Starting from Zero

Chapter 382

"Enemy attack!..." Enemy attack...! " My voice made a response from the boat.

Sudden situation often shows the real situation of people, at this time we can see the difference in quality. Although the players I picked up from Longdao are very effective, they don't have any organizational training. The first reaction to the enemy's attack is to mess up. On the other hand, the operators of our guild on the ship are quick to their posts, which makes me very happy. My members' outstanding performance shows that my efforts are not in vain, and high welfare has created high quality.

I jumped on the bridge, opened the broadcast, grabbed the microphone to command the chaotic dragon players. "Don't mess up. The ship's personnel are in position, all guns are in position. All the players of the dragon clan are ready to meet the enemy. "

Hearing my command, the players below immediately began to take their places. After a short period of chaos, the situation gradually returned to normal. I called out again on the radio: "dragon players should pay attention to choose their own resurrection point on our ship, or death will be transmitted back to the island." Hearing my warning, we are in a hurry again.

In the distant sky, those small black spots have completely turned into a giant dragon one by one, and the number is overwhelming. After all, there is no real guild of the dragon clan. Everyone is loose, and there is no real collective movement to do anything. So now it is just a piece of sand.

I look at the top of our head. It's chaotic enough. Many players change the dragon will collide with each other. It's a mess! I had to order again: "dragon players should not be obsessed with war. Just stay on top of the warship. Don't rush back. Please protect the warship and leave the enemy with shipborne artillery. You just need to intercept them and keep them away from the warship. Do you understand all the above? "

"I see!..." It was a mess of answers.

I nodded and continued to order: "air defense artillery preparation, aim at the approaching hit, do not care about ammunition. Engine room, full speed ahead. Get off the coast. We can't run aground here

The warship speeds up the evacuation, but the warship is unable to run the dragon's wings. We were caught up just after we were out of the dreamland. I know the dragon who took the lead is the black dragon incarnated by the Japanese girl. Lin Yue is not polite to welcome up, two old enemies quickly twisted into a group.

This time, almost all the members of the dragon clan who were not taken away were sent out. They were psychologically unbalanced and could not leave, so they wanted to pull these players who could walk into the water. With the Revenge of jealousy, all the Dragon players on Dragon Island are out.

Seeing the dragons approaching, the warships below are crawling slowly like snails. It's really urgent! The Dragon clans on both sides of the sky have begun to fight, but obviously the number here is too small to be an opponent at all. Fortunately, there are resurrection points on large warships, so you can take them away if you hang them up.

Looking at the distance almost, I gave an order, the anti-aircraft guns on both sides of the warship suddenly opened fire together. This ship was rented from the German iron crusaders. The anti-aircraft fast guns are the technology of the iron Crusaders, so they have a lot of anti-aircraft guns on their warships, which saved our lives.

Dragon players this is the first time to see a large warship, let alone know the antiaircraft guns. As soon as this side opened fire, they were stupefied by the fierce fire. The attack power of naval gun is more than 100000. Even if the anti-aircraft gun power is small, it will not be low. As soon as the gun is fired, you can see the Dragon players falling down one by one. The high-speed projectiles damaged the wings of the dragons, and the dragon clan players without wings could only tumble into the sea. When they want to swim on the ship and continue to attack, they find that they are waiting for the attack of the main gun of the warship. German warship design is strange, the main guns are in the back. There was only one second company fort on the front deck of the warship, but two three company batteries were erected on the rear deck. The player who falls into the water is just the target. These main guns are powerful. Even the dragon clan players will hang up on the edge.

The attacking players were frightened by the powerful firepower of the warships. At first, they thought that as long as the Dragon players who were guarding were solved, a boat would not want to do anything about it. But now they found that the ship's lethality was even more powerful than the dragons on top of it. The Dragon had to fight the dragon for half a day, but the thing was sweeping a large area. If it wasn't for the limited firing angle of the main gun, they would have to consider withdrawing directly.

