Starting from Zero

Chapter 251

After a busy day, everyone was a little overwhelmed. I asked them to go offline in advance. I'll stay by myself and wait for 12 o'clock! Of course, I can't stand there and wait. I'll take advantage of this time to have a good chat with the commander of the acting army, mainly to ask about the way out! I'm rather disappointed to release the news from the head of the army! There's one more way to get out of nylan than to get out of town! Now a detailed question to know that it is not as simple as I think! Death mountain indeed has many exits, but only three of these roads are relatively spacious, suitable for large troops to pass through, and the others are very narrow! And besides the one we took when we came in, the other two roads all lead to other countries! One of the two roads can be directly inserted into Switzerland, while the other is dozens of kilometers long, leading to France! If I give up the way I came here, I can bypass the city of nyland. But what do I do when I enter those two countries? Switzerland and any other country are very friendly, but it is a land locked country, should I bring millions of troops to Switzerland to climb mountains? France is worse! Although France has a long coastline, the French and the Germans are deadly enemies. The French saw the last time the iron Crusade fleet took us to Germany. This time, our sudden appearance in France will surely arouse suspicion. It will be even worse if we do business with France! I'm not afraid of the French! Anyway, I have millions of troops with me. Although most of them are low-level skeletons, there are nearly 300000 regular troops. These 800 or 900 level troops are certainly one-sided against players, and there is no possibility of a large number of casualties. My main concern is the future. We haven't really had a conflict with the French players. The players in the two countries are still neutral with each other. The French people's reaction to us is not good because we are walking together with their enemy Germany! If we don't have any friction with French players during our trip to Europe and give them some benefits later, it will be easy to restore the relationship between the two players. So far, the iron Crusaders have shown great enthusiasm and kindness to us. But as the saying goes, we can't do harm to people, and we can't do without them! The relationship on the European side can't be hanged on this tree in Germany. If France is brought in, we can find a way out for ourselves! If we rely solely on the iron Crusaders, in case they do something bad behind their backs, our future European operations will become quite troublesome. Therefore, the French are still angry this time. We'd better not provoke them. As for those paths, one is closer to Austria, the other is farther to Italy, and the other is to Slovenia. There is no second way to Germany! Both sides can't go, that is to say, we have to go back the same way! The problem is that nyland city of the women's Federation is still blocked there. I really don't want to give them the tower! Release "master!" Ling came over and patted me on the shoulder. "It's past midnight!" Post "Oh! I see! " I got up and went to the treasure storage next to me. Open the space door and put it next to the treasure. Then he turned to Ling and said, "all move in. Don't let the four dragons know. Just ask the dark steed to help you." Release "don't worry, master!" Ling turned around and ran to ask for help. When I came to the four dragons, they were still playing with the treasures they had collected. When they saw me coming, they quickly collected the things and turned to run! "All four of you come to me!" Four dragons ready to escape action in the air freeze! "Come here, don't dawdle!" Four dragons came to me in an instant. "What do you want from your master?" Post "did you four pick up a lot of things in the morning?" After hearing what I said, the four dragons were obviously shaking. "A little, a little!" The four dragons all shake their heads desperately and are modest there. I have two news for you, one good and one bad. Which one do you want to hear first Post "bad!" Luck came out first. The other three dragons didn't object to the release. I then said, "OK! Bad news first! The bad news is that I need to check your treasure and maybe take back some of it! " Before the four dragons began to complain, I immediately said, "the good news is that I have a large number of treasures to give to you. The quantity is definitely more than what you have collected!" The expression of the four dragons keeps changing as I speak. When I was called together, it was cloudy. When I heard the bad news, it turned to heavy rain immediately. But as soon as the good news came out, the heavy rain gradually stopped and turned into sunny! Four misers! Finally, under my coercion and inducement, the four dragons obediently handed over all the treasures of the whole body. I took a look at them one by one, and found that there were quite a lot of things. As long as they were equipped, they would be confiscated! However, the dragons did not object to it. On the contrary, they enthusiastically hoped that I would take more. The reason is that I promised them how much they would take now and return them ten times when they went back! It's almost daybreak after publishing things, and it's time to go offline for a meal. It's time to get back online. Post "are we ready to go?" Rose asked me as she counted the troops. Release "yes, but some things need to be decided first!" Post "what's up?" I called all of you together and said, "last night I talked to the NPC leaders here. Not only did death mountain not have one entrance as we thought at first, but there were many entrances!" Post "that's not the right time. We can get out of nyland and get out of here!" But the problem is that the other channels are all connected to different countries. This is the connection point of many countries "To which countries?" she asked Some