Starting from Zero

Chapter 393

I faked a smile to cater to this guy. "Can we have a formal talk then?"

"Of course, please follow me." The leader's attitude obviously recognized our strength, so that the subsequent negotiations can be conducted on an equal basis and I can ask for more things.

When I followed that guy to the springboard, I suddenly remembered some things, and quickly stopped to say to the mm on the boat: "you watch the boat, don't let these people come up again. If they get close, beat them up for me. "

Speaking of this, the white shark boss remembered and ordered in a loud voice: "you all come back, let go of our guests, don't be so unreasonable."

Our players were free, and the white shark soldiers left our ships. However, the captain of the bodyguard glared at me all the time, and it didn't seem that friendly.

They followed their boss into the other side's warship and found that the warship was not as small as I imagined. On the contrary, the size of this guy is really rare. The shape of this big guy is a giant shark. What I saw just now is only a small part of the surface of the water. The real main body is under the water. What was thought to be the bridge at first was actually the shark's dorsal fin. As for what was inside, it was not the bridge.

The entrance of this big guy is a small door on the shark's back, which looks like a huge submarine carrier. After entering the interior, you should use an elevator up and down for a distance. When you get out of the elevator, it is a huge space. This is the interior of the shark mother ship. It's actually a big port. Many small shark ships stop here. The mouth of the big shark has a waterproof door similar to that of Atlantis, but it is relatively large, allowing small shark boats to enter and leave at will.

When we got down to the port, we walked back through several doors and finally entered a room similar to a living room. The rest of the retinue retreated, leaving only the leader and two women, one large and one young.

I looked at the huge luxury room and exclaimed, "it's so big! It's terrible to have such a luxurious warship. You seem to be very powerful? "

"This thing hasn't been moved for hundreds of years. If it hadn't been for receiving these huge magic stones, we wouldn't have been willing to start this guy."

I nodded. "However, the business is so big this time, you are the right choice to use it. If mermaids attack our fleet, we will not attack you. After all, as long as you get these things, the ocean will become your bag. "

The head of the shark clan said with a smile: "Matsumoto is really able to select his subordinates. He sent you such a powerful negotiation expert."

"Me? Are you wrong? I'm not a negotiator. "

"Don't be so modest, you can tell from what you just said that you are not ordinary people. What's more, Matsumoto himself stayed here to delay time, but he sent you here and said you were not an expert? "

I pretended to be confused and said, "did I say anything? Besides, I'm only sent because I'm the captain of the cherry blossom. There's no special reason for that

"Won't you admit it? Even if you are indeed the captain of that ship, your words are by no means what ordinary people say

"What? I don't know. " I don't know.

"You just said that we should send such a large warship to receive the goods. You also said that we can dominate the ocean by taking the goods. That's what you're good at. "

This is the same trick as the old monkey. There's no way to argue. I have to admit it. "I hope I can't see the truth. And it could be more serious. "

The little girl like woman said, "Dad, what are you talking about? I can't understand it! "

After all, the little guy is too innocent. The riddles of us old traitors don't understand at her age. Seeing the shark, the patriarch didn't seem to be interested in explaining it. I stopped waiting, and continued, "does the patriarch think that I'm reasonable?"

He nodded: "I don't want to admit it, but I have to admit that you are right. Mermaids will not let us be strong. Now they are afraid of our inventory of magic stones. But if these magic stones are robbed by them this time, they will surely destroy us in one go. This is too dangerous. "

"If you understand what's going on, we'll be able to talk about business." Doing business is to let the other party know who is the leader. Now, I don't want to let them waste the crystal sooner or later. But if they don't get the goods, it's a problem whether they can survive. This is the condition. With this bilateral environment, I can sit down and raise the price. In any case, they have to buy, but I am not forced to sell. Trading is not always equal.

"And what price do you want?" This guy is a bit of a liar when I make him talk. It seems that he has no idea.

I can't push him into a hurry now, or he'll jump over the wall. "Don't be too nervous. We still have the opportunity of cooperation in the future, so we won't ask exorbitant prices. "The head of the white shark wiped his forehead, and his nervous sweat came down. "Thank you very much. In return, I can give you a small warship in my own name. Our warships have high speed, long endurance and advanced technology. They are very different from those underwater warships you built. "

I shake my hand. "No kickbacks. To be honest, I'm a big shareholder in the guild. Taking kickbacks is tantamount to harming your own interests, so you'd better concentrate the benefits on the transaction? "

"Of course, of course." This guy's momentum was not as good as it was when he first met. My repeated crackdown has made the old guy more and more haggard. Wear off his momentum, consume his spirit, this is business. "Seal protection is not needed. We have similar equipment. Warships! To tell you the truth, I don't like any of them except this big one. "

"This big one can also be sold. Anyway, it used to be used for ocean going operations. Now that we are even in danger of our own land, it is a waste to keep it. What's more, can we make any more if we need it in the future? "


"You sell this big guy, too?" I just used a euphemism to mean that I don't want to pay by boat, not that I want this boat. But this guy said it could be sold! It's hard for me to refuse! If you think about it carefully, it's very useful. It seems that there is no loss when you buy it. In any case, it's used to exchange the magic stone from Japan for the white shark. Besides, 60% of them are fake products! "I'd like to start by saying that it's an antique with a history of hundreds of years. It's no more than a new boat and can't be charged with much debt."