However, although our firepower is frightening, there are too many players on the opposite side, which is not so easy to deal with. A giant dragon bypassed the fire net, ran from low altitude to the warship, and was about to approach the warship. As the captain of the ship, the MM suddenly ordered the front main gun to revolve and fire into the sea. Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to fire from the front to the rear, but now the situation is somewhat special. Seeing the turret turning at a large angle, I quickly crouched down with my head in my arms and called out to other people in the cabin: "cover your ears, leave the window, and lie down quickly!"

As soon as everyone was ready, the front main gun fired. In the roar, two big water columns rose from the sea, and all the glass of our bridge collapsed. The player did not have time to adjust the angle, a head into the water column, the force of the sea water falling naturally pushed him under the sea.

A NPC on the side of the ship kicked the launching handle of the depth charge catapult, and a depth charge flew out. The Dragon player who was smashed into the water just came out of the water and saw a black spot flying towards him. The depth charge fell directly into the guy's arms, and all the people on the deck were skillfully lying down. The Dragon player had not reflected on what was going on. Suddenly, a huge water column sent his body fragments and dozens of tons of sea water into the sky. It's amazing to be able to come back alive under this kind of shock. Even if the shock wave doesn't kill you, the sea water can kill you. What's more, the bomb about the size of a gasoline barrel fell into his arms. It must be very cool to hold the bomb.The battle in the sky continues, and from time to time someone falls. I really regret what to do with warships. I knew how good it would be to rent a submarine! Dragon people can't dive in dragon shape, and they are no more powerful than ordinary players. I had an idea when I thought about submarines.

Ask the captain quickly. "Is this boat waterproof?"

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, if the cabin doors are closed, will the whole ship be flooded?"

"I'm not sure. In theory, water will not enter into the water. These doors are sealed and airlock, and so is the ventilation duct. However, it is estimated that there will be water in some places, but there should be no problem for a while and a half. "


"Good. Now you are ordered to close the hatch immediately and block up all possible water intrusion. Plus, we'll water the bottom and we'll dive. "

"Ah? what? Dive? This is not a submarine

"Listen to me, that's right."

"All right, then."

The sky is playing happily, but suddenly found that the warship began to sink, both sides were shocked. It seems that no one touched the warship in my impression. It started to sink on its own. Everyone was surprised. I yelled in the team channel: "dragon players will support for a while, we will now start to dive. When the ship is completely underwater, you will come down, turn into a human and climb in from the fish detonator."

"Damn it! I thought I was sunk The dragon clan players above who want to follow us can relax and continue to fight.

Seeing the warship completely launched, those dragon players who want to destroy it are at a loss. They don't know what happened to the warship and what to do. The members of our warship let out their steel claws one after another, and I also got out all the things that could be launched, such as my magic pet. The propeller on the warship is the kind of propeller that our guild sells. It is originally an underwater propeller and works like a submerged propeller. The warship can still move forward after launching. Unfortunately, the glass of the bridge was broken by the front main gun. Now the whole bridge has become an aquarium. Fortunately, our guild players have standard armor, all of them can breathe in water and work in water, but NPC have to go to the oxygen cabin and can't help.

My big darlings are outside the warship to help keep the balance of the ship and control the steering and provide some power. The steel claws are waiting for the Dragon players to launch. I think it's almost deep enough to inform the people on the guild channel to go into the water. Those dragon players on our side have turned around and launched into the water. After entering the water, they have to return to human form. Steel claws quickly send them to the front of the warship and plug them in through the torpedo tube. ADINA in the water to create a kind of crystal bubble, there is air, torpedo tube less, more people, the players in line squat in the bubble, so there is no need to worry about drowning.

The Dragon players above finally realized that there was a problem, and they also began to drill down, but as soon as they came down, they were hit head-on. The humanoid dragon man is not the opponent of the steel claw at all. What's more, the steel claw can drag them underwater and drown in a few minutes without fighting.

We have been underwater for more than two hours, and the Dragon players on it are unwilling to fly back to the island. They can't do anything about the warships under the water. Moreover, we have left their flight limit distance, and they can't follow us any more.

