70!"

"What about this? Too much! " Bailing looks dizzy!

"Why don't we split up?" I propose: "one person is responsible for several of them. Write down all the useful bow portraits we see. We will compare them and select the most appropriate ones. Then we will decide on several key targets. We will go in and have a look."

"Good! Look at it separately All of us have been assigned tasks, and I'm in charge of the seven in the middle.

Fortunately, although there are more associations, each one is not big. At least these I see are not big. The things in these seven associations are all good. I finally fell in love with the bow of the devil of the dark society, the bow of evrit of the Fire Mage Association, and the bow of the saint angel of the mage of light. Each of the three bows has its own characteristics, and the prices are similar. The most expensive one is the best-selling Saint angel statue, which actually needs 510000 crystal coins. I doubt that her beautiful appearance has caused such a high shipment volume! In the end, it's the devil with poor sales, like the cheapest, 470000 can be easily done! It seems that the value of gods is also affected by market supply and demand! Poor devil!

By the time everyone came out, it was already at night. After a long time, we still had too many choices. The main ones were the big devil who could greatly improve the ship's melee power, the Everett image that could prevent fire and increase the fire power, the saint angel who could greatly accelerate the recovery speed of all crew members' health value, and make the ship stronger and harder to be hurt They are as follows: the hammer image of the enemy's crew, the skeleton image that causes the crew's fear and error, the half moon image that makes the ship in a semi invisible state, the virgin image that greatly improves the crew's morale, speeds up the sailing speed and the firing speed, the giant dragon, which greatly improves the warship's long-range firepower and enhances its firmness, and the giant shark, which makes the ship difficult to sink and greatly increases its speed, makes the warship always in a downwind state Fengshen is like these.After a heated discussion, there was no result at all, so we had to arrange according to the price. First, we removed the angel and virgin images that we couldn't afford, and then we took out the ones with low cost performance. Finally, we couldn't decide whether to use the big devil or the skeleton, or the half moon or the dragon!

In the end, there is no way! We used the most boring, the most useless, the most stupid, but also the most traditional, practical and effective way to decide which bow to use!

guess how I decide the bow image? , the fastest update of the webnovel!