Starting from Zero

Chapter 84

We can finally continue to march into the depths of the grassland! Although the road delay some time, but as long as good luck, under normal circumstances can still come and! My temporary mercenaries are fanning out in front of us, and the goblin knights are giving us the rear. I'm really worried about something to attack us in the back!

Shura purple clothes beside me and I chatted while searching for possible Warcraft.

"How did you come out of the blue just now?" Xiuluo purple asked curiously: "I was just scared, thought it was the monster came out!"

"We didn't come out of the blue. We were in front of you, but you couldn't see us."

"Will you be invisible?" She came up with her own explanation!

"Not invisible!" I don't know how to explain it! "Didn't you chase that cow in the beginning?"

"Yes! But it disappeared after three times and two times. I came here only when I saw the fire of magic explosion

"Do you know the skill of that cow?"

As I expected, the purple suit of Shura only knew that God ox went abroad, but didn't know the specific ability of Shenniu! "Have you seen it? What skills? Is it good? "

"Yes! It's the skill you can't see us! "

"What kind of skill is that?"

"Miniaturization!" I said simply. "It's the skill to make the goal smaller! It's very powerful. The target that has been reduced is not only smaller in size, but also seems to have decreased in ability. "

"How did you beat it? I don't think it's normal for you to have 10 people under you? "

"This skill seems to take a long time to work! We were watched from the moment we entered the grassland, and then we found that it was an hour later when we obviously shrank! Moreover, our pets have not been reduced. It is estimated that since we have to see the target before they can use the skills, all the demons that we did not summon at that time have escaped the disaster! "

"That is to say, you killed it with the help of a demon pet? Ah! Why are your 10 men all right? "

"They are my demon servants. They didn't come out when we were being watched!"

Xiuluo purple looks at me in surprise. "Is there any mistake! Those 10 are all demon servants? "

"Yes! What's the matter I don't know what a fuss it is!

"Can you bring 10 demon servants? Too much? I can take three! "

"It's nothing strange. I live by the devil's pet and the demon servant. If the number is similar to yours, I can delete the number and come back again?"

"Is that too much to say? That's 10! " The purple suit of Shura looks unacceptable. "If only I could bring so many demon servants! In the future, she can become the world's first invincible beauty girl! Hahahaha... "

"Hello, Hello! Pay attention to the image of a lady! " I can't stand it! Nowadays, girls are more and more crazy! "Don't even think about it! But when I entered the game, I accidentally added super high charm, and later I took several hidden tasks to make such a spectacular team! " Think about the dark underground maze experience for more than two months, and now I'm still uncomfortable!

"By the way, I saw a dragon flying in the sky just now! There is also a dragon on the ground, but it is a Western dragon! Also, I also saw the Phoenix, but I don't know why the hair is burning black. Isn't the Phoenix reborn from the fire? Why is it black? "

Speechless! This can be thought of, is really a cheerful girl ah! "First of all, the two dragons are my favorite. Secondly, the black burning one incorrect! I'm confused with you! That Phoenix is a hell Phoenix, so it is black, only the fire phoenix is red! "

"So the gang you saw just now are all your favorite creatures."

"Yes, but no bonus! Ha ha ha...! "

The purple suit of Shura looked at me askew. "You are a man of many secrets! What else is hidden? I don't think it's your last card yet

Completely defeated! She can feel it! Is this the so-called woman's sixth sense, too accurate! Fortunately, Hongyue's character is too big, it seems that there is no sixth sense and so on! "Don't just study me. Tell me about yourself? What I know about you now is only that you are a female warrior If you continue to study like this, you will not have any secrets. Please switch the topic!

"Me?" "I'm an ordinary player, the most common is my kind of people!" said Xiuluo

"Ordinary people should be divided into race and occupation! I've told you all about it, and you're still keeping it from me? "

"All right." It seems that after making a big decision, the purple suit of Shura began to say: "I am very ordinary anyway, race is human, occupation is sensitive war, that kind of warrior who specializes in agility. My equipment is also very ordinary, you see, real red suit, the best clothes in the system store, although very expensive, it should not be considered strange! Anyway, all the system stores are selling, as long as you have money, you can complete a set of universal equipment for each person! Demon servant? Not yet! " She suddenly very mysterious way: "but I have a very powerful demon pet Oh!""Do you have a pet?" I am very surprised, this wench has a demon pet, how did not see to use! "What is it like? Let me have a look at it

"Well! Come out, Asura

Bang, a cloud of smoke suddenly diffused, blocking my sight. "Cough Cough! How choking! Lucky! Fan But I had to call on luck to help blow the smoke away! Fortunately, only one side of the wings flapped, a huge storm fierce all the smoke blowing, do not know where to go! When the smoke was gone, I saw - a boy?


A lovely boy of about seven or eight years old with blonde hair and blue eyes stood in front of me. On his right hand, he held a big sword with unique shape and longer than himself. However, because the body of the sword was too long, he could not simply hold the sword, so he had to resist the blade on his shoulder!