After confirming that the dragonflies were gone, I asked several magic pets to bring the warship out of the water, opened the hatch and began to drain water. The warship slowly recovered its buoyancy. Although the trouble is a little bit, we ran out! It's hard to do business!

Those dragon players we brought out ran to the deck to celebrate, and they all took great interest in anti-aircraft guns. Although trapped in Dragon Island, they all know more or less about the situation outside through the introduction of trumpets and friends. They know that their dragon race is much better than the average player's race, so they are willing to stay in the boring Dragon Island instead of practicing trumpets. But they haven't seen warships before, let alone the guns. Can they not be touched when they find that the defense that once made them proud is vulnerable in front of naval guns?

Several dragon players who joined our guild came to me and asked, "are these naval guns too powerful?"

"Can't you call a gun?"

"But no matter how high the defense is, if you blow up a gun, you'll die. Isn't that a bit of a disruption to the game's balance?"

"Of course it won't upset the balance. First of all, although it is powerful, it is not cheap. This door is only 10000 crystal coins, RMB 100000. Which of you has the money to buy this gun? It can only be bought by the guild

"Isn't the rich man sure to win?"

"There are always a few rich people in the world, and most people can't afford it. And, you should be aware that there are limits to this. First of all, the experience value is only calculated when it is installed on the walls and warships. If you take it down and train by it, you will not be able to get up if you are tired. And the cost of that shell, the cost of transportation, is astronomical. What's more, although the fire power of this thing is fierce, it needs to be large-scale, and a single gun is easy to be damaged. A team of five players can easily handle a single cannon, let alone those NPC monsters. Who would buy guns in the wild for demolition? That's something only idiots can do. In addition to the needs of warships and cities, I don't want to think about it anywhere else. I bought it as a show. If you have the money, you'd better go to the auction to buy a good equipment or a magic egg. Otherwise, you can hire several high-level people to accompany you to ensure fast upgrade. In short, it is impossible to dominate by artillery. So don't think about the balance of the artillery. ""I see!" People around nodded.

The next task is to return. Because the time is tight and there are so many dragon players around us, we don't plan to make a detour and go straight to dorut. It's strange that all the British warships have disappeared, and none of them have been seen along the way. I don't know what they are going to do. Anyway, it's more convenient. I don't care what they do.

When we got close to the German coast, all the Dragon players on board were boiling. Finally they saw the shore, and their prison life was completely over. However, we can't go ashore for the time being. There is still some distance from dorut. We are a large ship and must enter the port.

It was early in the morning when we got to the dock of dorut port. Of course, it was Beijing time. It was still late in the night in Germany. There are several players at the port, but there are not many people. I hope this situation will save people more trouble. Of course, Ashford will not be online so late. The leaders of the iron Crusaders are almost absent. Fortunately, the city Lord in charge of dorut is online. Return the ship to them, and pay a little for the damage. The warship has been ruined.

After all the handover, he used dorut's transmission array to send everyone back to Tianyu city. Finally, he arrived at his own site. He felt much relieved. Take these players into the newly built small conference hall, and do not arrange them to sit down. Instead, they directly say, "players who have joined the guild, please wait by the side first, and we will have something to tell you later." As soon as his guild member went to sit down beside him, the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open.

This is the leopard girl from the orc guild that I just picked up in Switzerland. As soon as she came in, she cried, "President? I heard you brought back the dragon people? Are these people? Where is my brother? "


Oh, I forgot about it! This is a big problem! Is worried, those who did not join our guild dragon clan players suddenly ran out of a player. "Sister! Why are you here? "

"Here you are The leopard girl hugged the Dragon player. It seems that this is the person she wanted. I didn't expect to bring it out by accident. Fortunately, it was like this, otherwise I would have to run again.

The leopard girl told her brother about the situation, and I was listening. It turned out that this was her brother, but now he lives in the United States and is not with her. Now that he knows that he is the one to be rescued, he will naturally join our guild, and there is another dragon man.

