Starting from Zero

Chapter 3378

"We It should be in the new star's central computer room? " The eight new compatriots present are not sure about the situation.

I looked around them and said, "yes, your memory seems to be OK. Do you know the time now?"

I just finished asking, I saw that several people over there were suddenly stunned. Among them, the one who responded the most was the one who came out first, almost jumping up. "Isn't it? We've been sleeping for more than 20000 years

"Are we antiques?" Next to a silver haired girl said, she began to independently query the mind network, although she did not say hello to me, but the dragon race on earth is dominated by me, so the highest authority of the mind network is also here, so I know that the other party starts the mind network, but I do not limit what, there is no need. The other party's behavior quickly let the other seven people also react, have opened their own mind network, and then began to check their own situation.

Although the history of the earth is very long, they don't want to do research. They just need to know about one. Therefore, it only took less than five seconds to read the history of human development. After all, our dragon people's thinking and reading speed are very fast. If we are reading physical books, we have to be limited by the speed of turning books, but the electronic documents are easy to read There is no such restriction at all.

After understanding the history of human development, they looked up the situation of our dragon people, and found that we were actually restored by human beings using the technology of creators, rather than original genuine products.

"That is to say, we have completely lost contact with the mainland?" Asked the silver haired girl who first remembered to look up the information.

I nodded and said, "at least the pilgrims don't have the ability to connect with each other. As for us Although we are also dragon people, we should be regarded as the earth's indigenous people strictly speaking, so we can't expect to contact the creators! "

"Well, we don't have to lose the war without us. We don't have to do anything for the alliance." Said the fellow countryman who woke up first.

This reflects the characteristics of our dragon people. We seldom get entangled in something. We will consciously do well within the scope of general ability. We will not worry about what we can't do. Anyway, we still can't do it.

Seeing that their emotions had returned to normal, I began to ask them again why they had fallen on the earth before.

"Don't ask me, I don't remember anything!" A new compatriot in the team said, "I didn't wake up at that time. I was sleeping all the time."

Hearing this answer, my heart is half cold, because since these compatriots are living computers on this ship, that is to say, their situation may be the same, that is to say, they are all in sleep, and their knowledge of other things is basically equal to zero.

Sure enough, some people said that they were also dormant. However, when six of them said they didn't know anything, two different voices appeared.

"I know." The one who talked was the one who first thought of searching the Internet, while the other one who knew something was a man who didn't talk much before. Among the eight people on the scene, he was a special one, because he was the tallest one on the spot. Although it was only 1.75 meters, it was high altitude in terms of the height of our dragon people.

"Can you tell me something about the situation? We're really curious about what happened I said seriously.

"Yes, yes! I'm curious, too Ling also said.

I didn't expect that Ling Caigang finished with a pile of "Tongqiu", "+ 1" and so on in the mind network, and finally there was "+ 28000"! What a sweat!

"In fact, I'm not sure what the specific situation is. After all, I didn't have access to the system at that time, and what I knew was not very comprehensive." The tall fellow said, "I remember that I was educated at a ground research center on h262, and then I was suddenly informed that there was a transfer. After that, I was sent to the space city of alpha-14, and then another small shuttle put me and at least 200 Marines on a very large spaceship. I don't even know the name of the ship

"I know." "The ship we were on was called Atlantis, the newest super warship in the alliance. It was equipped with star defense system, hyperspace lock-in and sub space cruise capabilities. It was originally designed to be a fleet leader at the river level."

"Atlantis?" I was surprised to send a picture directly through the mind network. This is a photo of the fourth SAR, but it is not true. It is artificial. Of course, the data is recovered based on the information we have now. Although it is not a real photo, it should be like this in general. "You see if it's like this?"

She looked at the photos I sent, and then quickly said, "I'm not sure. You're a composite photo, not a real one. But looking at the appearance, more than 90% of you are Atlantis."My heart is about to pop out when I hear this answer. Now we finally know that the super alien warship that crashed in China is the creator's River class Starfleet leader Atlantis. No wonder it's so big. It's a leading ship.

The information we got from the leader of the pilgrims includes the information about the classification of the warships of the creators. Although it is impossible for the creators to completely open up their information to the pilgrims, they will certainly tell them such superficial things. Therefore, the information given to me by the leader of the pilgrims includes this information.

According to the information given by the leader of the pilgrims, the so-called leader ship is actually something similar to a mother ship on earth. The characteristic of this kind of warship is that it is big, especially big. It is a super warship between a warship and a space dock. This kind of warship is characterized by a super large internal space, which can accommodate all combat units below the light cruiser level in the whole fleet. The reason why such a space is needed is that a leading ship of this level of Atlantis must be equipped with hyperspace transition equipment, which is different from the curvature navigation or superluminal navigation in science fiction films. It is a more advanced space navigation technology.

In other words, one of the fastest ways for a leader to fly in space is to fly faster than one million meters of light, which is the fastest way for a leader to fly in space.

