Starting from Zero

Chapter 341

"What? Are there any other undersea cities besides Atlantis? " The words of Atlantis startled me! "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"At that time, we were not very familiar with each other. If you went to other undersea cities to trade with us, I would not be at a loss. Anyway, I am also the leader of Atlantis. I can't help thinking about my people!"

"What do you mean now? Want me to help you attack other undersea cities? "

"That's almost what it means." Seeing that I didn't look very good on my face, Atlantis immediately added, "of course you won't be beaten for nothing. As you know, the technological strength of our undersea cities is much stronger than that of the people on land. The technology of Atlantis is only at the medium and high level in the sea. Other undersea cities have their own technical fields and are all very advanced. If you help out, we'll share the technology. In fact, we Atlantis attack other undersea cities not for the sake of each other's technological civilization, but for our own security and territorial issues. We'll take what we need and make sure you don't suffer. "

After listening to the agitation of Atlantis, I was really moved. "If the technology of Atlantis is only at the medium and high level, then attacking other cities will not suffer as long as you can get one or two technologies. Even if we destroy the city, I believe one or two technologies can still be obtained. "

"So you agreed to help?" Atlantis was very excited.

"Wait a minute. Don't get excited."

"Ah? Any questions? "

"It's a big problem." I asked slowly, "even if I agree to help, what can we do? Most of my people are now at level 600 or so. Although they can dive in orderly armor, even if all of them are deployed, there are only more than 10000 people, which is not very helpful to the battle, right? Besides, we are not likely to pour out our troops. At least we should keep the necessary personnel, and no more than 3000 people can go to war. It seems that this kind of team can not affect the outcome of the war? Besides, our level is not suitable for war? All of you are in the class of 7800, but we only have grade 600. The combat effectiveness is one grade worse

"I know you are not high-level, and I don't want you to attack the undersea city."

"What are you going to do

"Yes! So! I'd better explain the situation to you first. " Atlantis took me to their chart room and showed me the chart. "This is the Asian continent, which is your China. Here we are Atlantis, and further east is the island of Japan. Now after crossing the Japanese island, we reach the Pacific Ocean, and then we will reach our enemy

"Dear! They live in the Mariana Trench? "

"What about the Mariana Trench? It's called the Carmicha trench! "

There are some different names in the game! "Well, whatever it's called, the enemy lives here, right?"

"Yes, here it is. There is a city cluster under the trench. The other side is a descendant of the great white shark race. It is not only advanced in science and technology, but also, most importantly, its combat effectiveness is much stronger than ours. As you know, we live in Atlantis all mermaids. We are more beautiful than them in appearance, but war is not a beauty pageant

"I see what you mean. Just tell me exactly what to do

Atlantis the great said: "according to our scouts, the great white sharks have recently joined a land force just like us. All of us undersea races are short of magic crystals, and so are the great white sharks. If they want to fight, they have to start fighting machines. All these things need magic stones. The reason why we undersea races haven't attacked each other these years is that we've almost run out of magic stones, and we're very nervous to survive. We don't have any spare power to fight. "

"Needless to say, I see. Now you have the magic stones, and so do they. Both sides are ready to fight. "

"Yes, that's what it means."

"So you mean to cut off the supply of the other party's magic crystal?"

"Smart!" Atlantis gave a thumbs up.

"No problem with that, but at least you have to tell me who is transporting them the magic stones?"

"Our investigators don't know the land situation, so we can't get the specific information of each other, but there is a clue. "Do the black Octopus have advanced technology? Since we want to fight, we should make full use of the resources we have at hand. "


"Yes, of course. The black octopus are very good at stealth technology and sound attenuation technology. Their underwater warships are all invisible and have no sound when sailing. However, the people of this tribe are very timid, and they don't contact other races except us. If you need their technology, you can give us the magic stone and I'll trade it for you. "

"Can the turtle technology be bought?"