Let them wait. I said to those who didn't join in: "since I have brought you out, I will be responsible for you. I want to make it clear to you about some things outside, so that you don't have to go back to Longdao again

When I said that, they were all worried. "Why did it go back to Longdao?"

I reached out and motioned to them to be quiet: "there are some things in this game that are limited, such as returning to the city after death. In addition to a small number of special areas after death, most people have to return to the city to resurrect after death. For a normal player, the place of resurrection will be the nearest neutral or friendly city near where he died. If you join a guild, you have a choice. You can choose to resurrect nearby after death or directly designate any city of your guild to resurrect. Don't set this. The system will ask you every time you die. But one thing to note is that if you're not from a country, you can't revive in a nearby city. For example, if an American arrives in Canada, he will be revived in a random neutral or friendly city in the United States after his death, rather than in a city near the place of his death in Canada. Although you come from different countries, you are a special race. Your nationality is set as Dragon Island. That is to say, when you die, you will return to Dragon Island. "

"Isn't that in vain?" This time, not only those players who did not join our guild, but also those who joined there screamed.

I again motioned to them to be quiet and continued, "so you need to join a guild immediately. As I just said, after death, in addition to the principle of proximity, there are guild cities to choose from. In which country you are in, you can choose the city of your guild to resurrect in this country, but only if your guild has a city in that country for you to choose, otherwise it will be directly transmitted back to random cities in your country. You see, I am. I am a Chinese guild, but I have a city in Germany. If my people die and can choose this city to resurrect, they will not be forced to send back to their own country. It's the same for you. If you want to join a guild with a city, you can choose to send it back to your guild city or Huilong island. " Hearing this, those players who have joined our guild immediately sat back with a smile.

One of the players who didn't join suddenly said, "don't you want us to join your guild when you say so much?"

I said in a slightly icy voice, "No. I will not accept your application for membership now, even if any of you want to join me now. Frost rose League is not a small guild. We have no shortage of people. All we can join are elites among the elite. " I pointed to the players who had joined: "they, they chose me, and I'll let them know how right it was. I'm glad that you can join the dragon clan, but I don't want you to join the dragon clan. The first rule of our guild is loyalty. It is not only loyalty to guilds, but also loyalty among guild members. You didn't choose us at the beginning. Now it seems too purposeful to join us. I won't accept it. You don't want to tell me. I tell you that these are just to let you know that you may return to Longdao because of your death. I hope you can find a guild to join us as soon as possible. "Someone asked, "isn't it possible to build resurrection points on ships? Didn't you bring us back like this? Why don't you just sell us a boat? "

"I'm sorry to tell you that only guilds can set up resurrection points on ships. Individual players can buy ships, but they can't build resurrection points on them. "

A more arrogant French humanitarian: "it's a big deal. We'll set up a guild by ourselves, and we'll join it when we find a satisfied guild."

I shook my head. "It's OK to set up guilds, but only with guilds in the city can we build revival points. New cities will be attacked by monsters. At least two-thirds of you who build cities will die in sieges. "

"Will so many people die? Didn't your guild experience a siege? "

One side of the purple moon helped me answer: "of course we have experienced."

"So many of you died?"

Purple moon shook her head and said, "we are all destroyed. We fought hard for three days and died together with monsters. The president himself and the last monster together. But we are very lucky, although all the people died, but the city was saved. We are Chinese. At that time, the city was in China, and the resurrection after death was in our own country. But you are different. The death will return to Longdao. When you return to the Dragon Island, you will not be able to use the list of cities you have set up

I added: "so you have to choose as soon as possible, and be sure to look for guilds with cities. In some guilds, it's impossible to have a residence without a city. It doesn't count. There must be a city, and at least if it's village level or above, it can't be too small. "

"Are there many such trades?" One player asked.

"Not too much. Most cities are system cities, with guilds building stations in them, but few player cities. After all, the cost of urban construction is not affordable to everyone, and the fierce degree of monster attack is absolutely beyond your imagination. The bigger the city, the harder it is to defend. Now most guilds don't have enough strength to protect the city. "

"What shall we do? Can you take us? " Some players are starting to panic.


