Starting from Zero

Chapter 3360

Looking at the tangled night moon and the three fighting machines, I didn't intend to help at all, because our task was not to eliminate these people, but to find the Japanese Prime Minister. So I said hello to the night moon in the heart network and flew directly from the top.

Hearing the roar of thrusters, one of the motorcycle powered armor looked up and then suddenly turned away from the regiment. The guy started to run with me, then when he got up, he jumped forward, his hands closed in front of him, the two wheels moved to the front of his arms, and the wheels behind his feet were also put down at the same time. This guy turned into a motorcycle with some strange shape in an instant, and the speed was improved so fast that he could barely keep up with my speed on the ground. Of course, this is mainly because I am looking for the direction of the armored car, so the speed is not raised, otherwise, even if it is fast, it will not be able to catch up with my wings.

Although I saw the tail behind, I didn't care, but I was wholeheartedly searching for the direction of the armored vehicle.

It's strange. I have a very wide view in the sky, but I can't see the position of the armored vehicle at all, that is to say, it's gone. The speed of this thing is absolutely impossible to disappear in such a short time, so it must be hidden.

It was obviously not appropriate to use perspective scanning on such a large scale, so I landed directly on the ground. From where I can confirm that the other party must pass by, I will start the electronic sniffer and switch the tracking mode to odor tracking.

Because the time is not long, so I can clearly capture the smell information nearby. The armored vehicle of the other party uses very advanced tires. The rubber of this kind of tire is completely different from that of the civil vehicle, but the speed of the other party is very fast just now. At high speed, the tire will heat up, which will lead to increased wear, so the ground left a very clear, that kind of special rubber smell. This smell is completely different from the tire smell of civil vehicles. I can accurately find the movement track of the other party according to the smell.

It took only five seconds to determine the direction of the target's movement. Then I lifted my right leg and gently swung it. Two rows of small auxiliary wheels bounced out of my feet, and then I got the auxiliary wheels out of my left foot. Then I moved on the ground at a high speed like I stepped on roller skating, tracking the smell and moving forward.

Although my ability to trace the smell is very strong, the speed is still not fast in this case, but the motorcycle power armor behind is not the same. The speed of the other party is very fast. Four all electric wheels make this guy's speed as high as 300 kilometers per hour, and it's still the speed of running around the street.

This guy's current shape is actually like that of a man supporting the ground with all his limbs. His hands and feet have wheels. Because his limbs can move, he can use gravity to counter centripetal force by leaning his body like a motorcycle when turning. Because the motorcycle power armor has four wheels, so the friction coefficient is far It's bigger than a motorcycle, which makes it very maneuverable. Even if the speed is as high as 300 kilometers per hour, it can still shuttle back and forth in the traffic flow without fear of hitting other vehicles.

The speed advantage made this guy catch up with me very quickly, but when he caught up, I certainly found it close.

When I was sliding, I suddenly turned around and looked back at the guy behind me. Then I turned straight and turned into a backward sliding state. Raise your right arm and aim at the motorcycle power armor, then move your wrist. A small launcher was opened, the launcher flipped, and a small missile was placed on the launcher. Then my finger moved and the missile flew out with a whoosh.

The small missile came head-on, but the guy made a very difficult move when he was about to be hit. He even kicked his hind legs on the ground fiercely, and the whole person turned forward. After a somersault in the air, he landed again. The missile had been let by him directly.

The missed missile suddenly turned a corner and tried to re lock its target. As a result, because the road was too narrow, it directly plunged into the roadside bin. With a bang, the whole dustbin went up to the sky.

Looking at the fast-moving motorcycle powered armor, I didn't continue to fire missiles. Instead, my multi-functional backpack suddenly began to deform and rose from my shoulder.

The motorcycle power armor on the opposite side saw what was rising on my shoulder, so I made a quick turn and slipped into the side lane because I was carrying two multi barrel machine guns on my shoulder.