"The technology of the turtle clan is mainly defensive technology. To put it bluntly, it is strong in fighting. If you want me to introduce you, but you have to talk about the specific things by yourself. After all, we are not very familiar with them!""Yes, as long as you take me to see their patriarch, I will take care of the future. Well, you can let your technicians go to eisenegger now and ask them to bring a message. They say that warships should not be built until I bring all the technology back. Now you send someone to help me find the black octopus to contact me to buy the technology. As long as you find the technology useful, you can buy it for me. Would you please take me to the turtle clan

"All right, we'll go."

Atlantis sent all the technicians out. I asked ADINA to go back with them. One was to lead the way, the other was to be afraid that the people in the guild would not believe it. After the humanization of NPC, they also learned to lie, so they couldn't believe everything! After the technicians set out, a team of trade purchasing group also went out. The relationship between black octopus and mermaids is good, and the expenses can be charged on credit. Finally, our team is heading for the turtle city.

According to the introduction of Atlantis, the turtle city is quite far away from here. Fortunately, Atlantis is not short of magic stones now, so we can start by speedboat. It's much faster with this thing, we're in the sea, we're all the way down the seamounts, and a few hours later we're in a valley like place.

"Here we are." Warned Atlantis.

"Ah?" I looked around and there was nothing but rocks around me! "Where is it?"

"Right in front of us."

"But I didn't see anything."

"Of course you can't see, because their city is in a cave."

I landed in the valley under the leadership of Atlantis. I didn't know where a strange big turtle suddenly appeared, which startled me! This guy has a tortoise shell on his body, but his hands, feet and head look like human beings. This shape reminds me of the tortoise Prime Minister of the Dragon Palace.

Atlantis said politely, "I am the head of the mermaid clan. I have come to see your leader for something."

That turtle man can talk. "Our patriarch is free. Come with me." He followed the great turtle man and turned into a cave some distance ago, otherwise Atlantis said that the city could not be seen!

After a long walk in this super long cave, a huge hole appeared. The turtle asked us to park the motorboat here first. Put down the vehicle and follow the turtle through a watertight door like Atlantis into the city.

I was shocked by the scene. I didn't expect such a huge city behind the waterproof door. What's more, the streets were full of people with tortoise shells, which was very funny. After we walked a little bit, the big turtle that brought us in gave us to another turtle man. Following this turtle man into the center of the city building, where the defense is obviously tight, many turtles with strange things stand in the corridor, and they are estimated to have some kind of weapon in their hands.

"Please wait here." The big turtle that brought us in came in to report, and we had to wait outside!

I look around when I'm bored. The wall of the turtle is thick and the door of the city is thick. It's probably that the turtles like this kind of stable design. After all, their own shells are just as thick.

After a while, the turtle man came out to let us in, but this time he didn't take us in but let us in by ourselves. After entering the room, a turtle man let us into the inner room. After we went in, we saw a turtle man who was much bigger than the turtles outside.

"Hello, chief mermaid!" The turtle didn't know me, but he knew the mermaid, and politely said hello to Atlantis first.


"Don't you know what you're doing this time?"

"There is something." Atlantis pushed me to the front. "This is our Atlantis supplier, and I actually brought him to see you today."

The big turtle looked at me. "What do you want from me?"

"Yes." I started the temptation project. "I heard Atlantis say that the races of the sea depend on magic crystals to live normally, don't they?"

The turtle nodded. "We turtles actually don't have gills. Although we can stay under water for a long time, we still need to breathe, so we must have an underwater city full of air. Looking at your relationship with mermaids, I think you should know how much energy such a city consumes, so it is difficult for any water race to live without magic stones. "

"Yes, I understand that. And that's why I'm here. I think you need it a lot, don't you? "

When the big turtle heard that his eyes were bright, his lazy appearance disappeared immediately. "Do you mean you have a magic stone?"