I shook my head. "I said, I won't take you. If you volunteer to join in Longdao, it's not right now. In fact, it's my extra gift to tell you all these things. In fact, I don't have any loss for me if I don't tell you. But we Chinese people are a country of etiquette, everything is to be worthy of the heart, that's why I told you. In addition... " I waved and rose brought me a stack of paper. I'll take it and put it on the next table. "This is a table with the names of all the players' cities and guilds in Germany. It also gives a brief introduction to these guilds. It will be easier for you to find guilds according to this table. At this point, I've done my utmost. If you don't have any problems, please leave my city! This place is still under construction. It is temporarily closed to people outside the guild. You can't stay in my city. Those who want to use the teleport array can send you away for free. "

"I have a problem." A man took the list and asked, "Why are there only cities in Germany up here? I'm an American. I'm going to America. "

"Do you think you can cross the border on your own

Another player found that there were several pages of material given to them, flipped a few times and asked, "what's behind this?"

"That's some rules of the game and precautions. You don't understand a lot of things in Longdao. To prevent you from making mistakes, I made a list for you, which is my after-sales service. Is it considerate to accept your high ticket with a few family tips? "

"You are cruel!" Those players took the words and went out. I asked the purple moon to send them to the teleport array.

After all those people went out, I gathered the rest of them together. "Well, all the outsiders are gone, and the rest are our own. First of all, I want to tell you how to use guild function, which can be found in help. In addition, as a member of the guild, you enjoy all the benefits of the guild. Please follow me. I'll take you to the main city to collect it. " Take these people out of the small conference hall and go directly to the transnational transmission array. "The thing you see now is transnational transmission array, which is the special equipment of our guild, which is not available in general guild. The ordinary transmission array can only be transmitted within one country, but this one can be transmitted to other countries. However, it does not communicate with the ordinary transmission array. At present, we only have two points with China

A player asked, "don't you say it's difficult to cross the border?"

"It's really difficult to cross the border, but it's not absolutely impossible. I don't have to serve the people who are seeing them off if they don't join us. Don't say that this array is temporarily closed to the United States. Even if it is, I won't borrow it from them. This is also a small secret of our guild. Although it is not very important, we'd better not tell others. All right, stand up. "

In a flash, we arrived at eisenegger. As soon as the transmission was over, there was a breath sucking sound. I knew it would be like this. No one who entered aisinger for the first time was not stupid. Although the buildings in Longdao are also very large, those cliff like buildings can not be regarded as buildings. The oppressive force and expansion sense of Eisinger's European style grand architecture are not comparable to those rotten stones.I waited a long time before turning around and saying, "gentlemen, it's time to wake up."

This time, they relaxed their strength and talked about the magnificent buildings one by one. Suddenly a man screamed and pointed back. "Look, port...!" In order to facilitate the transportation of goods and materials, the transnational transmission array is very close to the port. Just now, everyone was back to the port, which just turned around and shocked everyone. At this time, Eisinger in China happened to be in the morning, and the port was the East. Standing here, you can see the sea level in the distance. The orange sun just showed half its head. It is a beautiful sunrise wonder. In the harbor, the tall eternal, the newly restored flash and some warships, large and small, are stopping in the harbor. The shadow formed by the tall ship and the brightness of the sunrise form a beautiful picture. These earth bumpers who have just left Longdao are silly. Some of them with rich feelings seem to have signs of tears.

It wasn't until the sun was completely off the sea level that I said, "Okay, guys. Eisinger welcomed you all with her most beautiful sunrise. You will work hard for her safety in the future. But first of all, Eisinger is an evil zone, and the sky is covered by dark clouds that do not disperse all year round. So you can't see the sun except for sunrise and sunset. "

"What kind of building is that?" A player has found the grindstone.

"That's the Ju Ling tower, the landmark of the city. It is the geometric and political center of the city. The control center of the city is basically there. "

"How tall People around him sighed.

"What is that?" A player points to the top of the tower.

"It's like a big fireball." Another player replied.

The third player said, "it's like a big burning eye."