However, the equipment required for this mode of navigation is very large, so many large warships, including many large ones, can not carry such equipment. At least it will seriously affect the performance of the warship. So, this kind of equipment will only be equipped for the Atlantis class, the super giant leader. After the equipment is started, not only can the warships equipped with this equipment carry out the space transition, but also can take the warships within a certain range of its own to complete the transition together. Therefore, as long as a warship is equipped with this device, the surrounding warships can jump along with it. However, although the theory is like this, the space transition is very unstable. In the process of the transition, special force field devices must be used to protect the spacecraft itself, so as to complete the transition without damaging the spacecraft.

This kind of protective force field is not a protective cover, but a special equipment, and its volume is not too large, but it is not small enough to fit any warship. Therefore, according to the leader of the pilgrims, the solution of the creators is that only cruisers and above can install this protector, and only the leader ship will install the jump device. In this way, as long as one leader ship can take the cruiser and other warships of higher level to complete the large-scale transition maneuver.

However, the fleet cannot have only large warships. The earth people have never fought Star Wars, but the creators have fought space wars for many years. Practice has proved that no weapon, no matter how powerful, can win a battle alone.

In fact, the interstellar war and the ground war are almost the same. They are both a comprehensive national strength competition and a comprehensive strength competition. A single powerful weapon can affect the occupation, but it can not directly determine the victory or defeat. Facts have proved that the combination of multiple weapons can maximize the combat effectiveness and win the war.

According to this fact, although large space warships are necessary, small space fighters are also indispensable, because if there is no powerful main gun of large warships penetrating each other's protective cover, the number of small fighters can only serve as targets for people. If you can't wear the protective cover, you can't take the large warships which are often several kilometers long. But it's even worse if you don't bring small fighters, all of which are large warships. Because you have a shield, and others have it. Once the shield is broken down, the rest is faster than who removed it. Although the main gun power of large warships is huge, the design of space warships is not for nothing. The protective power of those big guys is quite exaggerated even without protective cover. Especially for those energy reflecting layers, it is difficult to cause enough damage without solid ammunition. If you carry solid ammunition, if the distance is far, the other party has enough time to dodge, and if you can get close to it, you can get close to it If you can hit others, you can be beaten by others. There is no big difference between rushing forward and committing suicide.

So, at this time, the hive of small fighters becomes a necessity.

According to the leader of the pilgrims, regular space combat is like this.

First, the detection ships of both sides find each other, and then close to each other, at the same time, they shoot out the fighter groups and missiles. Yes, that's right. It's all out and won't stay on the ship, because the missiles in the space age can be recycled.

Second, when the two sides are close enough, the main guns of the warships will attack each other. At this time, energy weapons are used, because it is difficult to avoid the speed of light weapons. At this time, we are still far away from each other. Generally, the distance is about 10 light minutes. If we use solid ammunition, it is difficult to guarantee the hit.

In the third step, the warships of the two sides open the protective cover, and then close to each other while the main guns fire. At the beginning, they can avoid the distance. When the distance is close, they will carry it hard, and then they will beat the other side's shield first.

Part four. Once the shield of the other side is punctured, fighters and missiles that have been waiting outside the battlefield will swarm on, and then the missiles will open and the fighters will follow. The missiles here are not entirely missiles. They are also mixed with shield generators, which are used to resist the interception of small weapons of the other side and protect the fighters behind. As soon as they get closer, the planes and missiles will destroy each other's reflectors. At the same time, the large caliber solid ammunition weapons on the warships of both sides will also start to attack, but generally it will only start when the distance is narrowed to less than 100000 km.Step five. Once the other side's reflector is destroyed, the fighter will leave immediately, and the main gun of the large warship will go up to finish the final strike.

In the whole process, there are also air battles between fighters, and there are some destroyers, frigates and gunboats, whose task is to protect their own fighters and intercept the other's fighters. This is the space war that creators and pilgrims often experience.

For this reason, a fleet must have enough small warships and fighters, and these little things don't have enough space to load the transition protectors. Therefore, once the transition is needed, these little guys need to be put into the belly of the leading ship, and then the protection devices of the large flying ship will protect these little guys.

That's what the extra large space inside Atlantis does, and that's why we've found so many repair parts in Atlantis, the fourth district. Because Atlantis is a warship similar to a mobile dock, it needs to provide berths and various logistics services for small warships.

"According to you, Atlantis should be a very powerful warship. And this kind of warship will certainly not act alone when it goes out. Is it true that this kind of warship has been beaten down? " I asked.

The sister said, "I'm not completely clear about the details. What I know is that when we were transferred to Atlantis, the construction of Atlantis was just a few days ago. At that time, Atlantis was urgently replenished with some supplies, and then temporarily recruited from us. When I boarded the ship, I saw a lot of warships converging to Atlantis, as if to form a new fleet, but the number was obviously not up to the standard of the Hexi fleet. "

"In other words, Atlantis is out of port in an emergency and not equipped with a full fleet?" I asked.

My sister nodded. "Yes. Atlantis ran out of the port in a hurry, and then made a leap. But I don't know where it jumped. Anyway, it started fighting. Many warships in the fleet were destroyed. Because of the position of the transition, Atlantis was directly in the center of the battlefield when it appeared, so there was no time for the release war Fighter planes and small warships, and finally the captain ordered that they should not be released at all. In any case, small planes out at that time are also living targets. "

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