The barrage of dense firing by four rapid fire mechanism guns may not be able to rush past even if it is a missile. What's more, it is just a motorcycle.

After scaring the guy away, I didn't go to the multi tube. I turned to get out of this place and continue to pursue the enemy. But as soon as I turned around, I felt a car coming from the side.

Although I was attacking that guy just now, my detector is on, so I know the situation very well. That's why I can slide backwards and shoot back without hitting other vehicles and obstacles on the road. But what I didn't expect was that there was a car crashing into it.

I'm carrying four multi barrel guns on my shoulder, and just a few seconds ago, I fired a missile and blew up a garbage can. Even the blind know that my clothes are not Cosplay clothes. In this case, the surrounding vehicles are very wise. Seeing me, they take the initiative to let them go to the side of the road. Some cars turn in a hurry and try to stay away from my neighborhood. But instead of dodging, the car came at full speed.Because it was so sudden, I didn't think that the other side would take the initiative to bump into it, so the reaction was a little late. When I heard a bang, the car stopped in an instant, and all the airbags in the car popped out. However, I was turned back by the impact force and fell to the ground and rolled a punch to recover my balance. This is that I wear power armor, if ordinary people are hit, they will fly out in an instant. However, because my power armor also has two and a half tons, plus the current external power armor, its own weight is quite large, so I just turned over and stopped.

My son of a bitch is still our own products of Longyuan Group, and it is a high-end goods - fury.

This car is actually a combination of SUV and pickup truck. It is super large and looks like an enlarged version of SUV. However, the interior is very luxurious. It belongs to the top family car. It is suitable for all kinds of roads. Especially, the interior space is large enough to move. When the back seat is down, it's no problem to have a double mattress in.

Unfortunately for me, this is a huge car. If the Japanese own small beans, I will never be hit. After all, Japanese cars rarely have more than a ton and a half. Light weight means that inertia is very small, and of course I won't turn over. However, the fury is known as a big Mac. It weighs two and a half tons, and its chassis is very solid. It is a bulldozer to run. Thanks to this is a standard model, because this car actually has the top equipped with bulletproof model, which is basically a light armored vehicle.

Although I was knocked over a big somersault, the car was no better. No matter how strong it is, this is also a civil model. Although our heavy-duty vehicles in Longyuan have solid materials, my body is made of armored materials, which can not be compared with the structure of civil vehicles. I was knocked over a somersault, but the front of the car was sunken. It looked like the engine and gearbox were all over.

I stood up unsteadily on my side. I didn't come and made any response. I saw the car door open by itself. Sure enough, the safety factor of our Longyuan car is very high. It's all like this. The driver didn't do anything. He just looked at his feet.

From the driver's seat is not a fighter, obviously this is not the enemy's interference personnel, but ordinary people, this should be a simple traffic accident. But I was a little surprised that the driver was a woman, and she was a very small girl who was only 1.58 meters tall.

On the contrary, there is a giant man who is at least 1.9 meters tall under the co driver's seat, while there are three people coming down in the back seat. One of them looked like a gangster with a black leather jacket on his upper body, but there was nothing inside. He had a pair of trousers big enough to fit two pigs into his lower body. Obviously, I was a man of earth. I almost thought I had met zenith man with rainbow colored hair.

The two women who follow this guy are both women, with the same style as this one, but with a little convergence, they belong to the very normal Tai Mei dress up. Super smoky make-up, together with fake eyelashes, nose rings and a line of earrings, is absolutely non mainstream. If you look carefully, you can find that the word "Jidao" is pasted on the front of the car. Although it has been flattened, it can be barely recognized.