I replied, "that's the eye of hell, one of the city's defense weapons, which only opens when the city is in a state of war. When it is opened, it can give the guild players improved attributes, it can also attack itself. The way of attack is similar to laser. It is powerful anyway. It can attack multiple targets at the same time, and even shells can intercept it. "

Next, I took them to the equipment depot to get the equipment. These guys kept asking what this was and what it was like in kindergarten. I had to keep explaining.

"What is that tower?"

"That's Babel Tower. It is a kind of ultra long range global attack system, which can attack anywhere in the world, but the energy gathering time is as long as half a month, and most of the time is idle. But the attack power is very high, can blow up a medium-sized city at a time. "

"How wonderful! You can get all this stuff. I admire you A player is joking.

Another French player said, "I now feel that those who leave are really a failure in life."

"I think so too!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" We all laughed together. Part of it is to laugh at those who didn't join, and part to be happy for yourself.

Is saying that those players suddenly alert, I strange along their line of sight to see past. It turned out that a pair of patrols came up. The leader was a Demon Knight, riding a black undead horse, followed by a group of skeleton soldiers in black armor and armed with spears. The Knights rode in front of us, and 36 soldiers trotted past us in a 4-way column in a neat formation. The leading Knight saluted me very politely when he saw me, and then went on with the guard.

I said to the Dragon players behind, "don't be nervous. This is Eisinger's Weirong army. You can direct them, but you can't let them leave the city, but you can let them run between their cities with teleport array. But if there is nothing, it's better not to order them

"How handsome

"These are the lowest level soldiers. There are high-level dark troops in the barracks. They are much more powerful than these. But pay attention. Just now the black armor is the city garrison. You can command it, but there is also a kind of silver armored army in this city, which is usually composed of angels and Griffin knights. Those are the temple guards. You must not provoke them. Goddess, we don't care about them. However, I have a good relationship with the goddess, and I can call anything at any time. But that's my business. You can't command them. I'm not responsible for being killed. There are also. All NPC of our guild are senior elite NPC with independent personality. You should treat them as human beings. Don't do some insulting things. Otherwise, don't blame me for driving you out of the club. However, these elite NPCs are very smart, warm-hearted and kind-hearted at ordinary times, but if he finds out that you are trying to harm him, he may retaliate against you in advance

"So powerful?"

"Don't be afraid. As long as you don't make bad ideas, they are very kind. Elite NPC are privileged in many things. If you mix them up as friends, they will give you something good from time to time. In my personal experience, I'd rather offend the players than the NPC. "

To clarify the reputation: listen to my friends say that someone impersonates me to release false news on the Internet. Considering the serious situation, I would like to make a statement to clarify it.First. My QQ number is 307102603, and my nickname is "Thunderstorm". I only have this QQ number, don't believe other numbers. In addition, unless there is a special thing to contact the starting point editor, or I basically can't QQ, so you'd better not add my QQ.

Second. In terms of e-mail, I will not take the initiative to send letters to readers, and reply letters are only aimed at the problems in the book. There will be no chat letters. Please pay attention to distinguish them.

Third. My main starting account nickname is "King tyrant". If you receive SMS from this account, you can confirm it is me. The nickname "storm" has been forgotten by me, so I didn't use the password of "storm". In addition, I also have two trumpets, but I never have to speak or answer letters, so don't believe the fake behavior of other accounts. Finally, in addition to me, there is a friend of mine who uses the name "King tyrant". If he finds a book he likes very much, he will occasionally post a book review after reading it. Therefore, if he doesn't see this number in the comments section of this book, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm talking. But you can believe that this number, my friend will not use my number to talk nonsense, even if I am not using, also will not say some promises.

In addition to the above three channels, any other channel to get the claim is my own situation, you can think of as a fake, do not believe at will, in order to avoid being cheated. There are a lot of bad people on the Internet now, so we should be on guard. Especially to deceive you to borrow money or something, that's 100% cheater. I can't borrow money from readers no matter how poor I am. , the fastest update of the webnovel!