"Is this your pet?" I am surprised to see the little boy in front of me, too exaggerated! Looking at the small wings behind him, I clearly realize that this is an angel!

The ladies in the surrounding mercenaries hula, all of them crowded up and pushed me and Shura purple clothes in the middle to the outside!

"How lovely!"

"What's your name, little brother?"

"How beautiful his hair is! When I grow up in the future, I must be a handsome boy! "

"It's like a doll! It's like a hug

"His skin is so smooth! How lovely

Girls around the little boy, but the little boy is more and more unhappy. "Get out of my way. What are you crazy about being my uncle?"

Although this is a very deterrent, but from a child's mouth only seven or eight years old with a childish voice to speak out, there is no original power! The girls still like him and touch and eat his tofu!

Xiuluo purple clothes around the crowd outside two circles, did not find a chance to squeeze in, had to shout anxiously outside. "You all get out of the way, don't make him angry!"

Almost at the same time, the boy inside broke out. "My lord Asura is the executor of God's punishment. All of you anti women should stay away from me!" Then he raised the huge sword with one hand and pointed to the sky. "God's punishment! Combat form! " The original handsome boy suddenly began to grow bigger, not that kind of simple growing up, but like growing up. Originally smooth small neck appeared laryngeal knot, white tender arm appeared strong muscle lines and exaggerated blood vessels! The most surprising thing about him is that his lovely little armor is also getting bigger! After a while, a 23-4-year-old, a full-thickness gold-plated armor, only to show no helmet handsome to the dregs of the super handsome guy appeared in front of the public. I know that's the little boy just now, because there's something in him that hasn't changed, that's the sword in his hand.

The girls were scared to be there and didn't know what to do. Asura began to speak again, but his voice became very powerful! "Do you want to be punished by God?"

Xiuluo purple clothes finally find a chance to rush into the encirclement circle, and embrace Asura's raised right hand. "Don't be angry! They see you cute and play with you

"Don't be afraid, sister. They can't threaten you with me!" This Asura obviously belongs to the type of force but no brain!

I still need to show up at the critical moment! I give each girl in the outer ring a shudder on her head. The girls looked at me angrily, but I ignored their eyes. "You have attacked us, the God of Asura and the lady in purple, by deceiving more and less. Now that I have defeated you, you must obey my jurisdiction and become my soldiers." I winked at them. "I'll go out and be guards, just like those guards over there!" All the women immediately ran out to continue the search task.

I face Asura. "I have solved the security of the two enemies!"

Asura said, "thank you for your help." After that, he shrank into a child again. Seeing that the girls around him had a tendency to rush forward again, I quickly said in a loud voice: "is Asura's sword very powerful?"

Asura stretched out his hand to the purple suit of Shura, which seemed to have been used to this kind of thing, and immediately picked him up. If I sit in the purple sword, I will be punished immediately Then he said to the purple dress of Shura again: "elder sister, my face is pinched to them very painful!"

"Oh! Asura is so pitiful! Come on, it won't hurt if you kiss it Said in the Asura meat Du Du small face on the kiss. "No more pain!"

"No more pain! What a wonderful sister Dizzy, is this the guy just now!"Hello! Purple clothes! What's the matter with you I look at this little guy and I don't know what's going on with him.

"I don't know why. He'll change. Usually he is like this now, and his intelligence level is about seven or eight years old! But if I or he gets hurt, I get angry and turn into a Punisher. After the transformation, the combat effectiveness will change significantly, but the brain seems to change little, just from an innocent child to a rigid Knight! "

"Is the transformation stable?" I'm becoming more and more interested in this alternative pet! "My mind is, can he control the transformation at will?"

Xiuluo purple thought and said, "I don't know! In any case, every transformation is after he gets angry, and he usually recovers immediately after the end of the battle. At least so far, there has been no sudden restoration in the battle! I guess the transformation will be affected by the environment, but the recovery can be controlled at will

"That's enough! As long as it's not a time limit or some other rules, it's not bad if you suddenly change back to the original form in the middle of the fight

"That's it Xiuluo purple also nodded approval.

"Find the monster!" There was a sudden outcry in front of him. "Purple sun! Come here

"The business is coming at last!" I ran to it. "What is it?"

"Over there!" I followed the pastor's finger and saw a golden lion surrounded by my mercenaries.

"This is it?"

"Yes! This guy is so powerful, fast, and fierce in attack. If it wasn't for your black knight outside, we wouldn't have time to surround him! "

"Good! I'm surrounded by people! " I took off my gloves and began to use the capture skill. The first time I failed, the lion looked at me and suddenly left the people beside me and rushed directly at me. "Stop it!" I yelled in a hurry, let it come, how can I use my skills!

Red shadow flashed in front of me, and Shura purple clothes appeared in front of me like lightning. What a quick body method! She suddenly swung a sword from the bottom up a straight stab, the lion is a high difficulty in the air to turn around, just to avoid the attack! Regardless of them, continuing to use capture, the lion was hit again and looked at me suddenly again. Xiuluo purple clothes fiercely from the bottom of a flying leg to kick the lion in the air, and then landed again. Unfortunately, because she was too anxious to master the strength, she fell all over the ground!