The girl in the car was dressed up normally. She was in sportswear. She looked sunny, but she was a little bit 250. After getting out of the car, he even came over and pointed at me and scolded: "you want to die! It's OK to stand in the middle of the road and wait for people to bump into it? If you want to die, jump you Liangshan. Don't get in the way here. How do you want to die when you crash our car like this? Don't think you're a military man. I'm afraid of you. Do you know who I am? I'll tell you that I'm... "

I didn't finish my words because the motorcycle powered armor came out of the alley and fired a missile at me on the way. My left hand is forward and the electromagnetic barrier is unfolded. With a bang, a flame exploded in my palm, and then it was bundled into an orange ball by the electromagnetic force field, which was thrown into the sky by me, without any impact damage to the surrounding area. However, the 250 girl was still scared and sat on the ground.

I don't have air traffic control now. What's her reaction! The machine gun on the shoulder began to rotate. With a roar, the red metal jet ejected out. The motorcycle power armor on the opposite side was in a hurry to avoid it. However, I still made a few holes in my body, but it seemed that there was no response. I didn't know whether the other side resisted to let me find out whether I was injured or not.

Two steps forward, looking at the motorcycle powered armor hiding in the alley, the machine gun behind me folded again and the missile launcher unfolded. With a bang, a missile ignited into the air, then jumped up to 100 meters, then turned around and dived down.

The motor powered armor below found a missile coming down from overhead and rushed out of the hiding alley. Seeing that the other side finally came out, the machine gun hanging on my right side immediately began to roar. The sound of tearing cloth sounded continuously. The motorcycle power armor on the opposite side was shot continuously. After being hit with many holes, the missile landed and blew up one of the guy's rear wheels. However, it seems that it can run on three wheels, and even if there are no wheels, it can walk on legs.

The motorcycle power armor on the opposite side hid behind a car on the side of the road immediately after being wounded, and then put out a hand to shoot at me. Unfortunately, the.50 caliber ammunition used by the other side has no effect on my heavy power armor. Except for the sparks splashing on me, I can only hear a sound.The machine gun in my right hand continued to roar. A small missile flew out of the back of my shoulder, smashing his hiding car completely and throwing the guy out of the back of the car.

Looking at the motorcycle powered armor rolling out under the power of the shock wave, the electromagnetic railgun behind me flipped out and locked in the target. As soon as the opponent gets his balance and gets up from the ground, he finds himself beaten. Then he hears the sound of air tearing, and then the guy falls unconscious. There was a fist sized hole in his chest, from the front to the back.

I stood there and looked at the motorcycle powered armor over there. The electromagnetic railgun behind me folded and retracted the multi-purpose weapon backpack. Then I turned to look at the 250 girls sitting on the ground. No words, spread out the wings, the thruster ignited, ready to take off again. However, at this time, the 250 girl who had already been scared to sit on the ground suddenly broke out. She suddenly got up from the ground, and then rushed to embrace one of my legs. Her mouth was still shouting: "do you want to run when you crash my car? We'll lose money first. "

The big man and the three non mainstream people all have constipation on their faces. Obviously, even their own people can't fully understand this girl's behavior. Otherwise, how to say that she is two hundred and fifty. People with normal thinking can't understand it.

Looking at the 250 holding my thigh, I deliberately lowered the frequency of the sound from the external loudspeaker. "Let go."

"No, you crashed my car. You can't leave without paying. My reputation as the seventh sister of Baima road... "

Before she finished her words, she turned into a scream, because I didn't care what she was going to say. With her legs together, the thruster power increased, and the whole person jumped up like a rocket.

In fact, I was also a little surprised. I thought she would let go when I was flying. Who knows that two hundred and fifty is really two hundred and fifty. She is still holding her hand and is taken to the sky by me all the way. But now that I'm up, I'm too lazy to go on. I am now performing business that concerns many people. Even if she died, no one would bother me. At least people who can influence me won't bother me, so I just ignore her.

Although there was a person hanging, I was still very fast. After more than ten seconds, I came to the front of a building and fell down. I've released dozens of small detectors in the middle of the fight, and I finally found the car. Sure enough, the other side has a stronghold here. The car is not running away, but hiding. I said it was impossible for the other party to get out of my investigation in such a short time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!