paths are not suitable for so many of us to pass through, mainly the two roads mentioned yesterday. One of them goes to Switzerland and the other to France. " "Switzerland has no coastline, so it's useless to go in. If you go to France, it's better to rush into nyland. We'd better go back the same way." Release "I agree with Sumei's view!" Rose nodded. Post "I agree!" Heartless and big pot rice cry at the same time. Now that more than half of the "post" has been released, there is no need to take a stand! Let's turn around and go back! " In the end we feel like turning around! The way back from the release is much easier, mainly because there is no phantom interference. Nilan soon arrived, far away to see a stream of black smoke rising from the city! This is the inevitable result of industrialization, big industry brings high pollution! Walking along, the poison man suddenly found out that the situation was wrong. "Boss, it doesn't seem that the factory is smoking in front of me!" If it's too big, it looks like a factory burning Post "is nylan under attack?" He shook his head and said, "isn't Nilan the world's number one defensive force? Who beat them so foolishly? Besides, it's all girls who can't do it! oh dear! What are you doing beating me for Release "stop it! You walk slowly in the back. I'll see what's going on first! " Post "I'm going too!" The people behind cried almost at the same time. I took Su Mei from Xiuluo purple clothes. "I'll just take the negotiator." After getting my instructions, night shadow no longer takes a slow walk, raises its hooves and starts running! The two of us soon arrived next to Niland. This is still the back of the city. There is no one around. Many large mining tools are still running on their own, but there is no one. Obviously, we are running in a hurry! Release_______________________________________________________________ Release! Ooh! Boom! Something landed next to me with the wind, and then suddenly exploded. I quickly put Sumei in my arms, and the shock wave lifted the night shadow with me for dozens of meters. We flew into an unknown house and felt as if we had broken something. The roof suddenly collapsed and buried us alive! At this time, the wall on the other side of Nilan is in full swing. The female soldier, who is their president, is now running around the wall to command the battle! Outside the city is a huge army, a large army with tens of thousands of people. These troops are constantly rushing to the city wall. Behind the troops, hundreds of giant stone throwing machines are carrying out continuous attacks on the city with the cooperation of nearly a thousand guns. Obviously, the shells of these cannons fell beside me just now! Release countless shells flying over the city wall, the players under the city are also constantly turning into corpses and falling under the wall, but the war is more and more fierce! Release and come back to me. Suddenly an arm came out of the rubble and the tiles slid to both sides, and I got up from the rubble. "Sumei? Where are you? " Post "here! Pooh! Pooh! oh dear! I'm full of dirt Su Mei's voice came from a pile of rubble nearby! Post "don't worry, I'll get you out of here right away!" Quickly ran over, three or two of the above rubble are thrown aside, Su Mei finally climbed out of the rubble. I helped her pat the soil on her body. "Are you all right?" Release "good return! Eh? Where is the night shadow? " Release "night shadow?" I just remembered that the night shadow was gone! Look around. A pile of rubble not far from me suddenly exploded, and the night shadow stood up from inside. Release "OK, it's all right!" Sumei pointed to other buildings near us: "it seems that there is a real war!" Post "see it!" Post "let's go ahead and have a look?" Post "OK!" The release took Sumei to move to the front of the city. Along the way, there were piles of collapsed rubble and burning buildings. The whole city has basically turned into ruins. It looks like London during World War II in the documentary. There are ruins everywhere! Before the release reached the front wall of the city, the two of us had been forced to dismount. Yeying was sent to the rear of the city to wait for the troops behind to stop them from moving forward. I went on with Sumei. Because shells and other messy things kept falling around us, I had to hold the shield on top of my head to walk, so as to protect us from being blasted by shells, or at least to resist the flying shrapnel! It was not easy to release. I found that there was already a mess under the wall. All kinds of strange weapons on the wall were shooting at the outside. Many people were pushing a thing like a millstone. I don't know what it is for! Seeing us coming, although many players were staring at us strangely, they didn't stop, and the battle continued. Time did not allow them to stay. I recognized the female soldier on the top of the city wall at a glance. Her armor is strange. It's an asymmetric design with shoulder protection on one side! The two of us climbed up the wall and walked directly to the female soldier. She saw us with sharp eyes. I saw that she noticed us and ran quickly, but just half way, I suddenly felt wrong! Mercury suddenly appeared on my left side to form a shield, and then there was a bang. The shield smashed and I flew out, but there was no blood loss! The shock wave lifted me directly from the city wall into the city. Fortunately, a mercury shield blocked me! I flew up from under the city wall again, which scared the female soldiers. She never saw anyone who was hit directly by a shell and could not get hurt! I didn't care whether she was surprised or not, and went directly with Sumei. "We are back! What's the matter with you? " Release "eh? oh You can see that there are people attacking the city! " Is there a lot of people in the tree? What guild? " "Release" is not guild, but guild alliance, a total of 7 guilds! Can there be so many people in one guild alone? " Release "looks like you're in a tight