"I see. You can count it." The old man is completely decadent.

"No way." The little girl jumped out. "I don't agree."

"Crystal, don't make trouble."

"No! The great white shark is our pride and a symbol of race. How can we sell it? "

The older woman took the little girl and said, "Linglin, don't be ridiculous. If there is no magic stone to supplement our energy barrier, we will collapse. If the sea water rushes down, we will all die. Your father is also for everyone's survival! It's a royal ship, but your father is the most distressed one

"But But...! " The little girl suddenly stood up and came up to me and said, "Why are you so bad?"

Damn it! This problem has a level! So he thought, "am I bad? It seems a little bit. " Suddenly he looked up at her and pointed to the shielding wrist wheel on his left wrist. "See this little star on it? It's a mark of evil, only to the most evil. You can get one for every 1000 lives you kill. How many are there? " The little girl covered her mouth in surprise and retreated. Hehe, my red name value is up in the sky, and the display on the shielding wrist wheel has long been like the stars in the sky. "Do you know why I'm so bad?"

"He is the devil!" The little girl hid in her mother's arms.

I said to my old friend, "shall we continue?"

"Oh! Yes

"This warship is a little older, but it is very big and seems to be well armed, isn't it?"

"Yes. yes. With the construction of the great white shark, it was relatively old, but it was well maintained and fully armed. The most important thing is that many parts are replaceable. If there is any problem, you can replace them directly. It will be very easy to upgrade the technology in the future. "

"That's fine." I nodded. "How about a quarter of your cargo for this ship?"

"Too little, isn't it?" The middle-aged woman asked cautiously.

"Quite a lot. It's big, but it doesn't have much practical value. In terms of speed, it can't run the surface ships, and in terms of firepower, it's not very powerful. In terms of defense, it is more general. The most important thing is that this thing is older than me, and it is about to be scrapped. There are so many things that are already quite a lot. " I feel like a pawnbroker. I'm an honest man who is exploiting things.

"Then look at the technical manual and tell us what else you want."

It only took me more than ten minutes to complete the information. This white shark is definitely not an honest man. This book contains a lot of information. Many of them are peripheral technologies on the edge. There is no core technology at all. Moreover, the pedigree is very complicated. Even if the whole book is taken back, it will not produce any real things. It's really cunning. I felt sorry for them just now. It's a waste of feelings!

"There is no information we need on this one. I think there should be a patriarch who gritted his teeth and said," is the production technology of great white shark OK? One buyout will guarantee that you can build your own ships like the great white shark

"I'm interested in that. But if that's the case, I seem to suffer a lot

"But we really have nothing to exchange!" The woman helplessly said: "there are so many technologies, you don't want the boat, we have no way!"

"Use me." The little girl suddenly stood up. "I'll go with you and make up for the rest.""No way." Exclaimed the patriarch and her wife.

I looked at the little girl. "Do you have any value? Our deal is not a simple one or two? What else do I want you to do? Give me a reason why you're worth so much. "

"You don't care about the little guy." The patriarch tried to interrupt me, trying to distract me.

The patriarch's wife quickly dragged the little girl to the outside, but the little girl always resisted in an awkward way. When she was pulled to the door, she suddenly grabbed the door frame and cried, "take me, you won't regret it."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Her mother tried to pull her out, but she just let go.

I looked at her clutching the doorframe: "do you have value?"

Two lines of clear tears ran down her face and nodded firmly. "I'm a royal family, and I can make underwater monitors, and everything that comes close to me and metals will react."

"What are you talking about?"

Her mother tugged at her hand and pushed her out, but she held on to the door frame and looked at me with a yearning look. "Please, they're going to die without them. Xiaoman, helfa, Luna and many others will die After that, she was in tears.

Now I have some confusion in my head. Is this a hoax or something? If it's a play, then this little girl's acting skills are too exaggerated! But if it's true, there will be a lot of serious conflicts with previous perceptions. Think about it. Maybe it's Atlantis. In the description of Atlantis, the white shark's performance is very cruel and evil, but the situation in front of us is obviously quite different from that of Atlantis. I didn't see any evil or cruelty, but I was rude to our behavior at first. What I see now is just a race struggling to survive. There is no such thing as the invaders described by Atlantis.

I know that it is wrong to waver, and it is not right to doubt allies. But I have begun to waver. There is obviously something wrong with the words of Atlantis. What is the reason for that? Is it because of pure hostility? Just like us and Americans, they always say that China is a threat to world security, and we also attack the United States for launching a war, but in fact, we are in two different camps.

The relationship between the white shark and Atlantis is likely to be similar to that between China and the United States, but the contradiction is more intense. Both sides simply don't want the other to be strong and threaten themselves. There is no real evil or not.

Am I going to help them? Saving the white shark would mean offending the mermaid, withdrawing technical assistance, or dying directly with us. But this can get the technical support of the white shark people. The technical strength of the two sides is almost the same, and both of them are similar. If you don't help the white shark, you won't offend the mermaid, but the problem is that the white shark is very poor, and they are indeed the first powerful undersea race, which is more valuable than Mermaid.

What a pain. How can I decide? , the fastest update of the webnovel!