"Not only there are, but also many. I supply all the magic stones used by Atlantis now. On land, I have several large-scale magic crystal mines. I can mine hundreds of kilograms of raw magic crystal ore every day. After processing and removing impurities, it is no problem to produce several kilograms of pure magic crystal. " Although I don't have a mining area yet, I don't have to worry about the resource distribution map of the temple of light. If I need it, I can mine it immediately."And what do you want from me?" After all, the turtle is the leader of a family. He must be clear about this truth.

I'm not going around with him. "I'll tell you! Now I've heard that you and I need to trade some of my skills with the enemy

The turtle blinked and thought for a long time before he said, "it's not impossible to sell technology, but your price..."

"You show the technology, I will choose what I need, and you will set the price. No, we can discuss it slowly."

Atlantis interposed and said, "if you want to look at the technology, it's not convenient for me to stay. Atlantis can't do without people. I'll go back first."


"Good bye then. I'll go to Atlantis and discuss your request." I give Atlantis a positive answer, at least to let him know that I will help him fight, so that he can be more active.

Atlantis took some of their technical archives away from the great Atlantis palace.

"These are the related names and function introductions of various technologies. You can have a look at them one by one! Choose the technology you want and tell me. We'll give you the complete technical information after we have negotiated the price. "

"Yes, but are they all?"

"It's only on the cupboard here. It's personnel files over there. It has nothing to do with you. Look at it

I don't talk nonsense any more. I'll look at all the information introductions one by one. Although I don't really understand pure technology, I can understand most of the content with a detailed introduction. Good guy, the technical strength of the turtle people is really extraordinary. Their technology is basically concentrated in the processing of special materials and synthetic materials, and there are many auxiliary technologies. After more than two hours of browsing, I finally picked out the technology I needed.

This time, we selected four most useful technologies, which are absolutely necessary for warships. "Back, but with some problems."

"What's the problem? They won't sell it? "

"That's not true." Atlantis said, "it's mainly about the price and some other things that you can't discuss very well. Finally, we got to the head of the black Octopus clan. They agreed to send a boat to take you to the black Octopus city for trading."

"Still running!" I feel dizzy! "They didn't say the time, did they?"

"No, but the boat is waiting outside."

"Damn it! It's too late! Wait for me for a moment I went offline for a while and then went online again. Let Atlantis prepare some food for my pets. We are very hungry and thirsty. If we don't eat, we will lose our loyalty! The food of Atlantis is not only seafood, but also seafood once in a while!

After solving the food problem, Atlantis himself took me to meet the black octopus. When we came to the port of Atlantis, I was startled by the black octopus. "This is a member of the black Octopus tribe?" In addition to the height of the man in front of him is completely human. It is said that octopus should have at least 8 tentacles! Are they going to change?

Before Atlantis answered, the member of the black Octopus first replied, "our race is called black octopus, which doesn't mean we look like octopus! There's a Han nationality on the land, isn't there? Are you all Han? "

"It's my misunderstanding!"

"It's OK. Come on board with me."

"Boat?" I drew around with my fingers. "Which one do you mean?"

"Oh! Sorry to forget that you are not a member of our family The member of the black Octopus clan who received me in front of me took out a pair of strange things made of crystal for me. "Take it with you."

I looked at the crystal in my hand. It seems that it can be put on my face. It looks like a night vision device. I took off the helmet, put the crystal on and put it on the outside. The next time I looked up, I saw a flying saucer like thing stopped in front of us, which was no more than 10 meters away from us! I was stunned by what was in front of me. Such a big thing could not be seen at such a close distance!

"Don't be surprised, this is the characteristic technology of our black octopus. What you have just given you is a polarized light mirror. Because our hull is made of special structure, we can only emit the light facing directly, and you can't see anything without polarized light mirror. "

I can't accept such exaggerated technology. How can our fleet fight against this thing? You can't see it. Do you want to shoot blind? It's strange if you can get it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!