"Rose vine! Entangle it Rose vine is the best at interfering with operations. Seven or eight tentacles came out suddenly, and all of them were flashed off! Is there any mistake!

"Phantom! Interfere with its action I have a backup plan!

The effect is much better this time, and it's under control! Although the lion's movement is still so sensitive, but often because of limb disorders fall a dog gnawing mud! But for all that, the damned lion came to me tenaciously.

"Dark fog!" I don't know who used a disturbing spell, but I didn't expect the effect was just the opposite! The fog did block the sight, but it seemed that it was only aimed at us. All of us could not see! But a lion with good hearing and smell is like a fish in water.

"Ouch! You idiot! What are you poking me for In the dark, there were accidental injuries!

"What about the white master! Get rid of the darkness It suddenly occurred to me that there was master Bai in the team! She was quick to use the skill, but as soon as the fog cleared, I was dumbfounded! The lion was no more than three steps in front of me, and it was clearly confirmed that my position was only interrupted by a sudden light. But as we all know, the lion's intelligence level is not very high, so it does not take much time to think, it continued the preparatory work just now, and rushed forward.

"Big catcher!" A young man suddenly appeared next to me. How brave he is! The sudden appearance of the young man really interrupted the lion's attack, but he didn't really catch the lion, but just knocked it away.

Two people, oh no, one man and one lion, get up and look at each other at the same time! But I didn't have time for them to waste. With a wink, the mercenaries surrounded me decisively. I used to shoot young people. "First of all, thank you for your help! Secondly, who are you I don't seem to remember that one of the mercenaries I hired!

"Hello! My name is rice on time! Eagle asked me to come! I'm his classmate! " He reached out and shook me.

"Oh! It's eagle's classmate! Let's have a good time! But what did the eagle want you to do? There is no shortage of people on our side

"I'm here to deliver this!" On time, big pot rice took out a big bundle of hemp rope from behind! "It's impossible to restrict the movement of animals by human beings alone. It's different with this!" Then he gave me the rope. "One man, one head, everyone tie him up with ropes!"

"That's what you have to do with it." Xiuluo purple clothes ran over, look at her disheartened appearance to know that she must have fallen very miserably just now.

Who knows on time big pot rice unexpectedly put a pile of sleeves: "so many people still can't catch a beast! Give it to me, and I'll take care of it with the help of a pile of people! " He actually called out this kind of words at this time, and he himself also took the lead in throwing away the rope in his hand and flew to the lion. Not to mention, he really caught it! But it's the lion's tail that holds it! "Ah! Help The screams came as scheduled!But we were surprised to find that although his method seemed silly, it was actually useful. Because the lion's tail drags the individual, the result is obviously slower. I'm in the mood, too. "Go up a few more people to help and hold it down for me!" I yelled, almost all the melee professionals rushed up. The scene in front of us was really spectacular. A large group of people even climbed onto the lion.

Although it is a high-level Warcraft, the weight of so many people rushing up together is not fun. Some of these guys hold their front legs, some hold their hind legs, and some press their heads to press the lion on the ground. The lion is not willing to struggle for a while and finally give up, a few girls go up three down five divide two to tie it into zongzi, but there are people in its head tied a bow! It's really nothing to say, although the method is a bit shameful, but finally catch one!

The capture plan is still successful. If we say that the failure is just a bit miserable, because he was the first to jump on it, so of course, he and the lion were pressed at the bottom, so his clothes looked a little irregular, his handsome hair shape changed a little, and his handsome face was a little bruised!

Let them continue to look for other Warcraft, and I started using capture on this lion myself. What I don't know is that many senior Warcraft trainers in "zero" are inspired by our method of spoofing this time. Only by catching a Warcraft to practice their skills can they be developed!

It took more than 30 times to capture and finally succeeded. "Hey, this is money!" I hold this egg carefully.

Follow up the communication of Tongying. "Hello! Eagle

"What happened again?" Eagles are a little nervous!

"It's OK. We got the first cargo. 512 level grassland lion king. You help me contact the buyer quickly, and I recorded the fighting process before capture, you can show it to the buyer! "

"So fast! You are so good! OK, I'll get in touch. Well, has the rope that I asked my classmates to send you

"Do you mean to have dinner on time?" I smile! "That boy is so funny that he pounces on the lion with his body! It's boring, but the effect is good. In the future, I'm going to consider hiring a group of orcs to cooperate with me in catching demons! "

The eagle immediately said with a smile, "ha ha Ha ha! That boy is like this, in the school, he is also a lot of mischief! But he is very good, almost no one in our class can't talk to him! What's more, don't count on your man heap catching method. Today you just met a little lion. If that lucky little mountain is like that, thousands of talents will not be able to hold him down! "

"You're right. Let's talk about it later. I'll see if there's any other harvest. You need to contact the buyer for me as soon as possible."

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