situation!" Post "I want you to say it!" Post "can I help you?" You won't help us for free, will you Post "of course!" I'm not a philanthropist! "If I help you wipe out the enemy, don't ask me for that tower again!" Post "no need for your help! We can defend ourselves. At most, we will lose a lot! " The woman soldier said very angry, it seems that she knew that the defense was very difficult, and she was not willing to exchange the tower! If you want to hold on, I have no way. "All right! Take your time! My army is behind the city. I'm here to watch you fight. If you have any idea, you can call me at any time After that, I asked Sumei to run back to the back of the city for the army to prepare. I went to the corner of the wall to see how they fought! It's true that the release of the war situation, as I thought, soon began to have problems. At the beginning, the two sides still had contact with each other, but since the other side's shell destroyed the big millstone under the wall, the blue barrier in front of the wall suddenly disappeared. Without that thing, the enemy's infantry immediately began to climb the city wall, and a few air forces of the other side also began to attack the city, the enemy was sent into the city! It's not bad to release a defeat like a mountain! The players brought into the city by the air force immediately began to attack the city wall in reverse, which was completely disordered. The female league players on the wall obviously had low combat effectiveness. Soon those giant defense weapons stopped shooting because their drivers were being attacked by the enemy! I saw that the female soldiers also joined the attack and defense of the city head. Her combat effectiveness is obviously good. The players outside can't do anything about her, but she alone can't defend the city wall! Release to see the city wall of women's league players are less and less, female soldiers were surrounded by multiple players. She used her sword to block an enemy's attack in front of her, but more weapons were sent up. Seven or eight swords were pressed on her own sword. After all, she was a girl, and her strength was still poor. She was pushed back step by step by these people! It's time for me to do business! He put his hands around a horn and called to her, "can I help you?" She took a hard look at me, then turned her head and suddenly pushed those swords away. What a brute force! The player who was pushed back one after another, she followed the trend and ended up with an enemy, but the others immediately went up and forced her back again! The big bang of the release, the gate finally became a pile of powder, a large number of players rushed in from the gate, watching the city will not be able to defend! Post "ah!" The female soldier was kicked by others and flew up, and fell heavily beside me. I didn't help her, but I bent over and looked at her: "do you need any help? Price discount She looked up at me with reluctant eyes, then looked at the burning city and the girls being chased. The enemy in front of the city wall rushed up again. The female soldier was no longer able to fight. As long as those people got here, she would be killed immediately. I could see that she was shaking, but the people in front of her had already arrived, and she didn't seem to think for long. Suddenly she called out. "Help us!" Release a long gun suddenly across the air, blocking these seven people in front of her, and this gun of course is my magic dragon gun! "No problem to help you, but the price has changed a little!" Post "you Release "just now the war situation is different, my help is not very urgent, now you are defeated, the situation is not the same! I don't ask too much. I'll help you if you give me some benefits! " Post "I I...! " She has not yet said that the release, the seven people quit first, one of them first asked: "which guild do you belong to?" Post "don't argue!" Post "this guy is not from our guild!" A guy nearby suddenly called out. "There are men in the women's Federation!" another person called This is why I didn't fight people after standing on the battlefield for such a long time. The guild outside the city attack all know that the women's Federation is all female players. I am a man standing here, they all think they are their own people. As for the players of the women's League, they are defensive. As long as I don't move, they will not take the initiative to attack. Moreover, most of them see us crossing City situation, so many people have seen me! Now they found out that I was not from the siege side in close combat. Several people were ready to attack me immediately! Release "split!" I was in a flash, and the two bodies appeared immediately. "Stop them for me!" Release "small dish!" The soldier grinned, revealing a row of tusks. "Come on! The game begins Chih! Seven people were cut off without any response! Post "have you considered it?" I can concentrate on the negotiation. Release "if you help us defend successfully, I am willing to merge guild into your guild!" The wreck of a soldier's boat. I was shocked to publish this answer! Originally, I was going to make more benefits, but I didn't expect that she wanted the whole guild and come in! "Are you right? Being captured means that the guild is disbanded. What's the difference between joining the guild and being captured? " Release "has difference! Our guild just hopes to get a relatively stable research environment, but our combat effectiveness is too low. If we can join the large guild like you, there will be no such problems. In addition, our guild has a lot of research results, and after entering your guild, these things can continue to be studied, but if they are captured, half of these things will automatically disappear, and the rest will be carved up by others, and we will get nothing! " Release "I see! ok A deal I pulled her up and contacted rose in private. "The whole army is attacking!" Post "understand!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!